IWISH 2017 Tracks

Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied. Topics of interests include the following tracks, nevertheless different topics concerning Modeling & Simulation in Industry are welcome.

Current List of Tracks and Workshops

  Application of Simulation for Healthcare Supply Chains

Chairs: Korina Katsaliaki, International Hellenic University (Greece); Navonil Mustafee, University of Exeter (UK)

  Modeling and Simulation of physical systems

  Healthcare and Public Health M&S

Chairs: Rafael Diaz, VMASC Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (Virginia); Eduardo Cabrera, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)

  Modeling and Simulation for Cognitive Computation

Chairs: Muaz Niazi, Bahria University (Pakistan); Amir Hussain, University of Stirling, Scotland (UK)

  Studying biomechanical problems for cardiothoracic and cardiovascular clinical problems: Models, designing tools, simulation environments and critical condition prediction for surgical interventions

Chair: Gionata Fragomeni, University Magna Graecia, (Italy).

  Patient Specific Modeling of the Cardiovascular-Respiratory system: interdisciplinary approaches to theory and practice

Chairs: Jerry Batzel, University of Graz (Austria); Nandu Goswami, Medical University of Graz (Austria); Mette Olufsen, North Carolina State University (United States)

  Mathematical Modeling and Health Technology Assessment

Chairs: Niki Popper, dwh Simulation Services Vienna (Austria); Felix Breitenecker, Vienna Univ. of technology,Div. Mathematical modelling and Simulation (Austria); Gottfried Endel, Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions (Austria)

  Modelling and Simulation in Physiology and Medicine

Chairs: Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc, Univ. Ljubljana (Slovenia); Felix Breitenecker, Vienna Univ. of Technology (Austria)

  Modeling and Simulation for Biosciences and Bioinformatics

  Simulation and Modeling in Computer Aided Therapy

Chairs: Werner Backfrieder, University of Applied Sciences (Austria); Witold Jacak, University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

  Data Driven System Simulation - Modelling & Simulation of Complex Systems

Chair: Niki Popper, DEXHELPP (Austria);

Topics :

Computer aided diagnostics and therapy:

Modelling and simulation in bio-systems, physiology, cardiology, anaesthesia, cancer, circulatory system, respiratory system, renal system, biomechanics

Virtual Reality in surgical procedures

Virtual Reality for the treatment of disorders and/or rehabilitation

Virtual Reality for development and validation of medical simulators

Model based information processing of medical images

Advanced methods in model based image processing

New methods of diagnostic imaging

New paradigms in functional imaging, e.g. PET and MR

Reconstruction in computed tomography

Model based segmentation and registration

Simulation in the context of diagnostics

Simulation of emergency procedures (disaster gaming)

Simulation of disease proliferation

Healthcare networks

Clinical information flows

Cellular and Molecular Models in Medicine:

Simulation in genetics and system biology

Simulating biological phenomena and organs

Modeling and recognition of regulatory motifs and modules

Pharmacometric modelling

Physiological simulations

Drug inventory management

Personalized drugs design

Algorithms in DNA analysis

Tissue engineering

Molecular tumour diagnostics

Novel methods in DNA arrays

Protein structure analysis

Regulatory networks, metabolic networks, proteomic networks,

Databases in Bioinformatics

Protein ontology data bases

Novel HPC-paradigms in Bioinformatics

Management of Healthcare:

Waiting time issues in hospitals

Patient pathways

Modelling Emergency Departments

Modelling ancillary services

Patient flows in outpatient facilities

Simulation for surgical and clinic scheduling

Simulation for logistics of healthcare

Simulation of patient care

Models of elderly people care

Healthcare policy analysis

Ambulance planning

Simulation for health economics analysis

Modelling of clinical environments

Modeling and Simulation for Biosciences and Bioinformatics:

Exploratory Bioinformatics and Computational Biological models, simulations and tools for helping Bioscientists

Modeling and simulation as decision support for assisting Bioscientists and Medical practitioners

Agent-based Modeling and simulation for Biological Systems, Healthcare facilities or Social Systems etc.

Verification and Validation of Biological Simulations

Equation based Modeling of Biological Systems

Development and analysis of Complex Biological and Social Networks (Formal Specification, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation)

Modeling and Simulation in System Biology

Modeling and simulation of congenital disorders

Modeling and simulation of epidemics and other diseases

HIV/AIDS related M&S

Tumor Growth modeling and Simulation

Distributed Simulation of Biological Systems

Formal Specification and Models such as using Z formal specification language, Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) etc.

Use of Cognitive Computation and AI techniques such as Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Bio-inspired techniques, swarm intelligence algorithms for developing models of Biological systems

Modeling and Simulation of Body Sensor Networks for e-Health

Modeling and Simulation of Pervasive and Ambient Assisted Living systems, Disease Tracking and Monitoring systems

Artificial Life related topics

I3M 2017 Scientific Sponsors

I3M 2017 Industrial Sponsors

I3M 2017 Media Sponsors