Welcome to IWISH 2022!
Dear Sir/Madam,
innovations and improvements are required to react quickly to the new trends of the global economy. Over the years, Modeling & Simulation (M&S) has proved to be one of the most effective, beneficial and successful methodologies to investigate and study complex systems belonging to various sectors/areas. Nevertheless, to take full advantage of this technology there are relevant issues that keep challenging the researchers towards even more advanced solutions and approaches where emerging and cutting-edge technologies are absorbed into. M&S is widely and successfully applied in many application domains, ranging from industry to social sciences, from logistics to military, from energy to healthcare; in this sense M&S provides a multidisciplinary perspective where theory and data from different fields can be used to build models and simulations that provide insights in to the system considered.
The 2022 International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH) will be a platform for knowledge exchange, the review and discussion of theoretical advances, research results, and industrial experiences, among scientists, researchers, decision makers, practitioners and students dealing with the topics under the umbrella of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.
Therefore, we would like to kindly invite you to take an active part in this conference and in the co-located events that will be held at Rome, Italy on September 19-21, 2022 and explore with us the latest news, views and developments in the exciting world of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.
I3M 2022 Organization Committee

Topics & Tracks
Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied. Topics of interests include the following topics, however different ones concerning Modeling & Simulation in Industry are welcome.
- Computer aided diagnostics and therapy
- Modelling and simulation in bio-systems, physiology, cardiology, anaesthesia, cancer, circulatory system, respiratory system, renal system, biomechanics
- Virtual Reality in surgical procedures
- Virtual Reality for the treatment of disorders and/or rehabilitation
- Virtual Reality for development and validation of medical simulators
- Model based information processing of medical images
- Advanced methods in model based image processing
- New methods of diagnostic imaging
- New paradigms in functional imaging, e.g. PET and MR
- Reconstruction in computed tomography
- Model based segmentation and registration
- Simulation in the context of diagnostics
- Simulation of emergency procedures (disaster gaming)
- Simulation of disease proliferation
- Healthcare networks
- Clinical information flows
- Cellular and Molecular Models in Medicine
- Simulation in genetics and system biology
- Simulating biological phenomena and organs
- Modeling and recognition of regulatory motifs and modules
- Pharmacometric modelling
- Physiological simulations
- Drug inventory management
- Personalized drugs design
- Algorithms in DNA analysis
- Tissue engineering
- Molecular tumour diagnostics
- Novel methods in DNA arrays
- Protein structure analysis
- Regulatory networks, metabolic networks, proteomic networks,
- Databases in Bioinformatics
- Protein ontology data bases
- Novel HPC-paradigms in Bioinformatics
- Management of Healthcare
- Waiting time issues in hospitals
- Patient pathways
- Modelling Emergency Departments
- Modelling ancillary services
- Patient flows in outpatient facilities
- Simulation for surgical and clinic scheduling
- Simulation for logistics of healthcare
- Simulation of patient care
- Models of elderly people care
- Healthcare policy analysis
- Ambulance planning
- Simulation for health economics analysis
- Modelling of clinical environments
- Modeling and Simulation for Biosciences and Bioinformatics
- Exploratory Bioinformatics and Computational Biological models, simulations and tools for helping Bioscientists
- Modeling and simulation as decision support for assisting Bioscientists and Medical practitioners
- Agent-based Modeling and simulation for Biological Systems, Healthcare facilities or Social Systems etc.
- Verification and Validation of Biological Simulations
- Equation based Modeling of Biological Systems
- Development and analysis of Complex Biological and Social Networks (Formal Specification, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation)
- Modeling and Simulation in System Biology
- Modeling and simulation of congenital disorders
- Modeling and simulation of epidemics and other diseases
- HIV/AIDS related M&S
- Tumor Growth modeling and Simulation
- Distributed Simulation of Biological Systems
- Formal Specification and Models such as using Z formal specification language, Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) etc.
- Use of Cognitive Computation and AI techniques such as Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Bio-inspired techniques, swarm intelligence algorithms for developing models of Biological systems
- Modeling and Simulation of Body Sensor Networks for e-Health
- Modeling and Simulation of Pervasive and Ambient Assisted Living systems, Disease Tracking and Monitoring systems
- Artificial Life related topics
Co-Chairs: (a)Korina Katsaliaki, (b)Navonil Mustafee
Affiliation: (a)International Hellenic University (Greece), (b)University of Exeter (UK)
Track Description: The healthcare industry accounts for over 10% of the national economic output in many countries. Lack or failure of quality control procedures, misalignment among consumer needs, payers and provider services are primary causes of building waste in the healthcare supply chain. Pressure on the industry has targeted cost reductions in key functions of its supply chain and has fostered innovative design of health services and organizations. The health care industry benefits from the use of simulation and other Operations Research (OR) techniques capable of integrating the entire (or parts of the) health services supply chains and helping manage inventory levels, identify inefficiencies and improve patients, staff and information flow. In this track we aim to attract papers that have applied simulation techniques for investigating and improving performance measures of healthcare supply chains. We encourage papers on OR practice (e.g., research papers that present case studies that have applied simulation for a given healthcare supply chain problem), methodology (e.g., those that provide a taxonomy or framework for healthcare supply chain integration using simulation techniques), and on technology (e.g., papers that focus on integration technologies for simulating healthcare supply chains). Examples include papers that have investigated the following problems in the context of healthcare supply chains (please note that the list is not exhaustive):
- Manage inventory levels
- Utilize resources efficiently
- Meet lead times and improve logistics
- Improve patient, staff or information flow
- Optimize facilities and capacity planning
- Increased efficiency
- Reduce costs
- Improve services quality and patients’ well-being
Co-Chairs: (a)Rafael Diaz, (b)Eduardo Cabrera
Affiliation: (a)Old Dominion University (USA), (b)Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Track Description: Healthcare and Public Health managers, officers, and practitioners are constantly challenged by complex operational and strategic issues with extensive implications to patients, stakeholders, and industries. Hospitals, clinics, public health institutions and other healthcare venues continuously seek innovative ways to enhance efficiencies, and thus, decrease their costs while maintaining their financial viability as well as their quality of care delivered. To accomplish these efficiencies, many managers and health professionals design and implement interventions that assist in addressing these complex issues. Quantitative methods such as Modeling and Simulation (M&S), mathematical programming, and Markov Chains have the potential to successfully assist in exploring, understanding, and addressing these issues. Particularly, simulation models and optimization frameworks may provide sophisticated mechanisms that assist in capturing and processing the intricacies associated with these challenges. The purpose of this track is expressed as follows:
- To present innovative research that demonstrates the role of simulation models and optimization frameworks in the healthcare and Public Health domains
- To describe novel techniques that can be used in the Healthcare and Public Health arena
- To propose an agenda for simulation and optimization frameworks research in this area
Some prospective topics for the track include:
- Healthcare operations management
- Population Health
- Terminal or Chronic Disease management
- Gentrification
- Patient-centered medical homes
- Climate Change and Public Health
- Emergency Department
- Reducing Health inequality, i.e. Healthcare access
- Economic models of financing of healthcare services
- E-health
- Community Health
- Healthcare training and optimizations
- Standards on healthcare delivery
Co-Chairs: (a)Muaz Niazi, (b)Amir Hussai
Affiliation: (a)Bahria University (Pakistan), (b)University of Stirling (Scotland)
Track Description: The goal of this special session is to explore the use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in the emerging inter-disciplinary domain of Cognitive Computation that bridges the gap between life sciences, social sciences, engineering, physical and mathematical sciences, and humanities. Cognitive Computation is an exciting area of multi-disciplinary research covering biologically inspired computational accounts of all aspects of natural and artificial cognitive systems. Authors of selected papers presented at the Special Session will be invited to submit expanded and significantly revised versions of their manuscripts to a follow-on Special Issue of Springer’s Cognitive Computation journal (SCI-E Indexed). Details will follow the Conference. For the proposed Special Session, we welcome papers, not submitted elsewhere for review, with a focus on modeling, simulation and engineering of systems in the domain of cognitive computation.
Techniques of interest:
- Complex Network based Models
- Multimodal methods for analysis of data
- Other methods from Artificial intelligence, neural networks, cognitive neuromorphic engineering and other hardware implementations, cognitive robotics, autonomous cognitive systems, neuroscience, nanotechnology, self-organizing, swarm and immune systems, complex systems and control theory, and computational cognitive neuroscience
- General purpose modeling & simulation paradigms
Areas of Application include: Brain, cognition, perception, action, attention, learning, memory, decision-making, language processing, communication, reasoning, problem solving, and consciousness aspects of cognition.
Example topics:
- Modeling & Simulation of Cognitive disorders (Schizophrenia, dementia etc.)
- Modeling & Simulation of Brain and other cognitive functions
- Use of agent-based and complex network methods in the development of autonomous systems
- Social Network Analysis to study spread of Brain/Cognition related diseases
- Use of cognition, attention, consciousness in robotics, sensors and autonomous systems
- Management of Healthcare related to psychology/psychiatry
- Verification and Validation of Cognitive Computation related simulations
- Modeling and Simulation of Body Sensor Networks for cognitive health
- Modeling, Simulation and development of Pervasive and Ambient
- Assisted Living systems, Disease tracking and monitoring systems for Cognitive disorders
- Modeling and simulation of consensus formation in brain
Chair: Gionata Fragomeni
Affiliation: University of Magna Graecia (Italy)
Track Description: The mathematical modeling of the cardiovascular system is today considered as a valid support for clinical intervention. The state of the art testifies that biomedical studies are considered a priori as a support for clinical studies, therapies and surgery intervention for vascular as well as cardiologic pathologies management. Particular attention is given to applications to the prediction of critical conditions while managing with in vivo vessels and blood. Thanks to innovative mathematical and fluid-dynamics models and computer-based simulation systems, surgical intervention simulation and critical condition prediction are considered more and more reliable by clinicians. The track aims to attract scientists working on models and designing tools, environments, clinical and mechanical studies of interest for both cardiovascular clinical problems and disorders or diseases. The key focus of this session is to aggregate scientists from biomechanical as well as clinical areas to set up a mathematical-based simulation platform allowing surgeons and clinical specialists tools for clinical practice, simulation and chirurgical support. The expected results are a set of high-quality research papers analyzing the state of the art of biomechanical models and systems available to physicians and their reliability in practical cases to simulate and predict disorders or side effects of surgical or pharmacological therapies.
- Cardiac muscle models
- Ventricular assist device, Artificial heart, Valves and prostheses models
- Compartmental models
- Cardiovascular models
- Blood flow models
- Ventricular models
- Arterial impedance
- Circulation models
- Coronary blood flow models
- Cardiovascular system surgical models
- Electrophysiology models
- Cardiovascular disease models
Co-Chairs: (a)Jerry Batzel, (b)Nandu Goswami, (c)Mette Olufsen
Affiliation: (a)University of Graz (Austria), (b)Medical University of Graz (Austria), (c)North Carolina State University (United States)
Track Description: Cardiovascular-Respiratory function is maintained through a complex interplay of control mechanisms, including key mechanisms influencing blood pressure and blood volume control and the control of blood gases via ventilation. The track will seek to provide an interdisciplinary perspective for development of novel research hypotheses regarding cardiovascular-respiratory control mechanisms, current approaches to modeling such systems, and current issues in the application of such models in the clinical setting to assess patient specific system status. Through a unified understanding of control mechanisms better understanding of the clinical consequences of compromised control can be developed leading to better diagnostic and treatment protocols. Important areas of clinical application can include, for example, the problem of syncope in the elderly, assessment and response to hypertension and hypotension during hemodialysis, problems related to understanding and assessing cerebral blood flow autoregulation, clinical problems related to blood volume support during hemorrhage and many other problems which involve multiple control systems. The Track will incorporate 3 sessions providing theoretical , practical, and experimental dimensions to patient specific modeling. These sessions are:
- Patient specific Models (practical: model development, model design of key mechanisms etc.)
- Patient specific modeling theory (theoretical: model validation techniques etc.)
- Physiology/data experimentation and clinical problems (experimental: problems in experimental design and data measurements, development of tools for patient assessment etc.).
Co-Chairs: (a)Niki Popper, (b)Felix Breitenecker, (c)Gottfried Endel
Affiliation: (a)dwh Simulation Services Vienna (Austria), (b)Vienna University of Technology (Austria), (c)Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions (Austria)
Track Description: Modeling and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) are going to become major tools in the decision process of new strategies and resource planning in healthcare. Based on national and international databases adequate modeling techniques have to be developed to assess short-term interventions as well as long time behavior. Modeling therefor has to be very flexible in respect to time spans and also because of different view on population at risk or people at intervention, microscopic (e.g. agent based methods) and macroscopic modeling techniques (e.g. Markov models, System Dynamics) are used in this field. The mini-symposium shall give a scientific platform for different aspects of modeling in decision making processes in health care. Especially dynamic vaccination strategy modeling with real world data using statistical concepts for data quality assessment, parameter tests, validation and verification are discusses. The second main question discussed in this symposium is dealing with modular modeling concepts and hybrid modeling techniques. The problem classes comprise interface definitions for international model exchange, numerical set up and feedback concepts in advanced modeling structures.
Please be sure to select “Mathematical Modeling and Health Technology Assessment” as main topic during the submission.Co-Chairs: (a)Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc, (b)Felix Breitenecker
Affiliation: (a)University of Ljubljana (Austria), (b)Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
Track Description: Modelling and simulation have become a very strong tool for understanding and solving problems also in the field of physiology and medicine. In this situation, it makes sense to discuss the approaches and diversity of methods and tools which have proved to be important for learning, studying epidemiology, natural course of the diseases and effects of the treatment. In physiology, modelling approaches from natural sciences play a major role.
The session is not restricted to system simulation approaches, any other modelling approaches in this area area as Markov Modelling, Cellular Automata Modelling etc are welcome. Please be sure to select “Modelling and Simulation in Physiology and Medicine” as main topic during the submission.Co-Chairs: (a)Werner Backfrieder, (b)Witold Jacak
Affiliation: (a)(b)Software Engineering and Biomedical Informatics, University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Track Description: Tremendous advance in diagnostic imaging utilizing multimodal techniques with novel imaging protocols and recent developments in computer aided methods open a vast field for research in curative life sciences. The complexity of diagnosis, surgical planning and computer aided surgery is increasing enormously, thus modeling and simulation of the underlying processes is an important tool to elucidate hidden coherences. The track gives room for novel research approaches and results of ongoing work. Topics are:
- Virtual Reality in surgical procedures
- Virtual Reality for the treatment of disorders and/or rehabilitation
- Virtual Reality for development and validation of medical simulators
- Model based information processing of medical images
- Advanced methods in model based image processing
- New methods of diagnostic imaging
- New paradigms in functional imaging, e.g. PET and MR
- Reconstruction in computed tomography
- Model based segmentation and registration
- Simulation in the context of diagnostics
- Simulation of emergency procedures (disaster gaming)
- Simulation of disease proliferation
- Disease management
- Healthcare networks.
Co-Chairs: Niki Popper
Affiliation: DEXHELPP (Austria)
Track Description: Modelling and Simulation of complex socio-technical systems today faces various challenges: on the one hand, collected data increases every day, giving us potential deeper insights in systems and their behaviour. To get out most of the knowledge, we need sophisticated methods in data mining, machine learning and deep learning algorithms. On the other hand complexity of the systems increases, as well as profoundness of research questions addressed by stakeholders. So we need modelling and simulation methods enabling to simulate heterogeneous, complex systems. For this track we are looking for new approaches to combine both sides, which makes development, construction, monitoring, analysis, prediction of such systems easier, faster, more reliable and – one of the most important things – comprehensible for decision makers and other stakeholders, therefore increasing the understanding of natural systems and the acceptance of complex man made systems.
Please be sure to select “Data Driven System Simulation – Modelling & Simulation of Complex Systems” as main topic during the submission.Co-Chairs: (a)Valerio Cusimano, (b)Federico Papa
Affiliation: (a)(b)CNR IASI Laboratorio di Biomatematica (Italy)
Track Description: This session is dedicated to the development of mathematical models for the simulation and prediction of biological and biomedical systems and to the application of system theory and control tools in biomedical settings, with the aim of improving health care and treatment of human diseases.
We welcome papers, not submitted elsewhere for review, with a focus on the mathematical modelling and/or on control strategies applied to different topics of interest, ranging from but not limited to:
- Tumour growth modelling and simulation; cancer treatment planning and control;
- Glucose-insulin modelling and simulation; diabetes treatment planning and control;
- Mathematical models of epidemics; treatment planning and control of epidemics;
- Mathematical modelling, control and device development of the cardiovascular system;
- Mathematical modelling and control of other physiological and biomedical systems;
- Mathematical modelling in systems biology;
- Mathematical modelling and control as decision support for assisting medical practice.
Please be sure to select “Mathematical Modelling and Control of Biological and Biomedical Systems” as main topic during the submission.
Co-Chairs: (a)Pawel Gawłowski, (b)Anna Kołcz
Affiliation: (a)Laboratory of innovative simulation techniques, Wroclaw Medical University (Poland), (b)Faculty of Health Sciences, Wroclaw Medical University (Poland)
Track Description: The health care sector, along with the dynamic development of science and technological progress, has become the area for seeking solutions that increase the chances of implementing highly specialized life-saving medical procedures, increasing the chances of maintaining health and leading to longer life in societies. The combination of many scientific disciplines has resulted in a multifaceted effect. However, the healthcare sector also includes its employees. Currently, it is one of the largest employment sectors in Europe. Working conditions related to the performance of medical professional activities in various conditions lead to many health and life risks for employees. Musculoskeletal disorders are the most common work-related health problem in Europe, affecting all professional groups: paramedics, nurses, physiotherapists, doctors and public health specialists, and most often result from non-ergonomic work. In addition, high risk situations occurring during terrorist threats and mass accidents have become a huge challenge for the group of paramedics. A large number of paramedics are also involved in the work in cooperation with other services such as the police and fire brigade. Efficient and effective coordination of cooperation between medical and uniformed services is still a big challenge. Therefore, holistic technological solutions based on ergonomics should be sought, allowing for the identification of threats and effective education of all employees of the healthcare sector. Elimination of musculoskeletal system disorders and implementation of monitoring of professional activities in specific and difficult working conditions requires extensive experience and advanced exercises. The conference is to invite to discuss and present modern technological solutions in the field of hazard recognition and effective education for paramedics, nurses, physiotherapists, doctors and public health specialists.
Please be sure to select “New technologies in public health and emergency medicine” as main topic during the submission.Chair: Ines Chihi
Affiliation: National Engineering School of Bizerta (Tunisia)
Track Description: Nowadays, biomedical engineering plays an important role in translational research around the world to involve engineering solutions for highly complex healthcare problems. This requires interaction between research experts in different areas, such as: mechanic, electric, signal processing, artificial intelligence, etc. The goal of this Special Session aims to bring scientists together to discuss and to analyze different intelligent solutions in modeling, controlling, simulations of complex biomedical systems, to develop assistive devices, intelligent software and hardware sensors, prosthesis, orthotic systems, intelligent solutions and techniques that may improve the health system. For the present Special Session, we welcome papers, not submitted elsewhere for review, with a focus on intelligent solutions in Biomedical applications. Topics of interest range from, but are not limited to:
- Modeling and simulation of biomedical systems
- Control theories in biomedical applications
- Robotics, Sensors and Assist Devices
- Signal Processing of bio-medical signals
- Pattern recognition for biomedical applications
- Diagnostic techniques in biomedical applications
- Engineering in surgery applications
- Biosensors
- Software sensors
- Interfacing and prosthesis
- Supervision of biomedical systems
- Artificial neural network for biomedical applications
- Identification of biomedical process
- Biomodeling, simulation and analysis of organic implants, materials and healthy organ (functional unit)
- Optimisation of orthotic systems
Please be sure to select “Intelligent solutions in biomedical applications” as main topic during the submission.
Submit an Open Track Proposal
Are you willing to propose an open track and collect papers focusing on a specific subject? Fill the form and send it to f.longo@unical.it and massei@itim.unige.it.
Key Dates
Paper Submission Deadlines
- Special Session/Open Track Proposal Closure: April 15th, 2022
Draft Paper Submission Deadline:
April 15th, 2022May 31st, 2022 -
Notification of Acceptance & Review Reports:
May 15th, 2022June 30th, 2022 -
Camera-ready Paper Submission Deadline:
June 15th, 2022July 31st, 2022
Registration Deadlines
Early Bird Registration Closure:
July 1st, 2022July 16th, 2022 - Late Registration Closure: September 10th, 2022
IWISH 2022 Organization Board

Marco Frascio
IWISH General Co-Chair
University of Genoa, Italy

Vera Novak
IWISH General Co-Chair
Harvard Medical School, USA
IWISH 2022 Organization Staff
Agostino G. Bruzzone – University of Genoa, Italy
Alessandro Chiurco – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Virginia D’Augusta – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Jessica Frangella – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Caterina Fusto – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Lucia Gazzaneo – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Luca Giansiracusa – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy
Francesco Longo – University of Calabria, Italy
Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy
Marina Massei – Liophant Simulation, Italy
Letizia Nicoletti – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy
Mohaiad Osman Elbasheer – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Vittorio Solina – University of Calabria, Italy
Antonio Padovano – University of Calabria, Italy
Cataldo Russo – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy
Simone Talarico – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Marco Vetrano – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy
Kirill Sinelshchikov – Simulation Team, Italy
IWISH 2022 International Program Committee
Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc – University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Werner Backfrieder – Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Jerry Batzel – University of Graz, Austria
Felix Breitenecker – Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Agostino G. Bruzzone – University of Genoa, Italy
Eduardo Cabrera – Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Ines Chihi – National Engineering School of Bizerta, Tunisia
Valerio Cusimano – CNR Iasi Laboratorio Di Biomatematica, Italy
Rafael Diaz – Old Dominion University, USA
Amir Edinburgh – Napier University, UK
Gottfried Endel – Association of Austrian Social Security, Austria
Gionata Fragomeni – University Magna Graecia, Italy
Marco Frascio – University of Genoa, Italy
Pawel Gawłowski – Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Nandu Goswami – Medical University of Graz, Austria
Amir Hussain – University of Stirling, Scotland
Witold Jacak – Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Korina Katsaliaki – International Hellenic University, Greece
Anna Kołcz – International Social Security Association (Germany)
Francesco Longo – University of Calabria, Italy
Marina Massei – University of Genoa, Italy
Navail Mustafee – University of Exeter, UK
Muaz Niazi – Bahria University Of Islamabad, Pakistan
Letizia Nicoletti – Cal-Tek S.r.l., Italy
Vera Novak – Harvard Medical School, USA
Mette Olufsen – North Carolina State University, USA
Antonio Padovano – University of Calabria, Italy
Federico Papa – Institute for Systems Analysis and Computer Science “A. Ruberti”, Italy
Niki Popper – Dexhelpp, Austria
Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy
Get on board the team now!
Are you willing to join the Organization Committee or the International Program Committee? Discover the benefits and opportunities now and submit your proposal. Please contact f.longo@unical.it; massei@itim.unige.it.
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