MAS 2014 Proceeding

Agent-based modelling to analyse the impact of work status on childbirth: a case study of korea

Authors:   Mazhar Sajjad, Chang Won Ahn


To maintain a desirable fertility level for each country population is the top priority. It is very well known that fertility has been steadily declined to a remarkably lower level in Korea. This study explores the relationship between women?s work status patterns and fertility in the women?s socio-economic context of South Korea. In this paper, our model applying combined micro-simulation and agent-based model (ABM) to investigate the economic influence by using agent?s work status i.e. employment and education and its feedback on childbirth decision. This model appears to be a good approximation in describing the childbirth decision based on women?s work status. The result shows that women without employment have more probability to go for childbirth than women having part or full time employment. Among employment women having full-time employment are more likely to become mothers than the part-time. Our study suggests that work status play an important role in childbirth transition in Korea.

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