EMSS 2012 Proceeding

Enriching a DEVS meta-model with OCL constraints

Authors:   Stéphane Garredu, Evelyne Vittori, Jean-François Santucci, Dominique Urbani


The purpose of this paper is to show how the platform- independent meta-model for DEVS formalism we have been working on can be enriched with Object Constraint Language (OCL) constraints. OCL is a declarative language (without any side effect) and allows us to control both the class attributes and the relationships between classes, in order to facilitate the modeling process and even the code generation towards a DEVS framework. To do so, we chose to follow a MDE, and in particular MDA approach, because OCL 2.0 is now aligned with UML 2.0 and MOF 2.0, which parts of MDA. The implementation of our meta-model with its OCL refinements has been done within Eclipse Modeling Framework (in which OCL 2.0 has been fully implemented) and its meta-meta-formalism Ecore.

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