CN-HPC, Spoke 6, FP2.7 and FP2.8

Funding Agency:
Italian Ministry of University and Research
Industry 4.0 & 5.0
36 months
- Official Website

Project overview

Project Team @UNICAL
- 25+ researchers involved in the project activities.
- Two different Flagship Projects (FP2.7 and FP2.8).
- Applications areas including Bioengineering, Industrial Engineering, Sustainable Energy and Maritime.
- Designing and developing innovative methodologies and solutions in multiple application domains.

Project overview
- The FP2.7 project, titled "Virtual Reality Ship Bridge Training Environment" is an initiative aimed at increasing the MSC-LES lab capabilities in the area of ship bridge crew training through the use of Immersive and Real Time Virtual Reality environments. Focused on ship bridge operations, the project's primary objective is to create a demo version of a training environment that closely emulates the physical layout and instruments of a ship's bridge, integrating main navigational aids. The project endeavors to provide an initial prototype of training environment that improves operational efficiency, reduces incidents, and ensures the preparedness of navigators.
- The FP 2.8 includes two different parts. The first part is related to the application of Industry 4.0 methodologies and technologies in the healthcare domain. This part aims to use industry 4.0 enabling technologies such as different simulation paradigms, advanced multibody systems and virtual sensing, virtual prototyping, generative design and machine learning, etc.) to achieve synergistic and integrated approaches in product and process design with particular attention to the biomedical engineering sector.The second part is related to the real-time modeling and simulation (RTS) of Hybrid Generation Systems Powered by Renewable Sources (HGSPRS), using Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) applications.

Project results
- A Real Time Virtual Reality Applications for training of ship bridge crew.
- Increasing training effectivness through an interactive and immersive approach
- Real Time data streaming between desktop and VR applications FP2.8 Results - Part I
- Definition of a methodology for the management and optimization of 3D models for their prototyping through AM technologies and their analysis in VR/AR environments.
- Development of an advanced rheological model able to simulate machining and burnishing processes and their combination. Proof-of-concept of a virtual sensing approach to monitor critical parameter(s) during prostheses manufacturing and use.
- Machine learning models to optimize and predict biomaterial properties and General-purpose simulation model of Lab-Fab scenarios. FP2.8 Results - Part II
- Real-time modeling and simulation of hybrid generation systems with renewable resources using HIL applications.
- Development of advanced control algorithms for complex electrical power systems
- Development of advanced Hybrid Generation Systems Powered by Renewable Sources, with a high TRL, capable of operating in the electrical power systems to provide support and services;
FP2.7 and FP2.8 Partners and Research Groups
Project Lead, University of Calabria, FP2.7, FP2.8 Part IThe MSC-LES Lab is leading both the FP2.7 and the FP2.8 projects providing the following competences.
TSP Research Group, IIND04/A
Project Partner, University of Calabria, FP2.8 Part IThe Manufacturing Research Group participates to the FP2.8 project and provides the following competences.
DMS Research Group, IIND02/A
Project Partner, University of Calabria, FP2.8 Part IThe Dynamics of Mechanical Systems Research Group participates to the FP2.8 project.
DMIE Research Group, IIND-03/B
Project Partner, University of Calabria, FP2.8 Part IThe Design & Method of Industrial Engineering Research Group participates to the FP2.8 project.
OR Research Group, MATH06/A
Project Partner, University of Calabria, FP2.8 Part IThe Operational Research Group participates to the FP2.8 project providing the following competences.
IBE Research Group, IBIO01/A
Project Partner, University of Calabria, FP2.8 Part IThe Industrial Bioengineering Research Group participates to the FP2.8 project.
IE Research Group, IIND05/A
Project Partners, University of Bologna, FP2.8 Part IThe Industrial Eng. Research Group of University of Bologna provides the following competences.
DMIE Research Group, IIND-03/B
Project Partner, University of Bologna, FP2.8 Part IThe Design & Method of Industrial Engineering Research Group (UNIBO) participates to the FP2.8.
EPS Research Group, IIND08-B
Project Lead, University of Calabria, FP2.8 Part IIThe Energy and Power Systems Research Group is leading the Part II of the FP2.8 project.

We always want to connect with other Research Institutions and Companies
Research must always be a beneficial extended as much as possible and we look forward to partnering with other Universities and Companies to achieve new goals.
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- Phone: +39 0984 494891