The ISM 2024 conference will be held in a hybrid format, meaning that all the plenary and parallel sessions will be held in person and live-streamed online on Microsoft Teams, where online participants will not only be able to watch and listen to the talks but also interact with the participants on site and give their talk.
You can find the link to the virtual rooms to connect remotely via Microsoft Teams in the session description within the program. To have access to the rooms, you need to be registered to the conference.
Keynote Talks
Keynotes present diverse, visionary speakers who deliver the most powerful new ideas in the ever-evolving worlds of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Kenynotes will be soon announced!

dmitry IVANOV
Berlin School of Economics and Law
November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00
Human-AI Collaboration in Supply Chain Resilience
Biographical Sketch

University of Malta
November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00
Balancing Automation and Humanity: The Future of Human-Centred Production
Biographical Sketch

Thorsten WUEST
University of South Carolina
United States of America
November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00
AI in Smart Manufacturing Systems – Today and Tomorrow
Biographical Sketch

University of Patras
November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00
Maintenance 5.0: Improving industrial maintenance based on Prescriptive Analytics and Digital Twin
Biographical Sketch

Telmo G. Santos
NOVA School of Science and Technology
November 22, 2023 - 11:15 - 13:00
Demystifying Misconceptions: A Critical Perspective on Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Biographical Sketch
Regular & Invited Sessions
Presentation Formats and Speakers' Instructions
Special Sessions
R&D Projects Dissemination Event @ISM 2024
The ISM 2024 Organization Committee has embraced the vision to make the conference the perfect environment for knowledge exchange and dissemination. In particular, dissemination activities (integrated with communication and exploitation) are essential for the impact and success of R&D projects. Funding bodies (e.g. the EU commission) usually request partners to organize midterm and final dissemination events in order to broadly disseminate the outputs of the project.
With this in mind, ISM 2024 is organizing this special “R&D Projects Dissemination Event” dedicated to oral presentations of ongoing or final results of R&D projects in all the areas related to the conference topics.
This special event will represent a unique platform for companies, research bodies and universities to:
- disseminate their project progress and results to the relevant scientific communities, potential investors, stakeholders, regulatory bodies, potential users, and lay audience;
- find other R&D project partnership opportunities with other speakers or people of the audience.
Tentative presenters should submit the form below by October 1, 2024. An advisory board will assess the submitted summary in terms of adherence to the topics of the Conference. The presenter will be notified about the acceptance for presentation. Please, note that the submitted summaries will not undergo through a technical/scientific peer-review process; hence, project summaries and presentations will NOT be included in the conference proceedings.
We have limited slots for presentations, therefore be sure to book your opportunity as soon as possible!
Enjoy your stay
Social Activities
Thursday, 21 November 2024