WAMS 2012 Proceeding

UML modelling and code generation for agent-based, discrete events simulation

Authors:   Giovanni A. Cignoni, Stefano Paci


GeneSim is an open-source research project about soft-ware simulation of dynamic systems. The project fo-cuses on UML as modelling language and on automated tools to generate the simulator from the UML model. This paper presents an implementation of this approach applied to Agent-based Discrete Event simulation. The system to be simulated is described by a set of UML diagrams which specifies an object-oriented model of the system. From such UML model it is possible to de-rive C++ source code by applying a set of defined code generation patterns. A C++ library provides the runtime environment that, compiled and linked with the gener-ated code, results in the executable system simulator. The code generation process can be automatized: the UML diagrams are encoded in XML documents which are readable by an ad hoc compiler that uses XSLT transformations to actually generate the C++ code.keywords: UML, agent-based simulation, discrete event simulation, code generation.

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