IMAACA 2012 Proceeding

Generalized controlled switched bond graph structures with applications to abrupt fault modeling

Authors:   Matías Nacusse, Sergio Junco


This paper presents two controlled switched Bond Graph structures with fixed causality. The first is the Switchable Structured Bond, an interconnection struc- ture extending the idea of switchable bonds that can represent all commutation modes between two sub- systems. The second is called Generalized Switched Junction Structure and can represent all the interconnec- tions enforced by commutations involving bond graph elements around standard 0- and 1-junctions. Both structures, defined with fixed causality for modeling and simulation purposes, can be internally represented with standard bond graph elements. To keep fixed the causality assignment even under switching, some alge- braic constraints are added to the equation set of the switched structures, which in the Bond Graph domain can be represented with residual sinks. Both structures preserve causality under ideal (zero transition time) switching. Adding parasitic components as an alter- native, non-ideal, approximate approach to switching can also be accomplished with the second structure just performing a minor modification on its internal implementation with basic bond graph components.

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