ISM 2019 Registration and Fees

Conference Registration and Fee Payment

ON LINE REGISTRATION PROCEDURE (After clicking, please be sure to scroll down and select ISM Full Registration)

Authors are expected to register (by using the procedure -->online registration), to pay the registration fee, to attend the conference and to present the accepted papers (the reduced registration fee is guaranteed only if the payment is received before October 20, 2019).
Without the payment of the registration fee the paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings. The registration fee payment guarantees the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings. Note the registration fee payment must be completed before October 31st 2019. After October 31st, 2019 the Organization Committee does not guarantee the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings. Conference attendee paying full registration will be able to attend any of the ISM Conference sessions. The registration fee is associated with publication of the paper and is NOT REFUNDABLE, but is transferable to the designed who will present your paper at the Conference.

For further information please contact Francesco Longo ( or Letizia Nicoletti (

What is included Fee
Paper Management and Publication Presentation in the conference sessions Conference Materials Access to conference sessions and events Access to Coffee Breaks Access to Luncheons Access to Gala Dinner Before October 20th, 2019 After October 20th, 2019
Full Registration to the conference 350.00 € 400.00 €
2nd Author Registration Fee* 325.00 € 375.00 €
3rd (or more) Author Registration Fee* 300.00 € 350.00 €
2nd Paper Fee** 150.00 € 200.00 €
3rd Paper Fee** 100.00 € 150.00 €
Student Registration Fee 200.00 € 250.00 €
Observer Registration Fee 150.00 € 200.00 €
Additional Fee per Paper Page 75.00 €

ISM 2019 FAQ

* What if I am the co-author of a paper and my colleague already registered to the conference and paid a Full Registration Fee?
If you are the 2nd author (from the same paper) who registers, you can pay the 2nd Author Registration Fee. If you are the 3rd (or more) author (from the same paper) who registers from the same paper, you can pay the 3rd Author Registration Fee.

** What if I (or we) want to submit more than one paper to the conference?
If you are willing to submit a second paper and it gets accepted, you have to pay the 2nd Paper Fee. If you are presenting three or more papers, you have to pay as many 3rd Paper Fees as the number of papers. Please note that these fees are applicable only if a Full Registration has been already paid for the first paper and cover for the publication process and presentation of the paper at the conference.

Can I buy some companion tickets for luncheons or the Gala Dinner?
You can buy additional lunch tickets at a change of 40,00 EUR per single lunch and additional Gala Dinner tickets at a charge of 80,00 EUR each.

What if I am a student attending the conference but I am not presenting any paper?
You can pay an Observer Registration Fee.

What if the work must be cleared of approved by an institution, company or governmental agency?
If your work must be cleared or approved before publication by your institution, company, or governmental agency, please be sure that process will be completed by the deadline for the submission of the final paper or it will not be included in the Conference Proceedings.

Payment Procedure


The registration fee can be paid by using your credit card or by wire transfer.

During the registration procedure you will be asked to choose which payment mode you prefer. In case you choose to pay via credit card you be redirected to a secure environment where you can directly pay your conference fee.

If you choose to pay via bank transfer please use the following information

Bank Name: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Agenzia di Rende (CS), Italy

Bank Address: Piazza Matteotti 14, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy

Payment by Wire Transfer to:

Account Holder: CAL-TEK Srl

Holder VAT: 03133320782

Account Holder: CAL-TEK Srl

IBAN : IT11U0100580880000000001724


Account Holder Address : Via Spagna 240-242, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy

Very Important: In the Wire Transfer please state reference: ISM + Your name + Paper ID

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