I3M 2021
International Multidisciplinary
Modeling & Simulation Multiconference
Virtual Event
15-17 September 2021
Latest News
IMPORTANT NEW: I3M 2021 Program is now available
The I3M 2021 Program is now available! Click here to download it.
IMPORTANT NEW: Full instructions for online participation
Check and read carefully the instructions to participate to the I3M 2021 Virtual Conference! Click here to download it.
I3M 2021 as a Fully Online Event! (Blended Event Cancelled)
The I3M 2021 Organization Committee has hardly worked along the last months to set-up I3M 2021 as blended event (both in presence and online). We have been obliged to wait until August to take a decision about the blended event to have the possibility to observe the pandemic trend as well as to receive hotels availability to host the event. Only few people (less than 20 out of 450 authors and around 150 papers) have selected the “in person” participation mode, while all the others attendees prefer the online participation. In addition, in many countries, a new COVID-19 wave is already started or it is going to start very soon and the aggressiveness of the Delta Variant is challenging many countries.
Due to these considerations, the I3M 2021 Organization Committee has decided to cancel the event in person and to run I3M 2021 as a full online event. We will still keep trying and we hope that for I3M 2022, that will be held in Rome (Italy), we can see again each other in person. For additional information about the Program of I3M 2021 as a Blended Event, check the Program section of this website.
Papers Presentations only through the online mode
Regarding the papers presentations, these will be done in Parallel Sessions only through the online mode and according to the following format: for each paper there will be a pre-recorded video of the paper presentation (maximum 10 minutes, please be sure to respect this limit when preparing your video) + 5 minutes during which the presenting author will answer to questions made by the audience. The videos of the paper presentations must be uploaded by authors no later than September 10th 2021. Please click here to upload your video.
Just A Few Words
About The Event
Every year, the I3M Multiconference renovates the opportunity to bring together researchers, scientists and practitioners, from the Mediterranean Area, Latin & North Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, who are concerned with Modeling and Simulation in Industry and Academia. As a result of the joint effort of many scientific excellences, I3M is an opportunity to meet and discuss and, as usually happens, constructive debate makes people open up, brings food for thoughts as well as new ways to explore encouraging multi-disciplinary cooperation and collaborations.
Conferences & workshops
CO-located events
M&S Net New Simulation Project Workshop - NSP
This event is the ideal framework for setting up European Community, EDA and International Projects and it is an opportunity for hosting project review and exploitation meetings.
STRATEGOS promotes the Strategic Engineering, a new Discipline based on
combining in close loop Modeling, Simulation, Data Analytics, Machine & AI to support Strategic Decision Makers
About Our Partners
The Organizing Committee wishes to warmly thank the following institutions and companies for their support and contribution to the 2021 edition of the International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference (I3M 2021).
I3M 2021 SCIENTIFIC Partners
I3M 2021 Industrial Partners
Organized by

For further info, please contact