Call for Papers

Emergency Simulation

Track at the Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007


Track Chair: Francesco Longo

Affiliation: University of Calabria,Italy



July 15-18, 2007

San Diego Marriot Mission Valley

San Diego, CA, USA


Track Description

Nowadays continuous incidents, terrorist threats, catastrophic events have strongly underlined the need to plan and organize better responses to emergency situations. 

The track offers the possibility to present scientific results and critical issues concerning emergency responses procedures using Modeling and Simulation.

Topics of interest include aspects such as:

  • Simulation and testing of emergency scenarios;
  • Personnel training trough Simulation;
  • Modeling & Simulation of human crowd behavior;
  • Modeling & Simulation of critical incidents;
  • Synthetic and Virtual Environments for emergency situations;
  • Medical emergency Simulation;
  • Police, fire emergency Simulation;
  • Emergency response Simulation.

Nevertheless different topics concerning Emergency Simulation are welcome. Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied.


Authors' Guidelines

The conference committee will accept three types of papers submitted as a PDF file to the conference website ( as listed below. Final version of all the papers MUST COMPLY with the SCS conference format. All the submitted papers will be peer reviewed with respect to their quality, originality and relevance. The authors of the accepted paper MUST register in advance for inclusion of their paper in the conference proceedings.

  1. Full manuscript: 8 pages in final conference format. In addition to publication in the conference proceedings, they will be considered for best paper award and for possible inclusion in a Special Issue of the Simulation Journal (SCS). Full papers will be published both in hard copy and CD-ROM.
  2. Work in Progress: Short papers up to 6 pages in final conference format. 
  3. Short Papers: Papers with industrial focus, military or government applications, and work-in-progress in abstract or short paper format.

Each paper must include the title, authors, affiliations, addresses, references and abstract for proper positioning in the conference. Only original papers, written in English, which have not been published previously elsewhere, will be accepted. Please indicate which conference topic is most appropriate. Notifications of acceptance status will be sent on April 15, 2007.

Please note that in case of acceptance, your final manuscript will need to be submitted electronically as a PDF file to the conference websiet by May 15, 2007 to guarantee inclusion in the conference CD and final program. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference, present their work to their peers, transfer copyright, and pay a conference registration fee at the time their camera-ready paper is submitted.

All papers will be included in the conferenceproceedings and archived in digital libraries; Full Papers will be also printed in hard copy.


Key Dates

Submissions of full papers:                                                         February 28, 2007

Notification of acceptance:                                                         April 15, 2007

Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration:     May 15, 2007