EMSS 2010 Proceeding

The impact of the simulation user on simulation results: to what extent human thinking can be replaced by algorithms?

Authors:   Gaby Neumann, Juri Tolujew


In recent literature the question for how to provide simulation modellers (or users) with methods and tools for automatic trace file analysis is discussed in an increasing manner. Approaches mainly focus on formalizing simulation outcome in the context of a certain application area. They have in common the very much reduced role they give to the key actor(s) in any simulation project the persons who build and use the simulation model. Against this background the paper reviews related work for trace file analysis with regard to its motivation, approaches and state-of-the-art. This is put into relation to simulation user needs in a particular application area, logistics, in order to discus to what extent trace file analysis helps in deriving findings, which role the user plays in receiving those results, and which kind of support is missing here and how it could be provided.

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