SESDE 2014 Proceeding

Simulation of an isolated wind hydro system

Authors:   Rafael Sebastián, Jerónimo Quesada


In this paper it is presented the modeling and the dynamic simulation of a Wind Hydro isolated Power System (WHPS) consisting of a Hydraulic Turbine Generator (HTG), a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG), the consumer Load and a Dump Load. The models of the hydraulic turbine along with its penstock and the wind turbine are presented. The Synchronous Machine of the HTG provides the isolated system voltage waveforms so the HTG must be always running. The used hydraulic turbine speed governor is isochronous so that the isolated system frequency will be kept in its rated value. The WTG provides active power to the isolated system when enough wind is available and its induction generator consumes reactive power. The WHPS is simulated for a positive load step and a positive wind speed step and graphs for the main system variables system frequency and voltage and active powers of each component of the WHPS are presented. The simulations show how the WTG induction generator increases the system stability.

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