1. Longo F (2011). Advances of modeling and simulation in supply chain and industry. SIMULATION, vol. 87, p. 651-656, ISSN: 0037-5497, doi: 10.1177/0037549711418033
2. Longo F (2011). Industry, defence and logistics : sustainability of multiple simulation based approaches. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION & PROCESS MODELLING, vol. 6, p. 245-249, ISSN: 1740-2123
3. Longo F (2011). Operational Strategies and Internal Logistic Costs Analysis in a Real Warehouse Based on Modeling & Simulation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ISSUES, vol. 8, p. 39-47, ISSN: 1694-0784
4. Longo F (2011). Supply Chain Management based on Modeling & Simulation: state of the art and application examples in inventory and warehouse management. In: PENGZHONG LI. SUPPLY CHAIN COORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT, p. 93-144, Vienna:InTech, ISBN: 978-953-307-184-8
5. De Cindio B, Longo F, Mirabelli G, Pizzuti T (2011). 2 Tracking and tracing in the food industry: Opportunity and competitiveness advantage analysis. INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI, vol. 50, p. 7-19, ISSN: 0019-901X
6. Longo F, De Felice F, Petrillo A, Carlomusto A (2011). An application methodology based on AHP and simulation to study inventory management problems. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on the analytic hierarchy process. Sorrento, Napoli (IT), 15-18 giugno 2011, p. 1-12, ISBN: 978-88-906147-0-5
7. Bruzzone AG, Longo F, Madeo F, Massei M, Nicoletti L, Saetta S, Tarone F, Tiacci L (2011). Advanced Forecasting Models in Fashion Industry. In: Proceedings of the XVI Summer School Francesco Turco. Abano Terme (PD), Italy, 14-16 Settembre 2011
8. Bruzzone AG, Massei M, Tremori A, Madeo F, Tarone F, Longo F (2011). Maritime Security: Emerging Technologies for Asymmetric Threats. In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium. Rome, 12-14 September 2011, p. 775-781, ISBN: 978-88-903724-4-5
9. Massei M, Madeo F, Longo F (2011). Modeling Logistics & Operations in a Port Terminal for Environmental Impact Evaluation and Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 10TH International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation. Rome, 12-14 September 2011, p. 480-487, ISBN: 978-88-903724-5-2
10. Longo F, Nicoletti L (2011). Modeling Port security. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific-Pratical Conference «Simulation and Complex Modeling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» – SCM MEMTS 2011. Saint-Petersburg, June 29, 2011, p. 11-20, ISBN: 978-5-905526-01-5
11. Behr J, Diaz R, Tulpule M, Longo F, Cimino A (2011). Modeling and Simulating the Economic and Demographic Impact of Transport Infrastructure Investment. In: Proceedings of the Spring Simulation Multiconference. Boston, MA, USA, April, 4-7, p. 46-53, San Diego: SCS, ISBN: 9781617828393
12. Tulpule M, Diaz R, Behr JG, Longo F (2011). Modeling the Empty Container Flow: Identifying Primary Influencing Factors Through Scenario Analysis. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on harbor, maritime and multimodal logistics Modeling and Simulation. Rome, 12-14 September 2011, p. 189-196, ISBN: 978-88-903724-6-9
13. De Cindio B, Longo F, Mirabelli G, Pizzuti T (2011). Modelling a Traceability System for a Food Supply Chain: Standards,Technologies and Software Tools. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and applied Simulation. Rome, September 12-14 2011, p. 488-494, ISBN: 978-88-903724-5-2
14. Bottani E, Ferretti G, Montanari R, Bruzzone AG, Longo F (2011). On the optimal safety stock levels in supply networks. In: Proceedings of the 13RD International Conference on harbor, maritime and multimodal logistics Modeling and Simulation. Rome, 12-14 September 2011, p. 250-258, ISBN: 978-88-903724-6-9
15. Bruzzone A, Longo F, Nicoletti L, Diaz R (2011). Virtual Simulation for training in ports environments. In: Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference. The Hague, Netherlands, June 28-30, San Diego:SCS, ISBN: 9-7816178295-0-5
16. Bruzzone AG, Piera MA, Longo F, Elfrey P, Affenzeller M, Balci O (a cura di) (2011). Proceedings of the 23rd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium p. 1-795, ISBN: 978-88-903724-4-5
17. Bruzzone AG, Longo F, Piera M, Merkuryev Y (a cura di) (2011). Proceedings of the International Conference on harbor, maritime and multimodal logistics Modeling and Simulation, p. 1-260, ISBN: 978-88-903724-6-9
18. Longo F, Rego Monteil N (2011). Industrial workstation design based on digital human modeling and simulation : a review. In: SCS Modeling and Simulation Magazine, vol. 3, p. 133-141
19. Chiurco A, Ferraris D, Grotteria D, Longo F, Scala PM (2011). MOTIW – MOdeling, SimulaTIon and Web 3.0 for training and decision support. In: Proceedings of the 17TH International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students.
20. Longo F, Itmi M, Ören T (2011). SCS M&S (MODELING AND SIMULATION) NEWSLETTER. vol. Vol III – Issue 5
21. Longo F, Itmi M, Ören T (2011). SCS M&S (MODELING AND SIMULATION) NEWSLETTER. vol. Vol III – Issue 4
22. Longo F, Itmi M, Ören T (2011). SCS M&S (MODELING AND SIMULATION) NEWSLETTER. vol. Vol III – Issue 3
23. Longo F, Itmi M, Ören T (2011). SCS M&S (MODELING AND SIMULATION) NEWSLETTER. vol. Vol III – Issue 2
24. Longo F, Itmi M, Ören T (2011). SCS M&S (MODELING AND SIMULATION) NEWSLETTER. vol. Vol III – issue 1