IWISH 2017 Call For Papers

Studying biomechanical problems for cardiothoracic and cardiovascular clinical problems: Models, designing tools, simulation environments and critical condition prediction for surgical interventions

Track Description

The mathematical modeling of the cardiovascular system is today considered as a valid support for clinical intervention. The state of the art testifies that biomedical studies are considered a priori as a support for clinical studies, therapies and surgery intervention for vascular as well as cardiologic pathologies management.

Particular attention is given to applications to the prediction of critical conditions while managing with in vivo vessels and blood. Thanks to innovative mathematical and fluid-dynamics models and computer-based simulation systems, surgical intervention simulation and critical condition prediction are considered more and more reliable by clinicians.

The track aims to attract scientists working on models and designing tools, environments, clinical and mechanical studies of interest for both cardiovascular clinical problems and disorders or diseases. The key focus of this session is to aggregate scientists from biomechanical as well as clinical areas to set up a mathematical-based simulation platform allowing surgeons and clinical specialists tools for clinical practice, simulation and chirurgical support. The expected results are a set of high-quality research papers analyzing the state of the art of biomechanical models and systems available to physicians and their reliability in practical cases to simulate and predict disorders or side effects of surgical or pharmacological therapies.

We welcome papers focusing on the areas described above and regarding, but not limited to, one of the following topics:

  • Cardiac muscle models.
  • Ventricular assist device, Artificial heart, Valves and prostheses models.
  • Compartmental models.
  • Cardiovascular models.
  • Blood flow models.
  • Ventricular models.
  • Arterial impedance.
  • Circulation models.
  • Coronary blood flow models.
  • Cardiovascular system surgical models.
  • Electrophysiology models.
  • Cardiovascular disease models.

For further information please contact Gionata Fragomeni.

I3M 2017 Scientific Sponsors

I3M 2017 Industrial Sponsors

I3M 2017 Media Sponsors