IWISH 2012 Proceeding

Simulations of uterine electrical activity using parallel computing

Authors:   Tanguy Hedrich, Jeremy Laforet, Catherine Marque


The uterine electrical activity can be realistically modeled by representing the principal ionic dynamics at the cell level, the propagation of electric activity at the tissue level. A simplified model based on the physiology was already presented (Laforet 2011). We were able to simulate 0-dimension to 2.5-dimension grids of muscle cells. In this study, we implemented this model as an easy-to-use software using oriented-object python, under an open-source license. We developed a parallel integration based on shared memory by using python standard libraries to improve the computational effectiveness of the simulations. The execution times of parallel computed simulations are up to 25 times less than the serial integration. We observe an effect of the size and the dimension of the grid on the computation time per cell. Thanks to this improved computation time, further studies will provide bigger and more realistic simulations in a reason- able time.

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