The European Modeling and Simulation Symposium is one of the most important
Appointment in Europe. As tradition the conference focuses on Modeling & Simulation
Industry taking into consideration both applications and theoretical approaches.
The conference proposes a multi-sides perspective to Modeling & Simulation
Tracks organization is intended to cover different research macro-areas dedicated to
Industrial Engineering, Effective Design, Business, Economy and Finance, Medicine,
Methodologies, Techniques and Applications. Such framework gives to scientists,
and users the opportunity to interact, collaborate on the most challenging research
in the field of Modeling & Simulation.
After so many editions, I3M carries on with the long tradition bringing new ideas, solutions, approaches and plenty more. The EMSS Organization Committee is composed by:
It is a long tradition for I3M to provide opportunities to its Authors to extend their work for being published in International Journals; in fact as one of the most important and successful Simulation appointment, I3M 2018 includes historical conferences such us EMSS and HMS that this years will respectively celebrate the 29th and 19th years edition. Thanks to the invaluable works of the Organizing Committees, International Program Committees, Reviewers and Local Organizers, this year the I3M Multiconference is one of the biggest events of M&S worldwide. So, due to these reasons, several International Journals will publish Special Issues based on a collection of extended versions of best selected papers among those submitted to EMSS, MAS, HMS, DHSS, IWISH, SESDE, IMAACA, FoodOPS, VARE