MAS 2016 Proceeding

A simulation model to evaluate the laundry order scheduling and effect of disruptive events in industrial laundries

Authors:   S.Arndt, M.Hüppler, C.Gehrs, A.Brandau


Flexibility with respect to response to the customer requests as well as an optimized resource consumption and associated cost savings hold a potential to increase the competitiveness of laundries. Consequently, it is essential for them to operate quick, reliable and cost effective. Simulation analyses are a suitable method to illustrate laundries processes, to evaluate different laundry order scheduling strategies, to identify the effects of errors in the operations and to improve the sequences within commercial industrial laundries. In this paper we describe two developed discrete-event simulation models for characterizing logistical processes in laundries. The results showed an increased lead time by using a random arrangement of the laundry order. The FCFS (First Come First Serve) as well as the EDD rule (Earliest Due Date) are qualified to schedule and optimize the order. Furthermore, a simulation study has shown that urgent jobs have a most influence on the lead time of the textiles.

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