WAMS 2012 Proceeding

PULSAR - decision system for integrated ship coordination

Authors:   F. Perra, G. Bertolotto, G. Ferraris, L. Sebastiani, S. Poggi, L. Barbucci, A.G. Bruzzone, A. Tremori


Currently operational scenarios in which naval units are requested to operate reinforce the need to investigate new methods of synthesis of information, available from onboard sensors, to support the choices of the command team responsible for managing the ship, both during the mission planning phase (forecast) that in critical operational situations. In the frame of the research activities financed by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research), an innovative decision system for integrated ship coordination (PULSAR) has been presented by an Italian industry consortium (ORIZZONTE SISTEMI NAVALI, FINCANTIERI, SELEX-SI, SEASTEMA, IBR S.r.l., MAST S.r.l.) and University of Genoa (DYNATECH, DISFOR, DIME, DIBRIS, ISME e DICAT) to DLTM (Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine) receiving full approval. In this paper the efficiency of this method to assess the likelihood of success of the proposed actions by the command team will be analyzed, taking into account the uncertainty of the boundary conditions as, likely presence of threats and efficiency of the on-board combat and platform systems.

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