Registration Guidelines

I3M 2023 will be held as hybrid event (both online and in presence ).

For each Accepted Paper one must register, pay the registration fee and personally present the paper at the conference. If the paper will not be registered and presented at the conference, it will not be included in the conference proceedings even if accepted. Acknowledgment of registration will be sent after receiving your payment.

You can pay the registration fee either by bank transfer or credit card. Click on the button below to register!

Registrants who require a visa should register as early as possible to allow for sufficient time to process the visa application. To obtain a registration certificate for your visa procedures, please contact

Useful contacts

For information about the registration guidelines and specific inquiries, please contact Letizia Nicoletti, I3M Conference Registration Manager, or Francesco Longo, I3M Program Co-Chair,


The I3M 2023 Organization Committee has decided to provide two participation options: (i) attend the conference physically, and (ii) attend the conference remotely from your location. Please find below the registration options:

  • the Full and Student Registration Fees include access to all the I3M sessions, participation in the scientific program, welcome reception pack (that includes badge and materials), coffee breaks, luncheons and Gala dinner. If you have more than one paper accepted to the conference, you should pay the Full Registration Fee plus the Additional Paper Fee per each additional paper. Please note that the Additional Paper Fee does not grant access for a second person to the conference (e.g. luncheons, coffee breaks, conference material, gala dinner). The Additional Paper Fee only includes the publication of an additional paper (if you have already paid the Full Registration Fee). If your paper exceeds the 10-page limit, there is an Over-length Page Fee per each single page.
  • The Student Registration Fee will be accorded only if proof that you are enrolled in a University degree or you paid the tuition fee is provided.
  • The Virtual Registration Fee include access to all the I3M sessions via teleconferencing tool, participation in the scientific program, and publication of one (1) conference paper in the proceedings. If you have more than one paper accepted to the conference, you should pay the Paper Registration Fee plus the Additional Paper Fee per each additional paper. If your paper exceeds the 10-page limit, there is an Over-length Page Fee per each single page.

Registration Fees

Registration Type
Valid period 
Physical Participation – Full
Physical Participation – Student
Additional Welcome Pack
Additional Lunch Ticket
Additional Gala Dinner Ticket
Early Registration
by the 1st July, 2023
495 Eur
400 Eur
100 Eur
40 Eur per lunch
80 Eur
Late Registration
Before August 31th, 2023
595 Eur
500 Eur
150 Eur
50 Eur per lunch

90 Eur 

Additional items

Virtual Participation
Additional Paper Fee
Over-length Page Fee
Online Observer
250 Eur (before September 10th, 2023)
150 Eur per paper
50 Eur per page in excess of the 10-page allowance

Cancellation Policy

The registration fee is not refundable, a delegate substitution is always allowed. If the physical event is cancelled due to force majeure or to policy restrictions, no reimbursement will be applied.