MAS 2009 Proceeding

Industrial workstations design: a real case study

Authors:   Antonio Cimino, Francesco Longo, Giovanni Mirabelli,Enrico Papoff


The research work advances the effective design of the most critical workstations belonging to a real industrial plant; to this end, the authors propose an approach based on the integration of Modeling & Simulation tools, several ergonomic standards and the most known work measurement tools. The Modeling and simulation tools allow to implement a three-dimensional environment capable of recreating, with satisfactory accuracy, the evolution over the time of the real workstations. The ergonomic standards consent to evaluate the ergonomic risks level within the system being considered. The work measurement tools permit to calculate the time required for performing all the workstations operations. The effective design of the workstations is achieved by using the simulation model for comparing workstations? alternative configurations. The comparison is based on ergonomic and time indexes related to the ergonomic standards and the work measurement tools. Such comparison allows to choose the workstations final configurations.

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