Welcome to EMSS 2025!
Dear Sir/Madam,
innovations and improvements are required to react quickly to the new trends of the global economy. Over the years, Modeling & Simulation (M&S) has proved to be one of the most effective, beneficial and successful methodologies to investigate and study complex systems belonging to various sectors/areas. Nevertheless, to take full advantage of this technology there are relevant issues that keep challenging the researchers towards even more advanced solutions and approaches where emerging and cutting-edge technologies are absorbed into. M&S is widely and successfully applied in many application domains, ranging from industry to social sciences, from logistics to military, from energy to healthcare; in this sense M&S provides a multidisciplinary perspective where theory and data from different fields can be used to build models and simulations that provide insights in to the system considered.
The 2025 European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS) will be a platform for knowledge exchange, the review and discussion of theoretical advances, research results, and industrial experiences, among scientists, researchers, decision makers, practitioners and students dealing with the topics under the umbrella of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.
Therefore, we would like to kindly invite you to take an active part in this conference and in the co-located events that will be held at Fes, Morocco on September 17-19, 2025 and explore with us the latest news, views and developments in the exciting world of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.
I3M 2025 Organization Committee

Topics & Tracks
Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied. Topics of interests include the following topics, however different ones concerning Modeling & Simulation in Industry are welcome.
- Modeling & Simulation Methodologies, Techniques and Applications
- Discrete and Combined Simulation
- Soft Computing & Simulation
- Simulation and Artificial Intelligence
- Distributed and Parallel Simulation
- Verification, Validation and Accreditation Simulation Languages
- Simulation Software and Optimization Tools
- Design of Experiment Agent Directed Simulation
- High Level Architecture
- Human Modeling and Simulation
- Real Time Modeling & Simulation
- Effective Design by Modeling & Simulation
- Modeling & Simulation in Industrial Design
- Modeling & Simulation in Product Design
- Modeling & Simulation in Multibody Systems
- Virtual Reality and Visualization
- Numerical Methods
- Modeling, Simulation and Prototyping
- Modeling & Simulation in Industrial Engineering
- Modeling & Simulation in Manufacturing
- Modeling & Simulation for the Industry Services Simulation and Scheduling
- Industrial and Processes Modeling & Simulation Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Risk and Vulnerability Management
- Modeling & Simulation in Logistics, Traffic and Transportation
- Supply Chain and Extended Enterprises Emergency Management
- Modeling & Simulation in Business, Economy, Finance and Commerce
- Simulation for Financial Planning Forecasting
- Risk Management by Modeling & Simulation
- Business Process Engineering and Simulation
- Modeling & Simulation of Economic Systems
- Simulation in Finance and Finance Services
- Simulation in Project Management
- Data Mining and ERP Systems
Co-Chairs: (a)Maria Pia Fanti, (b)Chrysostomos Stylios, (c)Walter Ukovich
Affiliation: (a)Polytechnic of Bari (Italy), (b)Technological Educational Institute of Epirus (Greece), (c)University of Trieste (Italy)
Track Description: The goal of the session is to present advanced methods and tools and recent advances in the application of simulation approaches in logistics and production service systems. In particular, the TC will encourage the application of both theoretical and technological simulation approaches in different application fields such as automated manufacturing systems, transportation systems, logistics systems and, communication and information processing.
The modern logistics systems have to face problems concerning planning and optimization, freight and people flows and the related information. The mission of logistics has great importance in manufacturing systems, firms and public organizations; as they organize the right resources to the right place at the right time, while optimizing suitable performance measures and satisfying a given set of constraints. Moreover, the increasing complexity of such systems and the availability of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) require the development of new models and lead to the definition of novel problems with respect to the related literature.
In particular, the track is organized under the auspices of the Marie Curie 7th EU Program Framework Project SAIL: “ICT System Addressed to Integrated Logistic management and decision support for intermodal port and dry port facilities, SAIL” . SAIL aims at developing an integrated ICT tool able to support logistic chain of goods flow and all business operations provided in the port and the dry port areas.
- Optimization and scheduling
- Modeling and Simulation
- Decision support system approaches
- Discrete and Hybrid approaches
- Distributed and modular approaches
Please be sure to select “Advanced Simulation for Logistics Systems” as main topic during the submission.
Co-Chairs: (a)Thomas Wiedemann, (b)Gasper Music
Affiliation: (a)HTW Dresden FB Informatik (Germany), (b)University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Track Description: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Discrete-event simulation tools
- Improved Algorithms for discrete and distributed simulation
- Automatic simulation model generation
- New simulation tools and platforms
- Simulation of variable structure models
- Applications of discrete and distributed simulation
Co-Chairs: (a)Agostino Bruzzone, (b)Peer Olaf Siebers
Affiliation: (a)DIME – University of Genoa (Italy), (b)University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Track Description: The track aims to bring together latest research and application on modelling and simulating the way persons act and react within technical systems in certain situations or under certain conditions, the role human actors play in simulation projects, and the impact human knowledge and experience have on model building and simulation output interpretation. With this, we want to provide a platform for discussion and exchange on needs, approaches, methods and tools for supporting both representation of active, intervening humans as subject of modelling and simulation, and involvement of intuitive, experienced humans as modelling and simulation knowledge stakeholders.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:- Modelling and simulation of human behaviour
- Modelling and simulation of manual operations and for staff allocation
- Modelling and simulation of human decision making in industrial applications
- Integration of human thinking and decision making into modelling and simulation – interaction and collaboration between simulation model and simulation user based upon knowledge and experience
- Human modelling and simulation to solve real-world problems focusing on human-centred technologies in every aspect of design, manufacturing, and safety
Chair: Agostino Bruzzone
Affiliation: DIME – University of Genoa (Italy)
Track Description: The track is devoted to exchange ideas about modelling methodologies and developments of industrial models, encouraging international collaborative research and demonstrations of current research in all areas of modelling and simulation in industry and their applications.
Topics of interest include aspects such as :- Energy systems
- Large scale simulation
- Manufacturing Plants and Systems
- Process Modelling
- Power Plant and process Simulators
- Systems and Process Simulation
- Decision Support Systems
- Model calibration
- HMI for industrial simulation
- Safety critical systems
Chair: Francesco Longo
Affiliation: MSC-LES, University of Calabria (Italy)
Track Description: The dynamic changing behavior of industry due to the ongoing fourth industrial revolution requires continuous research and development advances for guarantying higher competitiveness. Modeling & Simulation as well as all the other enabling technologies and methodologies (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, etc.) are growing research fields capable of supporting, as powerful decision making tool, industrial current revolution.
Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied. Topics of interests include the following tracks, nevertheless different topics concerning Modeling & Simulation in Industry are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:- Advanced Modelling Techniques of Industrial Engineering
- Modelling and Simulation to support Digital Twin of Industrial Processes
- Artificial Intelligence to support Industrial applications
- Digital Twin and Cyber Physical Systems
- Application of Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality
- Digital Manufacturing
- Additive Manufacturing
- Human Machine Interface
- System Integration
- Case Studies in Industry 4.0 and Service
- Scheduling in Industry and Service
- Control Engineering
- Engineering Economy and Cost Estimation
- Information Systems
- Manufacturing, Control and Automation
- Performance Analysis
- Quality Management
- Business and Strategy
- Product and Process Design and Management
- Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
Co-Chairs: (a)Galina Merkuryeva, (b)Ricardo Gonçalves
Affiliation: (a)Riga Technical University (Latvia), (b)Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
Track Description: The track aims to bring together innovations in research and application of modelling and simulating of the heritage buildings (HBs) and systems that may support their protection, rehabilitation and daily operation.
This track is promoted by Cost (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action ‘Innovation in Intelligent Management of HBs’. With this, we would like to provide a platform for exchange of knowledge and sharing experience in both scientific and industrial approaches, methods, software and applications of data processing, modelling and computer simulation for preventive preservation, maintenance and intelligent management of heritage. Topics of interest are as follows:- Heritage data sensing, processing and management
- Imaging and visualization of heritage
- Computer simulation of heritage (e.g. 3D modelling, crowd simulation, agent-based simulation for heritage)
- Climate impact and risk assessment for cultural heritage
- Socio-economic modeling of environment and heritage
- Modelling for interoperability in HB
- Modeling services for HBs on the cloud
- Industrial case study applications for protection and rehabilitation of HBs
Co-Chairs: (a)Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc, (b)Andreas Körner
Affiliation: (a)University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), (b)Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
Track Description: Academic courses on Modelling and Simulation are offered by many universities and simulation companies all over Europe. The concepts and contents of these courses are quite different because aims, application fields, origin of the audience, utilized tools or the course duration is various.
In this situation, it makes sense to discuss the developed concepts, compare different approaches, exchange tools and materials for education. Simulation tools can also be a great benefit for teaching in other scientific areas. The Minisymposium places emphasis on two subjects:- Mathematical modelling for education in Modelling and Simulation
- E-Learning concepts with mathematical modelling for education in Mathematics and Engineering
Co-Chairs: (a)Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc, (b)Felix Breitenecker
Affiliation: (a)University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), (b)Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
Track Description: Modelling and simulation have become a very strong tool for understanding and solving problems also in the field of physiology and medicine. In this situation, it makes sense to discuss the approaches and diversity of methods and tools which have proved to be important for learning, studying epidemiology, natural course of the diseases and effects of the treatment. In physiology, modelling approaches from natural sciences play a major role.
The session is not restricted to system simulation approaches, any other modelling approaches in this area area as Markov Modelling, Cellular Automata Modelling etc are welcome. Please be sure to select “Modelling and Simulation Approaches in and for Education” as main topic during the submission.Co-Chairs: (a)Deniz Cetinkaya, (b)Shaukat Ali
IPC Members: (c)Jianjun Zhao, (d)Robert Wille, (e)José Campos, (f)Stefan Klikovits, (g)Lei Zhang
Affiliation: (a)Bournemouth University (England), (b)Simula Research Laboratory (Norway), (c)Kyushu University (Japan), (d)Technical University of Munich (Germany), (e)Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal), (f)Johannes Kepler University (Austria), (g)University of Maryland Baltimore County (USA)
Track Description: Quantum computing exploits the principles of quantum mechanics to process information to solve problems that are too complex for classical computers. Quantum simulators play an important role in bridging the theoretical and practical aspects of quantum computing. Recent developments in quantum hardware, such as superconducting qubits and trapped ions, have facilitated the development of quantum simulators that mimic the behavior of quantum computers. This track aims to bring together latest research and applications of modelling and simulation in the field of Quantum Computing.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Modeling and simulation of quantum information
- Quantum algorithms
- Quantum simulators
- Quantum simulation of physical systems
- Quantum circuits, visualization of quantum circuits
- Execution of quantum circuits on quantum simulators
- Quantum simulation techniques
- Quantum machine learning
- Quantum optimization
- Applications of quantum computing in modeling complex systems
Please be sure to select “Modeling and Simulation in Quantum Computing” as main topic during the submission.
Co-Chairs: (a)Emilio Jimenez, (b)Juan Ignacio Latorre
Affiliation: (a)University of La Rioja (Spain), (b)Public University of Navarre (Spain)
Track Description: Petri nets (PN) as a base for modelling and simulation (M&S) constitute a combination in constant development, based on advances in computing and in the development of different artificial intelligence techniques; but this advance opens up new lines of research aimed at achieving the new opportunities that appear, demanded from both the scientific community, as a base for other issues, and from industry, as a natural way of development towards efficiency and competitiveness.
Petri nets constitute a well-known formal paradigm for modelling, simulation, analysis and optimization of the dynamic systems that can be seen as discrete, with different interpretations (autonomous, timed, stochastic, …) and abstraction levels (ordinary, generalized, coloured, …). Their double interpretation, graphic/mathematical, allows developing efficiently not only the modelling and simulation of complex concurrent discrete systems, such as production or logistic industrial systems, but also their performance analysis. Much effort has been devoted to formal analysis techniques in PN, which represent a solid theoretical basis that can be applied to industrial systems (state space exploration, model reduction, graph based techniques, mathematical programming, …). But not always these formal techniques can be applied to models in practice, and then simulation can be a powerful tool in order to improve and optimize the system. Thus, the main topic of this track is the contribution to M&S in Industry through Petri nets based modelling and simulation (at different interpretations and abstraction levels) and the knowledge and optimization of discrete event dynamic systems.- Petri nets for modelling, analysis, simulation and optimization of discrete systems
- Theory and applications of different Petri net formalisms: discrete, continuous and hybrid, coloured, stochastic,…
- Development of techniques and tools for simulation of PN systems
- Researching advances over state space exploration, continuization, hybrid systems,…
- PN in Industry and business: manufacturing systems, factory automation, transportation and logistic systems, business models, supply chains,…
- Practical experience and industrial trial: Computer tools for PN, benchmarks, tutorials, case studies,…
- Any other additional topic concerning Modelling and Simulation with Petri Nets
Track Description: The increasing competition in retailing, as well as the consumers’ awareness of products and firm prompted by current advances in new technologies push retailers to act faster decisions for achieving competitive advantages. The necessity of managing faster multiple retail channels, satisfy the diversity of demand, dynamic product assortment on shelves, etc. are emerging as critical issues for competing in both offline and online channels. Unfortunately, the success of these operations is frequently limited by consumers’ behavior (in terms of changeable needs, preferences, requests, etc.). Transaction simulation modules can be designed for predicting future behaviors and ensure dynamically adjusted solutions with the transformation of demand.
As a consequence, stores may become more appealing and more convenient in terms of time, place, offer and quality of service, while supporting managers to fast adapt their strategies.
Due to the large variety of problems and possible flexible solutions achieved by simulator, the aim of this track is to provide an integrative view of the current progresses in the field, by encompassing across different research areas such as operational studies, innovation and technology management, industrial engineering, production economics and computer science.
The track solicits original papers that contribute to our understanding of retail-oriented simulations models, in order to support retail process.
Submissions can focus on theoretical and applied research in topics including, but not limited to:
- Simulation-based analysis for retailers’ assortment
- Agent-based simulation analysis for price decisions
- Simulation models to investigate diffusion and acceptance of retailing based on ubiquitous computing
- Multi-agent based simulation for studying market responses in new retail environment (both online and offline)
- Simulation-based analysis of multichannel retailing
- Product simulations effect on purchase intentions
- Simulation models for integrating supply chain in advanced technology-based retail environment
- Case studies of simulation models in current corporate strategies for retail-oriented firms
Please be sure to select “Retail-oriented simulation” as main topic during the submission.
Co-Chairs: (a)Michael Affenzeller, (b)Witold Jacak, (c)Stefan Wagner
Affiliation: (a)(b)(c)Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Track Description: The track deals with topics concerning Soft Computing and Modeling & Simulation. Topics of interest are as follows:
- New Methods in Soft Computing
- Simulation and Data Based Soft Computing
- Data Driven Modelling
- Prediction and Prognosis
- Simulation Based Heuristic Optimization
- Machine Learning and Simulation
- Application of Simulation based Soft Computing
Co-Chairs: (a) Idalia Flores, (b) Miguel Mújica Mota, (c) Paolo Scala
Affiliation: (a)University of Mexico (Mexico), (b)Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), (c)FEDEX
Track Description: Problems in industries, services, aviation and in general supply chain management problems can be either modelled using classical optimization techniques or approaches based on simulation techniques. The former techniques have the advantage that they perform efficiently when the problems are properly defined, but they present the drawback that are generally based on some fixed parameters. Furthermore sometimes important information is lost during the abstraction process in order to fit the problem in the optimization technique; on the other hand, simulation approaches have the advantage that they possess high description levels but the optimization is generally performed taking samples of the whole possible configurations that the system can have.
In later years scientific community is concerned in developing hybrid approaches that benefit from the advantages of both paradigms in order to give good solutions to important problems in services, production processes or supply chains such as scheduling, routing problems and resource allocations among others.
Some immediate applications are in :
- Aviation Operations
- Automotive Industry
- Production in Manufacturing
- Supply Chain Management
- Hospital Services
- Transportation Services
Please be sure to select “Simulation Optimization Approaches in Industry, Aviation, Services and Transport” as main topic during the submission.
Chair: Chunming Rong
Affiliation: University of Stavanger (Norway)
Track Description: Cloud Computing is the technological “break-through” concept of this decade creating new paradigms and opportunities but what is the State of Art of a Cloud based Modelling and Simulation approach? What contribution from Cloud Computing to interoperable simulation where different models interact to create complex scenarios. What technological issues for developing simulators to run over a Cloud?
In this track we want to explore how simulation is leveraging on this new technological opportunity considering traditional application of distributed calculus for analytical simulation (i.e. Finite Element or Structural Analysis) but also for recreating complex scenarios such as for crowd and population simulation in Homeland Security and Disaster Relief Scenarios or wide frameworks in term of geography, time and number of entities involved. There is also the theme of web based simulation or Serious Games where an unpredictable number of users could log in and participate, for instance, in an on-line exercise. Topics of interest include to all the applications of M&S over a Cloud, such as:- Interoperable and Distributed Simulation
- Web Based Simulation and Serious Games
- Human Modelling
- Innovative applications of FEM, Calculus, Thermo-Fluid-Dynamics
Co-Chairs: (a)Lin Zhang, (b)Fei Tao
Affiliation: (a)(b)Beihang University (China)
Track Description: Combining the emerged advanced technologies (such as cloud computing, internet of thing, virtualization and service-oriented technologies, advanced computing technologies) and existing advanced manufacturing models and enterprise informationization technologies, a new manufacturing paradigm, cloud manufacturing (CMfg), is proposed and paid full attention by both industrial and academic communities. The workshop is devoted to exchange ideas about theories, methodologies, and technologies of cloud manufacturing, encouraging international collaborative research and demonstrations of current research in all areas of cloud manufacturing and its applications.The workshop deals with topics concerning Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg).
Topics of interest are as follows :- Architecture, models, standards and criteria for CMfg
- Intelligent perception, connection technologies and equipments for various physical manufacturing resource and capability, including hardware and software resource
- Resource virtualization and virtual resource management technologies
- Cloud service encapsulation technologies of manufacturing resource and capability, including cloud service modeling, description, deployment, and so forth
- Cloud service comprehensive management technologies, such as aggregation and classification, cost management, QoS (quality of service) management, integrated evaluation, composition, trust and reliability management, scheduling and optimal-allocation of cloud service
- CMfg task management, such as task definition, description, decomposition, evaluation, and scheduling
- Manufacturing capability and cloud service transaction process management
- CMfg user business management and ubiquitous interface development
- CMfg service platform development and management
- CMfg safety and security
- Cloud simulation
- Cloud scheduling
- High performance simulation
- Application of cloud computing in manufacturing and industry
- Big data
- Application of Internet of Things in manufacturing and industry
- 3D Printer technology
Co-Chairs: (a)Lin Zhang, (b)Bernard P. Zeigler, (c)Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto
Affiliation: (a)Beihang University (China), (b)RTSync Corp (USA), (c)Federal University of Goiás (Brazil)
Track Description: A SoS is a system with the distinction that its parts and relationships are gathered together under the forces of legacy (components bring their pre-existing constraints as extant viable systems) and emergence (it is not totally predictable what properties and behavior will emerge.) Generally a model experiences requirement analysis, model design, model construction, model verification and validation (VV&A), model application and model maintenance. These processes compose a complete lifecycle of a model. Model Engineering (ME) aims at setting up a systematic, standardized, and quantifiable engineering methodology to manage the data, knowledge, activities, processes and organizations/people involved in the full life cycle of the model, in order to obtain the general term of credible model theory, methods, technology, standards and tools with the minimum cost. Progress in model engineering for system of systems, in the simulation context has not been as pronounced, due to hard challenges such as the high complexity and long life cycle of a complex system model, the complex evolution process of a model, the model reuse problem, the huge amount of data, the multidisciplinary collaboration in model development and management, etc. As can be seen from the related work, current research on models generally focused on one phase in the model lifecycle and is separate and diffuse. Although importance of the engineering idea is gradually recognized in applications of the full model lifecycle, currently no complete theory and technology system and philosophy is available. So there are still lots of challenges in the lifecycle of the model of SoS. The workshop deals with topics concerning Model Engineering for System of systems. Topics of interest are as follows:
- Modeling of the model lifecycle process and in relation to other entities in the M&S domain (e.g., simulator, experimental frame, etc.)
- Model-to-Model and model-to-entity mappings (e.g., abstraction, simplification, multi-scale organizations, automated transformation)
- DEVS based Modeling for SoS
- Unified Approaches to Modeling (e.g., UML/SysML, RUP, DEVS Unified Process)
- Component based modeling and simulation
- Process management of model engineering
- Acquisition and management of model requirements
- Quantitative analysis and evaluation
- Model validation, verification and accreditation (VV&A) methodology
- Data and knowledge management in model engineering
- Model Execution Properties (Simulation run-time performance, variants (real-time, distributed, etc.)
- Model library
- Model composition and reuse technology
- Model Integration and interoperation
- Model reconstruction and configuration management
- Visualization of model engineering process
- Supporting environment and tools of model engineering
- Applications of model engineering (e.g., net-centric, service composition, complex adaptive systems, emergence, etc.)
Co-Chairs: (a)Alexander S. Sigov;, (b)Mikhail E. Belkin
Affiliation: (a)(b)Moscow Technological University (MIREA), Russian Federation
Track Description: Advanced physics technologies play a vital role in modern worldwide science and industrial progress. There is a number of key directions characterizing the current decade evolution in this field, such as functional materials, micro- and nanoelectronics, fiber-optic telecom systems and promising radio-electronic networks with combined or all-optical processing. Besides, recent developments of RF and microwave fiber-based and integrated photonics find different applications in novel local-area telecom systems established on radio-over- fiber technology, microwave and millimeter-wave wireless telecom means, as well as vetronics. One more interesting field for photonics-based devices is VLSI circuits with optical interconnects. In the frames of the Conference, we welcome oral or poster contributions dealing with the analytic, CAD and experimental R&D works referred to advanced physics technologies-assisted materials, circuits, devices, and systems in the above-mentioned fields, especially in integrated implementation.
Please be sure to select “Workshop on Modeling and Simulation in Advanced Physics Technologies (MoSAPT)” as main topic during the submission.Co-chairs: Raphaël Bayle, Vincent Bruyère, Frédéric Viry, Patrick Namy
Affiliations: SIMTEC (France)
Track description: Industrial processes are often very complex and require to control numerous physical phenomena which can be strongly coupled. A typical example would be metallurgical process in which heat transfer and phase change can be strongly coupled with fluid mechanics phenomena and transport phenomena. In order to design efficient industrial process, it is mandatory to have a deep understanding of them. Multiphysics modelling enables to create virtual prototypes of system and visualize the state of the system and its time evolution. Such models also make it possible to study the impact of variation of the process parameters at a very low cost: instead of requiring prototypes to be built, only computational power is required. The aim of this track is to present industrial process cases where multiphysics modelling enables to gain insight into complex system and optimize them.
Submit an Open Track Proposal
Are you willing to propose an open track and collect papers focusing on a specific subject? Fill the form and send it to f.longo@unical.it and massei@itim.unige.it.
Key Dates
Paper Submission Deadlines
- Special Session/Open Track Proposal Closure: May 15th, 2025
- Draft Paper Submission Deadline: April 15th, 2025
- Notification of Acceptance & Review Reports: May 15th, 2025
- Camera-ready Paper Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2025
Special Session/Open Track Proposal Closure:
May 15thMay 31st, 2025 -
Draft Paper Submission Deadline:
April 15thMay 31st, 2025 -
Notification of Acceptance & Review Reports:
May 15thJune 15th, 2025 -
Camera-ready Paper Submission Deadline:
June 15thJuly 15th, 2025
Registration Deadlines
- Early Bird Registration Closure: July 1st, 2025
- Late Registration Closure: September 10th, 2025
EMSS 2025 Organization Board

Francesco Longo
EMSS General Co-Chair
University of Calabria, Italy

Emilio Jimenez
EMSS General Co-Chair
University of La Rioja, Spain

Michael Affenzeller
EMSS Program Co-Chair
University of Applied Sciences, Austria

Antonella Petrillo
EMSS Program Co-Chair
Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
EMSS 2025 Organization Staff
Vittorio Solina – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Antonio Padovano – University of Calabria, Italy
Letizia Nicoletti – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy
Mohaiad Osman Elbasheer – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Cataldo Russo – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy
Caterina Fusto – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Alessandro Chiurco – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Virginia D’Augusta – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Simone Talarico – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Marco Vetrano – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy
Kirill Sinelshchikov – Simulation Team, Italy
Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy
Alessio Baratta – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Karen Althea Manfredi – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Antonio Nervoso – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
EMSS 2025 International Program Committee
Michael Affenzeller – Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Joni A. Amorim – University Of Skövde, Sweden
Mikhail E. Belkin – Moscow State Technological University (MIREA), Russia
Werner Backfrieder – Upper Austria University Of Applied Sciences, Austria
Felix Breitenecker – Technical University Of Wien, Austria
Agostino G. Bruzzone – University Of Genoa, Italy
Eleonora Bottani – University Of Parma, Italy
Maria Pia Fanti – Polytechnic University Of Bari, Italy
Idalia Flores – University Of Mexico, Mexico
Luis Gomes – Unl/Uninova, Portugal
Ricardo Gonçalves – Universidade Nova De Lisboa, Portugal
Manfred Gronalt – Boku University Of Natural Resources And Life Sciences, Austria
Stefan Wagner- Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Andreas Körner – Vienna University Of Technology, Austria
Juan Ignacio Latorre Biel – Univ. Pública De Navarra, Spain
Francesco Longo – University Of Calabria, Italy
Edgar Alonso Lopez-Rojas – Blekinge Institute Of Technology, Sweden
Marina Massei – Liophant Simulation, Italy
Yuri Merkuryev – Riga Technical University, Latvia
Galina Merkuryeva – Riga Technical University, Latvia
Miguel Mújica Mota – Amsterdam University Of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Gasper Music – University Of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Juan José Herrera Martín – Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
Vittorio Solina – University of Calabria, Italy
Mohaiad Osman Elbasheer – University of Calabria, Italy
Tuncer Ören – University Of Ottawa, Canada
Antonio Padovano – University Of Calabria, Italy
José Luis Risco Martín – Universidad Complutense De Madrid, Spain
Paolo Scala – FEDEX
Peer Olaf Siebers – University Of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Alexander S. Sigov – Moscow State Technological University (MIREA), Russia
Boris Sokolov – Spiiras And Itmo University, Russia
Chrysostomos Stylios – Technological Educational Institute Of Epirus, Greece
Fei Tao – Beihang University, China
Walter Ukovich – University Of Trieste, Italy
Giuseppe Vignali – University Of Parma, Italy
Ann Wellens – University Of Mexico, Mexico
Thomas Wiedemann – University Of Applied Sciences At
Dresden, Germany
Richard Zaluski – Center For Strategic Cyberspace + Security Science, United Kingdom
Bernard P. Zeigler – Rtsync Corp, USA
Jan Zenisek – Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Lin Zhang – Beihang University, China
Yu Zhang – Trinity University, USA
Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy
Get on board the team now!
Are you willing to join the Organization Committee or the International Program Committee? Discover the benefits and opportunities now and submit your proposal?. Please feel free to contact f.longo@unical.it
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