MAS 2009 Proceeding

Retail stores modeling: comparison between simulation and virtual reality approaches

Authors:   Francesco Longo, Marina Massei, Enrico Papoff, Sabrina Rondinelli


In large scale retail supply chain, stores are quite complex systems involving different actors (i.e. managers, customers, distribution centers, suppliers, etc.), each one with specific needs and problems (i.e. store layout, products assortment and inventory management, shelves display policies, marketing and promotional activities, customers? satisfaction, etc.). In this research work the authors describe the development of two architectures for virtual retail stores based on the integration of simulation and three-dimensional virtual environments. The first architecture simulates the evolution over the time of a real store and provides the user with different functionalities (including a 3D visualization). The second architecture, based on the X3D standard (an evolution of VRML), prevalently supports the online commerce in a 3D virtual environment. The paper presents and compares both the architectures, highlighting the main functionalities, differences, advantages, disadvantages and potentialities.

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