Welcome to SESDE 2025!

Dear Sir/Madam,

innovations and improvements are required to react quickly to the new trends of the global economy. Over the years, Modeling & Simulation (M&S) has proved to be one of the most effective, beneficial and successful methodologies to investigate and study complex systems belonging to various sectors/areas. Nevertheless, to take full advantage of this technology there are relevant issues that keep challenging the researchers towards even more advanced solutions and approaches where emerging and cutting-edge technologies are absorbed into. M&S is widely and successfully applied in many application domains, ranging from industry to social sciences, from logistics to military, from energy to healthcare; in this sense M&S provides a multidisciplinary perspective where theory and data from different fields can be used to build models and simulations that provide insights in to the system considered.

The 2025 International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment (SESDE) will be a platform for knowledge exchange, the review and discussion of theoretical advances, research results, and industrial experiences, among scientists, researchers, decision makers, practitioners and students dealing with the topics under the umbrella of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.

Therefore, we would like to kindly invite you to take an active part in this conference and in the co-located events that will be held at Fes, Morocco on September 17-19, 2025 and explore with us the latest news, views and developments in the exciting world of multidisciplinary modeling & simulation.


I3M 2025 Organization Committee 

Topics & Tracks

Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied. Topics of interests include the following topics, however different ones concerning Modeling & Simulation in Industry are welcome.

  • Climate change: Global warming, Global dimming, Fossil fuels, Sea level rise, Greenhouse gas, Ocean acidification, Shutdown of thermohaline circulation, Environmental impact of the coal industry, Urban Heat Islands
  • Conservation: Species extinction, Pollinator decline, Coral bleaching, Holocene extinction, Invasive species, Poaching, Endangered species
  • Energy: Energy conservation, Renewable energy, Efficient energy use, Renewable energy commercialization, Environmental impact of the coal industry, Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Environmental degradation:
    Eutrophication, Habitat destruction, Invasive species
  • Environmental health: Air quality, Asthma, Environmental impact of the coal industry, Electromagnetic fields, Electromagnetic radiation and health, Indoor air quality, Lead poisoning, Electronic Data Interchange, Sick Building Syndrome, Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Genetic engineering: Genetic pollution, Genetically modified food controversies
  • Intensive farming: Overgrazing, Irrigation, Organizational Modeling, Monoculture, Environmental effects of meat production, Slash and burn, Pesticide drift, Plasticulture
  • Land degradation: Land pollution, Desertification
  • Soil: Soil conservation, Soil erosion, Soil salination
  • Land use: Urban sprawl, Habitat fragmentation, Habitat destruction
  • Nuclear issues: Nuclear fallout, Nuclear meltdown, Nuclear power, Nuclear weapons, Nuclear and radiation accidents, Nuclear safety, High-level radioactive waste management
  • Overpopulation: Burial, Water crisis, Overpopulation in companion animals, Tragedy of the commons, Gender Imbalance in Developing Countries, Sub-replacement fertility levels in developed countries
  • Ozone depletion: CFC, Biological effects of UV exposure
  • Pollution: Environmental impact of the coal industry, Nonpoint source pollution, Point source pollution, Light pollution, Noise pollution, Visual pollution
  • Water pollution: Environmental impact of the coal industry, Acid rain, Eutrophication, Marine pollution, Ocean dumping, Oil spills, Thermal pollution, Urban runoff, Water crisis, Marine debris, Microplastics, Ocean acidification, Ship pollution, Wastewater, Fish kill, Algal bloom, Mercury in fish, Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Air pollution: Environmental impact of the coal industry, Smog, Tropospheric ozone, Indoor air quality, Volatile organic compound, Atmospheric particulate matter, Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Reservoirs: Environmental impacts of reservoirs
  • Resource depletion: Exploitation of natural resources, Overdrafting
  • Consumerism: Consumer capitalism, Planned obsolescence, Over-consumption
  • Fishing: Blast fishing, Bottom trawling, Cyanide fishing, Ghost nets, Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, Overfishing, Shark finning, Whaling
  • Logging: Clearcutting, Deforestation, Illegal logging
  • Mining: Acid mine drainage, Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing, Mountaintop removal mining, Slurry impoundments
  • Toxins: Chlorofluorocarbons, DDT, Endocrine disruptors, Dioxin, Toxic heavy metals, Environmental impact of the coal industry, Herbicides, Pesticides, Toxic waste, PCB, Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Sustainability: Economic, Social, Environmental, Financial, Cultural
  • Transportations: Emissions, Traffic, Green Logistics
  • Waste: Electronic waste, Litter, Waste disposal incidents, Marine debris, Medical waste, Landfill, Leachate, Environmental impact of the coal industry, Incineration, Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Exporting of hazardous waste, Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing


An Open Track addresses specific, well-defined subjects and has no upper limit on the number of papers that can be submitted to it. Contributions to open tracks can be either regular papers or short papers (min 3 pages length) and they will appear in the conference proceedings. The organizer(s) of an Open Track will be inviting contributions but the tracks are open to everyone is willing to contribute. If at least 4 papers are submitted to the track, one (or more) Invited Sessions, including those papers, will be part of the conference program.

Co-Chairs: (a)M.R. Riazi, (b)Emre Artun

Affiliation: (a)Kuwait University (Kuwait), (b)Istanbul Technical University (Turkey)

Track Description: The track aims at providing the latest research and developments, innovations, advances and best practices in the areas of modeling and simulation and computer software developments applicable to the entire hydrocarbon industry including oil, gas and coal, formation, production and processing industries. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Reservoir simulation and modeling
  • Geomodeling for hydrocarbon reservoirs
  • Integrated production modeling for hydrocarbon reservoirs
  • Simulation of pool-forming and petroleum evolution systems
  • Process simulation and modeling for the petroleum and petrochemical industry
  • Modeling and simulation of refining and petrochemical plants
  • Oil spill modeling and simulation
  • Modeling of environmental problems in oil, gas and coal industry
  • Computer software development in the petroleum industry
  • Modeling and simulation of transportation systems for oil and gas and related products
  • Modeling of geothermal resources, production and utilization
Please be sure to select “​Simulation and Modeling in the Hydrocarbon Industry” as main topic during the submission.

Chair: Michael Affenzeller

Affiliation: Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

Track Description: In recent years, smart energy systems evolve all over the world, treated both in research as well as in industry. Especially within this research area computational methods come up to be of increasing importance for various applications like processing of large amounts of sensory data, controlling real-time devices in distribution grids or using modeling & simulation methods for sustainable power grid planning. The aim of this session is to address these upcoming research issues, where achievements in computer sciences enable future technologies for planning, optimization and control of smart grids. SPOC invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work, including the following topics, but not limited to:

  • Algorithms for modeling, control and optimization
  • Wide area monitoring, control and protection
  • Security & reliability for smart grids
  • Simulation
  • Communication and control
  • Transport Safety and Security
  • Demand side management
  • Distributed energy supply
  • Probabilistic modeling
  • Optimization
  • Plug-in vehicles
  • Renewable energy
  • Distributed sensing/metering
  • Phasor measurements
  • Micro Grids
  • Universal Grids
  • Visualizations for control centers
Please be sure to select “​Smart Grid Planning, Optimization and Control – SPOC” as main topic during the submission.

Co-Chairs: (a)Arnis Lektauers, (b)Luis Le Moyne

Affiliation: (a)Riga Technical University (Latvia), (b)University of Bourgogne (France)

Track Description: The track aims at providing the latest research findings, innovations, advances and best practices in the areas of planning for sustainable land use and transport, traffic management and engineering, green logistics and intelligent transport systems adopting modelling and simulation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Energy efficient transport and propulsion solutions
  • Planning for Sustainable Land Use and Transport
  • Transport and Climate Change
  • Environmental Friendly Transport Modes
  • Traffic Management and Engineering
  • Transport Safety and Security
  • Energy Systems
  • Transport Economics and Appraisal
  • Travel Behavior
  • Public Transport Systems
  • Urban Transport Management
  • Integration of Transport and Regional Planning
  • Green Logistics
  • Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Digital Twins in Transportation

Please be sure to select “Transportations” as main topic during the submission.

Chair: Silvia Carpitella

Affiliation: California State University Northridge (United States)

Track Description:  Data-driven decision making drives circular economy goals in global supply chains by leveraging technologies like IoT sensors, big data analytics, and predictive modeling to optimize resources and reduce waste, enabling businesses to track products across their entire life cycle and ensure materials are reused, recycled, or repurposed. The integration of data analytics helps identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement in real time, regardless of geographical boundaries. For example, predictive maintenance powered by sensor data can extend the lifespan of equipment in manufacturing facilities around the world, while advanced forecasting models help minimize overproduction and reduce excess inventory on a global scale. Additionally, data transparency across international supply chains improves collaboration between global stakeholders, allowing for more informed decisions aligned with sustainability goals.
As international regulations tighten and consumer demand for sustainable practices grows, effective data-driven approaches support environmental objectives while driving cost savings and operational efficiency across global operations, giving businesses that apply data to circular economy initiatives a competitive edge. Advancing data-driven decision making in supply chains offers a vital opportunity to transform traditional linear models into sustainable, circular systems, generating benefits for businesses, communities, and the environment worldwide.
We invite novel contributions exploring and expanding this evolving field.

Please be sure to select “Data-driven decision making for achieving circular economy goals in global supply chains” as the main topic during the submission.

Chair:  (a)Ammar Al-Bazi,  (b)Firas Basim Ismail Alnaimi

Affiliation:  (a)Aston University (UK), (b)Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Malysia)

Track Description: The integration of digital technologies with power and energy systems is providing promising solutions to deal with the increasing complexity of the energy sector. Simulation technology is used to model uncertainties inherent in complex demand problems in the power and energy domain, as it facilitates the modelling of dynamic environments. This then enables the best management of the planning and distribution of energy. In addition, simulation modelling is also used to address challenges associated with the management of distributed generation, renewables, and consumption flexibility. This has resulted in the generation of technologies for efficiency improvements. This track brings together the latest advances and trends in energy systems simulation and optimisation. Contributions are welcome on all kinds of simulation and optimisation solutions for power and energy systems, including both theoretical and practical applications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital technologies including Digital Twins applications in the power sector.
  • Blockchain Technology in the energy sector.
  • Green mobility and environment.
  • Deep Learning techniques for renewable power sources management.
  • Smart energy management.
  • Decarbonisation of the power sector.
  • Renewable energy resources and climate changes.
  • Energy efficiency and demand side management.
  • Energy demands, future trends, and its environmental impacts.
  • Advances in modelling, simulation, and visualisation of energy systems.
  • Multi Agent-based smart grid simulation.
  • Smart modelling for energy management in buildings.
  • Computational approaches for the power industry performance optimisation.
  • Specialised software and tools for simulation of energy systems.
  • Enhancement of energy efficiency approaches.

Please be sure to select “Simulation and optimisation of Energy Systems” as the main topic during the submission.

Submit an Open Track Proposal

Are you willing to propose an open track and collect papers focusing on a specific subject? Fill the form and send it to f.longo@unical.it and massei@itim.unige.it.

Key Dates

Paper Submission Deadlines

Registration Deadlines

Dedicated to the Memory of Janos Sebestyen Janosy

Janos Sebestyen Janosy

SESDE General Co-Chair
Centre for Energy Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary


SESDE 2025 Organization Board

Gregory Zacharewicz

SESDE General Co-Chair
IMT Mines Alès, France

Claudia Frydman

SESDE General Co-Chair
Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes, France

Juan Albino Méndez Pérez

SESDE Program Co-Chair
Universidad de La Laguna, Spain 

Antonio Cimino

SESDE Program Co-Chair
University of Salento, Italy

SESDE 2025 Organization Staff

Vittorio Solina – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Antonio Padovano – University of Calabria, Italy

Letizia Nicoletti – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy

Mohaiad Osman Elbasheer – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

Cataldo Russo – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy

Caterina Fusto – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

Alessandro Chiurco – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Virginia D’Augusta – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Simone Talarico – DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy

Marco Vetrano – CAL-TEK S.r.l., Italy

Kirill Sinelshchikov – Simulation Team, Italy
Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy

Alessio Baratta – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

Pierpaolo Veltri – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Karen Althea Manfredi – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy
Antonio Nervoso – MSC-LES, University of Calabria, Italy

SESDE 2025 International Program Committee

Michael Affenzeller – Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria

Matteo Agresta – University of Genoa, Italy

Ammar Al-Bazi – Aston University, United Kingdom

Emre Artun – Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Agostino Bruzzone – University of Genoa, Italy

Daniel Buchbinder – Alterna, Guatemala

Janos Sebestyen Janosy – Centre For Energy Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Firas Basim Ismail Alnaimi – Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malysia
Juan Albino Méndez Pérez –  Universidad de La Laguna, Spain 



Luis Le Moyne – University of Bourgogne, France

Arnis Lektauers – Riga Technical University, Latvia

Francesco Longo – University of Calabria, Italy

Marina Massei – University of Genoa, Italy

Letizia Nicoletti – Cal-Tek Srl, Italy

Antonio Padovano – University of Calabria, Italy

M.R. Riazi – University of Kuwait, Kuwait

Gregory Zacharewicz – Ims Université Bordeaux 1, France

Silvia Carpitella- California State University Northridge, United States
Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy


Get on board the team now!

Are you willing to join the Organization Committee or the International Program Committee? Discover the benefits and opportunities now and submit your proposal. Please feel free to contact f.longo@unical.it; massei@itim.unige.it