Welcome to MAS 2025!

Dear Sir/Madam,

innovations and improvements are required to react quickly to the new trends of the global economy. Over the years, Modeling & Simulation (M&S) has proved to be one of the most effective, beneficial and successful methodologies to investigate and study complex systems belonging to various sectors/areas. Nevertheless, to take full advantage of this technology there are relevant issues that keep challenging the researchers towards even more advanced solutions and approaches where emerging and cutting-edge technologies are absorbed into. M&S is widely and successfully applied in many application domains, ranging from industry to social sciences, from logistics to military, from energy to healthcare; in this sense M&S provides a multidisciplinary perspective where theory and data from different fields can be used to build models and simulations that provide insights in to the system considered.

The 2025 International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS) will be a platform for knowledge exchange, the review and discussion of theoretical advances, research results, and industrial experiences, among scientists, researchers, decision makers, practitioners and students dealing with the topics under the umbrella of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.

Therefore, we would like to kindly invite you to take an active part in this conference and in the co-located events that will be held at Fes, Morocco on September 17-19, 2025 and explore with us the latest news, views and developments in the exciting world of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.


I3M 2025 Organization Committee

Topics & Tracks

Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied. Topics of interests include the following topics, however different ones concerning Modeling & Simulation in Industry are welcome.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • Data Fusion
  • Data Warehousing
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Digital Twins
  • Digital Twin Verification and Validation
  • Electronic Data Interchange
  • Environment Management
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in Simulation
  • Flexible Simulation Models
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Human modeling
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Knowledge Based Systems
  • Logistics & Manufacturing
  • Organizational Modeling
  • Process Simulation
  • Process Consulting
  • Production Simulation
  • Strategic Consulting
  • Total Quality Management
  • Resources Planning
  • Safety in Work Environment
  • Security & Intelligence
  • Business Process Re-engineering
  • Business Intelligence
  • Company Intelligent Management
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Decision Making
  • Emergency Planning & Management
  • Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)
  • Financial Planning
  • Health Care Systems
  • Human Resource Management
  • Intelligent Forecasting
  • Information Support Systems
  • Infrastructure Planning & Design
  • Inventory Management
  • Logistics Networks
  • Military Applications
  • Product Data Management (PDM)
  • Production Planning & Management
  • Project Management
  • Public Services
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Scheduling
  • Strategic Decision
  • Supply Chain Management


An Open Track addresses specific, well-defined subjects and has no upper limit on the number of papers that can be submitted to it. Contributions to open tracks can be either regular papers or short papers (min 3 pages length) and they will appear in the conference proceedings. The organizer(s) of an Open Track will be inviting contributions but the tracks are open to everyone is willing to contribute. If at least 4 papers are submitted to the track, one (or more) Invited Sessions, including those papers, will be part of the conference program.

Chair: Aziz Naamane

Affiliation: Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (France)

Track Description: This track is dedicated to research papers on theoretical analysis, experimental studies and innovations concerning automatic control and system engineering. This track is ,therefore, not only a forum where researchers, scientists, engineers and vendors can exchange their knowledge and experience, but also serves as an educational channel for students and any others who would like to learn more about the new trends in this field of study. Industry oriented papers are welcome. By bringing together the researchers from Academia and Industry, we hope to foster collaboration and promote exchange of ideas. This track will highlight products trends, services and solutions in the field of:

  • Factory Automation, Process Automation
  • Instrumentation & Controls Systems
  • Power Plant Automation, Building Automation, Robotics
  • Bus & Wireless Technology Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Please be sure to select “Automation” as main topic during the submission.

Chair: Aziz Naamane

Affiliation: Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (France)

Track Description: Buildings account for more than half of the European primary energy usage. The main objective is to reduce the energy consumption of buildings at lowest investment and operating costs, with at the same time reducing peak power demand and improving occupant comfort. The session focuses on the application of the newest developments from the fields of building technologies, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and control engineering. This session will highlight trend and solutions for control approaches in building automation systems. Papers are requested with a strong focus on theoretical analysis, experimental studies and innovations concerning automatic control and system engineering. This session is, therefore, not only a forum where researchers, scientists, engineers and vendors can exchange their knowledge and experience, but also serves as an educational channel for students and any others who would like to learn more about the new trends in this field of study. Industry oriented papers are welcome. By bringing together the researchers from Academia and Industry, we hope to foster collaboration and promote exchange of ideas. The topics of the papers in this session are mainly:

  • Control and monitoring of Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources and Systems for buildings
  • Prediction control of energy production and demand
  • Simulation analysis and control of buildings systems
  • Software tools, BIM and BEM (Building Energy Modelling and management) – Optimal control and connections adaptation
  • Theoretical aspects of building performance modelling and simulation
Please be sure to select “Control and monitoring of Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources and Systems for buildings” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Fabio De Felice, (b)Antonella Petrillo

Affiliation: (a)(b)Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” (Italy)

Track Description: The track explores the latest theories, methodologies, and applications in Decision Support Systems (DSS), emphasizing the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and simulation in optimizing complex decision-making strategies. As part of MAS 2025, the aim of the track is to be aligned with the broader goal of advancing simulation-driven research across multiple domains, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders to exchange insights and innovations. Submissions that integrate AI-driven modeling, advanced simulation techniques, and optimization frameworks to enhance decision-making processes in dynamic and uncertain environments are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • AI-Enhanced Decision Support Systems
  • Simulation-Based Decision Support in Engineering and Industry 4.0
  • Cognitive and Knowledge-Based DSS
  • Big Data, Predictive Analytics, and Optimization Techniques
  • Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (AHP, ELECTRE, TOPSIS, etc.)
  • Human-Centric DSS and Ethical AI for Decision-Making
  • Digital Twins and Simulation for Decision Optimization
  • Multi-Criteria Decision Making (AHP Method, Electre Method, ect.)
  • AI-Driven Simulation for Complex Strategy Optimization
  • Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Algorithms in DSS
  • Risk Management, Forecasting, and Uncertainty Modeling
  • Operational Research and Project Management for DSS
  • Decision Support in Smart Cities, Healthcare, and Sustainable Systems
  • Executive Information Systems and Strategic Planning Tools

Topics are an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. Nevertheless different topics concerning Application on Decision Support Systems are welcome. Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied.

Please be sure to select “AI-Driven Simulation for Smart Decision-Making in Complex Environments” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Agostino Bruzzone, (b)Peer Olaf Siebers

Affiliation: (a)DIME – University of Genoa (Italy), (b)University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

Track Description: The track aims to bring together latest research and application on modelling and simulating the way persons act and react within technical systems in certain situations or under certain conditions, the role human actors play in simulation projects, and the impact human knowledge and experience have on model building and simulation output interpretation. With this, we want to provide a platform for discussion and exchange on needs, approaches, methods and tools for supporting both representation of active, intervening humans as subject of modelling and simulation, and involvement of intuitive, experienced humans as modelling and simulation knowledge stakeholders.

Topic of interest include:
  • Modelling and simulation of human behaviour
  • Modelling and simulation of manual operations and for staff allocation
  • Modelling and simulation of human decision making in industrial applications
  • Integration of human thinking and decision making into modelling and simulation – interaction and collaboration between simulation model and simulation user based upon knowledge and experience
  • Human modelling and simulation to solve real-world problems focusing on human-centred technologies in every aspect of design, manufacturing, and safety
  • Serious Gaming for Behavioural Assessment and Research
Please be sure to select “​Human-centred and Human-focused Modelling and Simulation” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Adriano Solis, (b)Letizia Nicoletti

Affiliation: (a)York University (Canada), (b)Simulation Team (Italy)

Track Description: The Track offers the possibility to present results and critical issues concerning Inventory Management procedures using Modeling and Simulation. Topics of interest include:

  • Inventory Models and their Implementation through M&S based approach
  • Inventory Control Policies Comparison and Optimization
  • Statistical Forecasting Approaches in Inventory Management
  • Warehouse Organization, Control and Optimization
  • Inventory Management Application in Industry: case studies
  • MRP and ERP for the Inventory Management
  • Safety Stock Analysis
  • Inventory Management Costs Control Strategies
Please be sure to select “​Inventory Management Simulation” as main topic during the submission.

Chair: David del Rio Vilas

Affiliation: Ferrovial Services (Spain)

Track Description: Production systems design is one of the most critical and crucial issues in industrial engineering. It becomes more important because of the worldwide competition and due to the rapid progress of manufacturing technologies. In this context, many manufacturing companies are changing their production systems to be more competitive and to insure their efficiency on the global market. Modelling and Simulation is one of the most important support for production system and industrial plants design problems. In addition simulation models can be used for system design evaluation, for the analysis of the system concepts and for the testing systems specification within virtual and digital environments.

The aim of this track is to present recent results dealing with applications of simulation and/or optimization, new methods and decision aid tools applied to production systems design and provide experts in that field with an opportunity to exchange information and discuss new developments in this field. State of the art applications, simulation techniques applications and hybrid approaches for the optimization of production system design are encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following areas:
  • Modern design techniques
  • Manufacturing plant and systems design
  • Coupling optimization and simulation in production system design
  • Performance evaluation of the design of a production system
  • Heuristics and meta-heuristic approach in production systems design
  • Design of flexible production systems
  • Applications to manufacturing systems, software engineering, transport system, etc.
  • Strategies for organizing physical resources
  • Factory organization: machining systems, assembly and transfer lines, manufacturing cells, cell design methodology, facility layout
  • Quantitative modeling of facilities design, assembly and transfer line balancing, process planning/equipment selection
  • Machine failures, capacity analysis, buffer allocation
  • Optimization techniques/methodologies in production system design
  • Low automated and traditional manufacturing processes Modelling and Simulation
  • Modeling and simulation of reconfigurable factories
  • Virtual and augmented process development
  • Implementation of changeable and reconfigurable manufacturing systems
Please be sure to select “​Production Systems Design” as main topic during the submission.

Chair: David del Río Vilas

Affiliation: Ferrovial Services (Spain)

Track Description: During the last decades, Modelling and Simulation has provided a reliable framework to support the decision making processes in a wide variety of production systems, from their conception to their decommissioning. In the last few years, the Industry 4.0 umbrella has emerged as a mix of technologies and methodological frameworks focused on leveraging the effectiveness and efficiency of production systems, providing new levels of connectivity, information availability, and capacity. Digital Twins naturally adopt the role of director of these Industry 4.0 technologies, conducting their behaviour and performance by connecting the real and virtual realms. In this context, simulation can adopt different roles in enabling authentic Digital Twins for production processes and assets. This track aims at receiving original papers providing insightful experiences about authentic Digital Twins implementations and the role of Simulation. A focus on the key factors that determined the opportunity, feasibility and above all, sustainability of the simulation and Digital Twins implemented solutions will be appreciated.

Please be sure to select “​Simulation and Digital Twins: Directing the Industry 4.0 Orchestra” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Pasquale Legato, (b)Rina Mary Mazza

Affiliation: (a)(b)University of Calabria (Italy)

Track Description: Simulation based optimization is an integrated methodology developed around the problem of optimizing a cost/performance function over a finite or countably infinite set of alternative system configurations/parameters, whenever the function has to be estimated via stochastic simulation. Modern system design and management ask for the generation of alternative system configurations followed by the choice of what alternative to simulate as well as how to evaluate and compare simulation results. Hence, the track is centered on new developments in simulation optimization techniques and tools as well as on their practical applications and implementation on classical and innovative platforms. In particular, reports on discrete-event simulation combined with structured search methods for solving real problems in system organization and management are welcome. Topics of interest include:

  • Discrete-event simulation optimization tools and innovative computational platforms
  • Modeling languages and simulation world views
  • Selecting the best system
  • Warehouse Organization, Control and Optimization
  • Local and global search methods
  • Combining search algorithms with ranking and selection techniques
  • Applications of simulation based optimization techniques

Nevertheless, different discrete-event simulation-centered topics are welcome. Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied.

Please be sure to select “​Simulation-based Optimization” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Agostino Bruzzone, (b)Francesco Longo, (c)Ian Mazal, (d)Marina Massei, (e)Anna Franca Sciomachen

Affiliation: (a)Simulation Team Genoa, University of Genoa (Italy), (b)University of Calabria (Italy), (c)Brno University of Defence (Czech Republic), (d)Liophant Simulation (Italy), (e)DIEC (Italy)

Track Description: The Track invites to propose innovative Models and Simulators developments to support Strategic Engineering in application fields including: Industry, Government, International Initiatives, Defense and Homeland Security. Applications of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Scenario Identification, Definition and Analysis
  • Support Decision Makers by Quantitative Methods, Models, and Analytical Approaches
  • Development of Models of Complex Systems
  • Strategic Planning and Analysis
  • Strategic Analysis and Decision Support in Defense
  • Support to Governmental & International Institutions, Policy Makers and Public Authorities
  • Support to Industries in Strategic Decision Making, Planning and Scenario Definition
  • Data Farming by Simulation to extend, integrate and fuse Big Data for Data Analytics
  • Development of New Algorithms, Models and Architecture devoted to model Complex Systems
  • Modeling, also through capture of data & information conditioning, of the Scenario
  • Supporting Organization Management in Objectives Definition and Strategic Planning
  • Simulation, through the implementation of Self-built Systems and/or of the Evolution of Events
  • Development of Plans to Defend and Restore Systems and Organizations
  • Strategic Cyberwarfare
  • Hybrid Warfare
  • Strategic Communications
  • Strategies for Defense
  • Defense and Homeland Security

Topics are an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied.

Please be sure to select “​Simulation for Strategic Engineering” as main topic during the submission.

Chair: Janos Sebestyen Janosy

Affiliation: Centre for Energy Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) (Hungary)

Track Description: Due to the ongoing crisis in economy and to the rapidly growing energy prices future trends and perspectives in the energy generation and distribution are changing rapidly. Studies of different options are unthinkable without extensive simulation. The proposed track concentrates on simulation studies in the following topics:

  • Alternative energy resources – solar, wind and others
  • Traditional renewables – water and biomass
  • Revival of nuclear energy generation – fission or fusion
  • Hydrogen energy – generation, storage and utilization problems
  • Low emission transport – hydrogen driven and electrical vehicles
  • Electrical energy distribution networks – large and small
  • Local energy generation and management
  • Intelligent energy distribution networks
Please be sure to select “​Simulation in Energy Generation and Distribution” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Thècle Alix, (b)Nicolas Daclin, (c)Joseph Youssef, (b)Gregory Zacharewicz,

Affiliation: (a)ENSAM (France), (b)IMT Mines Ales (France), (c)American University of Bayreuth (Lebanon)

Track Description: Papers are invited in the areas of enterprise product and service modeling and simulation in order to reduce risk (e.g., delay to make product/service available) and ensure the interoperability, efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of systems implementation and use, presenting original work and not previously published from academics and professionals. Topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • Conceptual Services Modeling Methods Tools and Frameworks (GRAI, UEML…) for Enterprise and Networked Organization
  • Manufacturing Systems/Services Applications
  • Discrete Event (e.g., Petri Nets, State charts, DEVS) Service Modeling
  • Services models for intra and inter-organizations interoperability
  • Enterprise Workflow Systems for Service Delivery
  • Requirements Engineering for Interoperable Enterprise Ontologies
  • Distributed Enterprise Services Modeling and Simulation
  • Standard for Synchronization and Interoperability of Distributed Enterprise Models (e.g., HLA)
  • Architectures and Platforms for Providing Services
  • Ontology-based Semantic Annotations and Meta-Data for Models for Services Interoperability
  • Reasoning methods and tools for Service model transformation (MDE, MDA, MDI, MDSEA, MDISE)
  • Modular design of product service systems
  • Modeling and simulation for anticipating and reducing risk in PSS systems
  • Modeling and simulation of systems, processes, and organization interoperability

Nevertheless, original communications on topics related to service, PSS modeling, and simulation are encouraged and welcome.

Please be sure to select “​Modeling & Simulation Driven Approaches for Building Interoperable Enterprises Products & Services System” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Francesco Longo, (b)Agostino Bruzzone

Affiliation: (a)University of Calabria (Italy), (b)University of Genoa (Italy)

Track Description: The workshop intends to offer a valuable opportunity to present recent results and discuss open issues on Serious Games (SGs) in the Safety, Security and Crisis Management domain. The field is explored from a theoretical, technological, educational as well as pedagogical standpoint. The aim is to promote an opportunity for researchers, developers, users and practitioners to exchange new ideas and experience, in order to contribute to overcome fragmentations among different kinds of stakeholders in the field, and fill possible gaps between user requirements and solutions available on the market. Topic of interest include:

  • Modeling and simulation
  • Products to support serious games development and deployment
  • Advanced Human-Computer Interaction
  • Advances in Artificial intelligence for serious games in the selected fields
  • Advances in Physical Modeling
  • Advances in game engines
  • Efficient development tools (including narrative aiding)
  • Augmented and virtual reality
  • Interoperability and standards
  • Pervasive gaming
  • Mobile gaming
  • Methodologies and principles for serious games user assessment
  • Support for learner performance assessment (stealth, formative, summative)
  • Mapping pedagogical principles and serious games mechanics for SGs in safety, security and crisis management
  • How to balance realism and fidelity, engagement, learning and entertainment?
  • User studies applying serious games in training (professional, corporate and executive training, skill development and other programs)
  • Verification of learning transfer
  • Study of long-term learning impact

Topics are seen as an opportunity to present and observe the latest research studies, results, and ideas in the specific areas of interest. Nevertheless different topics on the field of Serious Games applied to Safey, Crisis Management and Security are very welcome. Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations research works, both theoretical and applied, case studies and applications.

The workshop will include a discussion panel aimed at identifying envisaged trends for applications of SGs to Security, Safety and Crisis Management in the near- and mid-term future (5 to 10 years ahead), and hence a roadmap to foster new studies and effective developments. Please be sure to select “​Workshop on Serious Games applied to Safety, Crisis Management and Security” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Gerson Cunha, (b)Maria Celia Santos Lopes

Affiliation: (a)Grupo de Realidade Virtual Aplicada, LAMCE/COPPE/UFRJ (Brasil), (b)Laboratorio de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia – COPPE/UFRJ (Brasil)

Track Description: The Workshop has the purpose of bringing together recent studies, proposals and reviews related to improving data/information presentation, visualization and interaction for engineering projects. Constant improvements and advances in visualization/interface technologies make it possible to view large data structures in real time on a wide range of platforms, such as, mobile computers, smartphones and traditional computers. The current session scope includes, but is not limited to, new approaches to CAVE systems, 3D Stereoscopic Display, Collaborative Visualization for decision support, Cloud Render, Render Streaming, Outdoor/Indoor Augmented Reality, Project Clash Detection, Project Visualization associated with Management methodologies, Visual/Graphic Information Management and Distribution, Interface Design and Visualization, Tangible/Haptic Interfaces. The topics of this track include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • IEngineering data general visualization
  • Collaborative Visualization Systems
  • Information visualization management and optimization
  • Visualization interaction interfaces (tangible/haptic)
  • Mobile Visualization for Engineering
  • Review on Visualization/Engineering subjects
  • Rendering systems for high quality/performance visualization
  • Visualization performance validation and simulation for projects
  • Real Time Location Systems (RTLS)
  • Identification and recognition of objects and people
  • Three Dimensional Reconstruction
Please be sure to select “​Workshop on Virtual and Augmented reality” as main topic during the submission.



Track Description: Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) generate a great contribution to the world economy, in 2019 they generated two thirds of jobs worldwide, contributed 50% of the World Gross Domestic Product and 9 out of 10 companies were classified in this way. The Track offers the possibility to present results about addressing critical issues and management decisions concerning the processes in the value chain of MSME´s using Modeling and Simulation. Topics of interest include:

  • Modeling and simulation sourcing process in MSME´s.
  • Modeling and simulation production process in MSME´s.      
  • Modeling and simulation distribution process in MSME´s.
  • Modeling and simulation sales process in MSME´s.

Please be sure to select “M&S in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)” as main topic during the submission.

Submit an Open Track Proposal

Are you willing to propose an open track and collect papers focusing on a specific subject? Fill the form and send it to f.longo@unical.it and massei@itim.unige.it.

Key Dates

Paper Submission Deadlines

Registration Deadlines


MAS 2025 Organization Board

Marina Massei

MAS General Co-Chair
University of Genoa, Italy

Adriano Solis

MAS General Co-Chair
York University, Canada

Fabio De Felice

MAS Program Co-Chair
University of Cassino, Italy

Iván Castilla Rodríguez

MAS Program Co-Chair
Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

MAS 2025 Organization Staff

Vittorio Solina – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Antonio Padovano – University of Calabria, Italy

Letizia Nicoletti – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy

Mohaiad Osman Elbasheer – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

Cataldo Russo – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy

Caterina Fusto – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

Alessandro Chiurco – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Virginia D’Augusta – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Simone Talarico – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Marco Vetrano – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy

Kirill Sinelshchikov – Simulation Team, Italy
Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy

Alessio Baratta – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

Pierpaolo Veltri – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Karen Althea Manfredi – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Antonio Nervoso – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

MAS 2025 International Program Committee

Edgar Alonso Lopez-Rojas – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Eleonora Bottani – University of Parma, Italy

Youssef Bouanan – Université Bordeaux, France

Agostino G. Bruzzone – University of Genoa, Italy

Ferdinando Chiacchio – University of Catania, Italy

Fabio De Felice – University of Cassino, Italy

David Del Rio Vilas – Ferrovial Services, Spain

Marco Frascio – University of Genoa, Italy

Lucia Gazzaneo – University of Calabria, Italy

Yilin Huang – Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Janos Sebestyen Janosy – Centre For Energy Research, Hungarian Academy Of Sciences, Hungary

Andreas Körner – Technische Universität Wien, Austria

Pasquale Legato – University of Calabria, Italy

Francesco Longo – University of Calabria, Italy
Gara Miranda Valladares  – Universidad de La Laguna, Spain 
Rafael Arnay del Arco – Universidad de La Laguna, Spain 
Iván Castilla Rodríguez – Universidad de La Laguna, Spain 



Marina Massei – Liophant Simulation, Italy

Rina Mary Mazza – University of Calabria, Italy

Aziz Naamane – Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes, France

Letizia Nicoletti – Cal-Tek Srl, Italy

Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy

Antonio Padovano – University of Calabria, Italy

Vittorio Solina – University of Calabria, Italy

Mohaiad Osman Ebasheer-University of Calabria, Italy

Antonella Petrillo – University of Cassino, Italy

Maria Celia Santos Lopes – Lamce/Coppe/Ufrj, Brasil

Peer Olaf Siebers – University of Nottingham, UK

Adriano Solis – York University, Canada

Theodore L. Turocy – University of East Anglia, UK

Alexander Verbraeck – Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Giuseppe Vignali – University of Parma, Italy

Gregory Zacharewicz – Imt Mines Ales, France

Somnath Mukhopadhyay, University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Sameh Saad – Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Athanasios Sypsas – Hellenic Open University, Greece

Get on board the team now!

Are you willing to join the Organization Committee or the International Program Committee? Discover the benefits and opportunities now and submit your proposal?. Please feel free to contact f.logo@unical.it