MAS 2012 Proceeding

Models & interactive simulation for civil military interoperabiltiy in humanitarian aid and civil protection

Authors:   Agostino G. Bruzzone, Alberto Tremori, Francesco Longo, Michele Turi, Giulio Franzinetti


Modelling and Simulation based on innovative approaches and solutions could support training as well operational planning in humanitarian crisis management. Armed Forces could provide great expertise in Crisis Management to Civil Protection Agencies and, at the same time, need to be trained themselves to interoperate with civil organization in Humanitarian Support Operations. This paper describes on going researches devoted to develop innovative interoperable simulation models to enhance current capabilities in this field. Authors are focusing in particular on agent based simulation, human behavioral models and interoperability among different simulators to recreate complex crisis scenarios where the population represents the main critical target of any kind of Civil Protection operations. A specific attention is devoted to analyze simulation computational workload issues.

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