WAMS 2012 Proceeding

Modeling and decision support system to determine when to impose seasonal load restriction (SLR)

Authors:   Scott O?Connor, Ramprasad Balasubramanian, Marguerite Zarrillo, Heather Miller, Honggang Wang


State Departments of Transportation (DOT) typically impose Seasonal Load Restrictions (SLR) by limiting travel of heavy trucks in certain roads to limit damage to the road. By applying commercial remote sensing and spatial information (CRS&SI) technology to monitor roadway surface conditions we will modify current procedures from manual collection to real time data transfer. A Decision Support System (DSS) application collects subsurface temperature data, and determines the depth of frost and thaw penetration. This assists State DOTs to control road damage by properly applying seasonal load restrictions, SLR, restricting heavy trucks for a period of time during spring thaw. The DSS will consist of a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), a data evaluation tool or SLR Interpolation (SLRI), a frost-thaw predictive model, and a centralized database storing new and historic data. Proper SLR timing minimizes road damage, maintenance costs, inconvenience to drivers, and fuel costs to the commercial vehicle industry.

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