MAS 2011 Proceeding

Distributed M&S for Product Service System

Authors:   Thecle Alix, Greg Zacharewicz


A challenge for many companies is to propose product service systems to foster customer loyalty and gain a competitive advantage. The objective can be reached under the condition that systems are designed regarding their usage to avoid waste and to increase the system provider profitability. Furthermore, services must be developed jointly with products to benefit from syner- gies between them and to reduce resource consumption. Even if these conditions of success are known, the way to do is not formalized and guided by a clear methodol- ogy. This paper proposes a service model in toys indus- try to be simulated with different service scenario be- fore development to validate and satisfy both provider and client. A service-based modeling environment for service specification and simulation under distributed G-DEVS/HLA is presented. The interoperability re- quired for simulation viability is addressed by comply- ing with the distributed simulation standard HLA.

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