WAMS 2012 Proceeding

A methodology for engaging modeling and simulation to assess a corollary problem to the obesity epidemic

Authors:   John Sokolowski, Catherine Banks, Saikou Diallo, Jose Padilla, Christopher Lynch


This paper discusses obesity as a persistent and pervasive epidemic that could easily outpace the medical community?s ability to treat its broadening ill-effects. The current approaches to mitigating the epidemic are aimed at changing patient behavior, which is lengthy in duration and dependent upon numerous actors. This paper reframes the problem and medical challenges of caring for this increasing population by juxtaposing patient need with the medical capacity to provide adequate care. Modeling and simulation is engaged, via agent-based modeling and system dynamics, to assess the impact of obesity on both the patient and the medical community. Conclusions are drawn from the simulations of these parallel communities that can serve to mitigate a near-future shortfall of medical providers and patient care.

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