1. Laganà D., Longo F., Vocaturo F., 2016. Vendor-Managed Inventory Practice in the Supermarket Supply Chain. International Journal of Food Engineering. 12, pg. 827 – 834
2. Bottani E., Longo F., Mercadé-Prieto R., Vignali G., 2016. Special Issue “selected Papers from the First International Food Operations & Processing Simulation Workshop – FoodOPS 2015 (September 21-23, 2015, Bergeggi, Italy)”. International Journal of Food Engineering. 12, pg. 805 – 806
3. Diaz R., Behr J., Landaeta R., Longo F., Nicoletti L., 2016. Modeling energy portfolio scoring: A simulation framework. Public Health and Welfare: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. , pg. 203 – 226
4. Longo F., Jiménez E., 2016. General co-chairs’ message. 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016. , pg. IX –
5. Vignali G., Longo F., 2016. Chairs’ message. International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2016. , pg. IX –
6. Longo F., Iazzolino S., 2016. Agile software development: A modeling and simulation showcase in military logistics. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 422, pg. 133 – 144
7. Longo F., Nicoletti L., Padovano A., 2016. Multi-disciplinary and multi-objective simulation framework to support intelligent and smart manufacturing. Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco. 13-15-September-2016, pg. 1 – 5
8. Cayirci E., Bruzzone A., Longo F., Gunneriusson H., 2016. A model to describe hybrid conflict environments. 6th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2016. , pg. 52 – 60
9. Longo F., Bruzzone A., Padovano A., Vetrano M., 2016. Drones based relief on moon disaster simulation. Simulation Series. 48, pg. 92 – 98
10. Longo F., Nicoletti L., Padovano A., Solis A., Monzon A., 2016. An intelligent, interactive and interoperable platform for the 21st century museums. 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016. , pg. 348 – 354
11. De Felice F., Falcone D., Petrillo A., Bruzzone A., Longo F., 2016. A simulation model of human decision making in emergency conditions. 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016. , pg. 148 – 154
12. Bruzzone A.G., Longo F., Agresta M., Di Matteo R., Maglione G.L., 2016. Autonomous systems for operations in critical environments. Simulation Series. 48, pg. 17 – 24
13. Wolfsmayr U.J., Rauch P., Gronalt M., Merenda R., Longo F., 2016. Evaluating primary forest fuel rail terminals with discrete event simulation: A case study from Austria. Annals of Forest Research. 59, pg. 145 – 164
14. Asgary A., Solis A.O., Longo F., Nosedal J., Curinga M.C., Alessio L.E., 2016. An agent-based modeling and simulation tool for estimation of forced population displacement flows in Iraq. 6th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2016. , pg. 75 – 81
15. Asgary A., Nosedal J., Solis A.O., Longo F., Alessio L.E., Curinga M.C., 2016. Simulating the impacts of airport closures on airline route networks. 18th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, HMS 2016. , pg. 86 – 92
16. Agostino G.B., Massei M., Cianci R., Longo F., Agresta M., Di Matteo R., 2016. Innovative simulation for scenario analysis and operational planning. Simulation Series. 48, pg. 464 – 469
17. Spanu S., Bertolini M., Bottani E., Vignali G., Di Donato L., Ferraro A., Longo F., 2016. Feasibility study of an augmented reality application to enhance the operators’ safety in the usage of a fruit extractor. International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2016. , pg. 70 – 77
18. Bruzzone A.G., Massei M., Longo F., Scalzo D., Martini C., Villanueva J., Bucchianica L., 2016. Simulation based design of innovative quick response processes in cloud supply chain management for “slow food” distribution. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 645, pg. 25 – 34
19. Bruzzone A., Longo F., Nicoletti L., Vetrano M., Bruno L., Chiurco A., Fusto C., Vignali G., 2016. Augmented reality and mobile technologies for maintenance, security and operations in industrial facilities. 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016. , pg. 355 – 360
20. Longo F., Nicoletti L., Padovano A., Cersullo N., Zaccaro B., Massei M., De Felice F., Petrillo A., 2016. A combined approach for emergency management using AHP and system dynamics. 6th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2016. , pg. 61 – 66
21. Bruzzone A., Longo F., Massei M., Nicoletti L., Agresta M., Di Matteo R., Maglione G.L., Murino G., Padovano A., 2016. Disasters and emergency management in chemical and industrial plants: Drones simulation for education and training. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9991 LNCS, pg. 301 – 308