EMSS 2010 Proceeding

A simulation-based ergonomic evaluation for the operational improvement of the slate splitters work

Authors:   Nadia Rego Monteil, David del Rio Vilas, Diego Crespo Pereira, Rosa Rios Prado


The natural roofing slates manufacturing process relies on highly labour-intensive activities and more specifi- cally on the mastery of a specialized group of workers known as splitters. The splitting of slate blocks is a complex manual and demanding work that involves both important physical exertions and quick and accu- rate decision making processes. Since a lot of repetitive and potentially hazardous movements have to be made there is a substantial risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Besides, plant?s costs and productiv- ity depend largely on their individual performance. In this paper we present a quantitative approach to a com- bined ergonomic and operational assessment of the slates splitters tasks. A RULA analysis is carried out by means of a Digital Human Model (DHM) aiming at quantifying the level of ergonomic risk in several sce- narios and leading to a set of simple improving work- place proposals in terms of ergonomics and productiv- ity.

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