Our Contribution to the State of the Art over the years

  • 2024 Publications

    Cimino, A., Coniglio, I.M., Corvello, V., Longo, F., Sagawa, J.K., Solina, V. Exploring small farmers behavioral intention to adopt digital platforms for sustainable and successful agricultural ecosystems (2024) Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 204, art. no. 123436. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123436

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Solina, V. A cyclic and holistic methodology to exploit the Supply Chain Digital Twin concept towards a more resilient and sustainable future (2024) Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 11, art. no. 100154. DOI: 10.1016/j.clscn.2024.100154

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Solina, V., Verteramo, S. A multi-actor ICT platform for increasing sustainability and resilience of small-scale farmers after pandemic crisis (2024) British Food Journal, 126 (5), pp. 1870-1886. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-01-2023-0049

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Solina, V., Verteramo, S. An ontology-based, general-purpose and Industry 4.0-ready architecture for supporting the smart operator (Part II – Virtual Reality case) (2024) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 73, pp. 52-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2024.01.001

    Cimino, A., Felicetti, A.M., Corvello, V., Ndou, V., Longo, F. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in innovation management: a study on the appropriation of ChatGPT by innovation managers (2024) Management Decision. DOI: 10.1108/MD-10-2023-1968

    Malyshev, D., Filice, L., Mirabelli, G., Longo, F., Bernardi, B., Carbone, G., Rybak, L. A Literature Review and Design Considerations Towards a Gripper for Tomato Harvesting (2024) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 157 MMS, pp. 553-563. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-59257-7_55

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Solina, V. A simulation model for addressing supply chain disruptions under a multi-capital sustainability perspective: a case study in the agri-food sector (2024) Journal of Simulation. DOI: 10.1080/17477778.2024.2341015

    Longo, F., Manfredi, K.A., Solina, V., Conte, R., Cosma, A. Improving Supply Chain Sustainability and Resilience via anyLogistix: Research Trends and Future Challenges (2024) Procedia Computer Science, 232, pp. 1721-1728. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.01.170

    Longo, F., Nervoso, A., Nicoletti, L., Solina, V., Solis, A.O. Modeling & Simulation for assessing production policies: a real case study from a manufacturing company in Canada (2024) Procedia Computer Science, 232, pp. 1192-1200. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.01.117

    Baratta, A., Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Nicoletti, L. Task Allocation in Human-Robot Collaboration: A Simulation-based approach to optimize Operator's Productivity and Ergonomics (2024) Procedia Computer Science, 232, pp. 688-697. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.01.068

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Veltri, P. Automated simulation modeling: ensuring resilience and flexibility in Industry 4.0 manufacturing systems (2024) Procedia Computer Science, 232, pp. 1011-1024. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.01.100

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Sinelshichikov, K., De Paoli, A., Giovannetti, A., Longo, F., Fancello, G., Vairo, T., Giliberti, C., Mariconte, R. Promoting Safety, Security, Awareness and Productivity in Port Plants (2024) Procedia Computer Science, 232, pp. 358-367. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.01.035

    Baratta, A., Cimino, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L. Digital twin for human-robot collaboration enhancement in manufacturing systems: Literature review and direction for future developments (2024) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 187, art. no. 109764. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2023.109764

    Padovano, A., Longo, F., Manca, L., Grugni, R. Improving safety management in railway stations through a simulation-based digital twin approach (2024) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 187, art. no. 109839. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2023.109839

    Baratta A., Cimino A., Chiurco A., Longo F., Mirabelli G., Nicoletti L. Towards Real-Time Task Allocation in Human-Robot Collaboration: Defining Key Requirements and Features for a Multi-Simulation Digital Twin System (2024) European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, 2024-September, art. no. 036 DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2024.emss.036

    De Maio A., Longo F., Musmanno R., Veltri P. Configuration of an automated storage and retrieval system via simulation (2024) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2024.hms.010

    Elbasheer M., Longo F., Mirabelli G., Solina V. Flexible Symbiosis for Simulation Optimization in Production Scheduling: A Design Strategy for Adaptive Decision Support in Industry 5.0 (2024) Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 8 (6), art. no. 275 DOI: 10.3390/jmmp8060275

    Cimino A., Longo F., Mirabelli G., Solina V., Veltri P. Enhancing internal supply chain management in manufacturing through a simulation-based digital twin platform (2024) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 198, art. no. 110670 DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2024.110670

    Cardamone M., Carrelli V., Longo F., Padovano A., Tauro F. A Decision Support System for End-of-Life Management of Electric Vehicle Batteries: A Framework Addressing Disassembly Complexities (2024) Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS, 2024-September DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2024.mas.017

    D'augusta V., Longo F., Manfredi K.A., Mirabelli G., Nicoletti L., Solina V., Talarico S. Enhancing Maritime Training: The Role of VR in Ship Bridge Simulators-The CAL-TEK Case Study (2024) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2024.hms.012

    Cimino A., Longo F., Nicoletti L., Solina V. Simulation-based Digital Twin for enhancing human-robot collaboration in assembly systems (2024) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 77, pp. 903 - 918 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2024.10.024

    Padovano A., Longo F., Cimino A., Cardamone M., Sammarco C., Veltri P. Sustainable Simulation-Based Digital Twin: An Application Portfolio Management Tool to Minimize Digital Waste and Maximize Useful Life (2024) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2032 CCIS, pp. 58 - 69 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-68435-7_5

  • 2023 Publications

    Cimino, A., Grazia Gnoni, M., Longo, F., Solina, V.
    Integrating multiple industry 4.0 approaches and tools in an interoperable platform for manufacturing SMEs (2023) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 186, art. no. 109732, . DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2023.109732

    Bussacarini, M.V.P., Sagawa, J.K., Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    Reduction of variability in a smart shop floor using discrete event simulation (2023) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 128 (3-4), pp. 1829-1844. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-023-11934-9

    Sáenz, M., Latorre-Biel, J.I., Martínez, E., Jiménez, E., Longo, F., Blanco, J.
    Environmental impact of the production process of washing, assorting and packaging fresh potatoes and measures to mitigate it (2023) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58 (7), pp. 3727-3741. DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.16475

    Baratta, A., Cimino, A., Longo, F., Solina, V., Verteramo, S.
    The Impact of ESG Practices in Industry with a Focus on Carbon Emissions: Insights and Future Perspectives (2023) Sustainability (Switzerland), 15 (8), art. no. 6685, . DOI: 10.3390/su15086685

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., De Felice, F., Petrillo, A., Elbasheer, M.
    From “prepare for the unknown” to “train for what's coming”: A digital twin-driven and cognitive training approach for the workforce of the future in smart factories (2023) Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 32, art. no. 100437, . DOI: 10.1016/j.jii.2023.100437

    Cimino, A., Gnoni, M.G., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L.
    A risk assessment framework based on ergonomic methods and AHP for prioritizing interventions to prevent container terminal operator's musculoskeletal disorders (2023) Safety Science, 159, art. no. 106017, . DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2022.106017

    Elbasheer, M., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Solina, V.
    Shaping the role of the digital twins for human-robot dyad: Connotations, scenarios, and future perspectives (2023) IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, 5 (1), art. no. e12066, . DOI: 10.1049/cim2.12066

    Bruzzone, A.G., Giovannetti, A., Ferrari, R., Gadupuri, B., Karim, J., Sciomachen, A., Longo, F., Fancello, G., Martella, A., Monaci, F., Bucchianica, L., Giliberti, C.
    Data Analytics for Safety and Security within Ports based using Open Sources (2023) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 2023-September, 5 p. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2023.hms.010

    Cimino, A., Elbasheer, M., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Padovano, A., Solina, V.
    A Comparative Study of Genetic Algorithms for Integrated Predictive Maintenance and Job Shop Scheduling (2023) European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, 2023-September, . DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2023.emss.047

    Chiurco, A., D'Augusta, V., La Rosa, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Solina, V.
    Literature overview on AI-based garment sizing systems under a sustainable perspective (2023) European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, 2023-September, . DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2023.emss.048

    Manfredi, K.A., Nervoso, A., Solis, A.O., Longo, F.
    Simulation-Driven Analyses of Performance of PCB Assembly Operations: A Case Study (2023) Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS, 2023-September, . DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2023.mas.022

    Fusto, C., Longo, F., Muraca, A., Rudi, L., Timpani, T., Veltri, P.
    Enhancing efficiency in the food industry: a simulation model for optimizing production processes (2023) Proceedings of the International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FOODOPS, 2023-September, . DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2023.foodops.009

    Baratta, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Padovano, A., Solina, V.
    A Digital Twin-Based Approach for Emotion Recognition in Human-Robot Collaboration (2023) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 745 LNNS, pp. 155-166. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-38274-1_14

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Solina, V., Verteramo, S.
    A multi-actor ICT platform for increasing sustainability and resilience of small-scale farmers after pandemic crisis (2023) British Food Journal, . DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-01-2023-0049

  • 2023 Publications

    De Lorenzo, G., Piraino, F., Longo, F., Tinè, G., Boscaino, V., Panzavecchia, N., Caccia, M., Fragiacomo, P.
    Modelling and Performance Analysis of an Autonomous Marine Vehicle Powered by a Fuel Cell Hybrid Powertrain (2022) Energies, 15 (19), art. no. 6926. DOI: 10.3390/en15196926

    Sáenz-Baños, M., Latorre-Biel, J.I., Martínez-Cámara, E., Jiménez-Macías, E., Longo, F., Blanco-Fernández, J.
    Methodology for energy demand reduction of potato cold storage process (2022) Journal of Food Process Engineering, 45 (10), art. no. e14127. DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.14127

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Solina, V., Alberto, U., De Paola, G., Giordano, L., Ziparo, M.
    A Simulation-Based Framework for Manufacturing Design and Resilience Assessment: A Case Study in the Wood Sector (2022) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12 (15), art. no. 7614. DOI: 10.3390/app12157614

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Nicoletti, L., Solina, V.
    An ontology-based, general-purpose and Industry 4.0-ready architecture for supporting the smart operator (Part I – Mixed reality case) (2022) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 64, pp. 594-612. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2022.08.002

    Ambrogio, G., Filice, L., Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    Workforce and supply chain disruption as a digital and technological innovation opportunity for resilient manufacturing systems in the COVID-19 pandemic (2022) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 169, art. no. 108158. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2022.108158

    De Felice, F., Longo, F., Padovano, A., Falcone, D., Baffo, I.
    Proposal of a multidimensional risk assessment methodolgy to assess ageing workforce in a manufacturing industry: A pilot case study (2022) Safety Science, 149, art. no. 105681. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2022.105681

    Bottani, E., Longo, F., Vignali, G.
    Special issue "selected papers from the International Food Operations & Processing Simulation Workshop - Sixth edition" (2022) International Journal of Food Engineering, 18 (3), pp. 169-170. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2022-0066

    Chiurco, A., Elbasheer, M., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Solina, V.
    Data Modeling and ML Practice for Enabling Intelligent Digital Twins in Adaptive Production Planning and Control (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 217, pp. 1908-1917. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.391

    Cimino, A., Gnoni, M.G., Longo, F., La Rosa, A.
    Digital Twin (DT) based methodology to support effective design of industrial production lines (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 217, pp. 1896-1907. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.390

    Cimino, A., Elbasheer, M., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Empowering Field Operators in Manufacturing: a Prospective Towards Industry 5.0 (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 217, pp. 1948-1953. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.395

    Baratta, A., Cimino, A., Gnoni, M.G., Longo, F.
    Human Robot Collaboration in Industry 4.0: a literature review (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 217, pp. 1887-1895. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.389

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Solina, V., Belli, L., Abdallah, C.B., Ben-Ammar, O., Bottani, E., García-Gallego, J.M., Germanos, M., González, F.J.M., Lacoba, S.R., Sidhom, L., Vignali, G., Zacharewicz, G.
    An overview of approaches and methodologies for supporting smallholders: ICT tools, blockchain, business models, sustainability indicators, simulation models (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 217, pp. 1930-1939. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.393

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Padovano, A., Solina, V.
    The Digital Supply Chain Twin paradigm for enhancing resilience and sustainability against COVID-like crises (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 217, pp. 1940-1947. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.394

    Cimino, A., Gnoni, M.G., Longo, F., Barone, G., Fedele, M., Piane, D.L.
    Modeling & Simulation as Industry 4.0 enabling technology to support manufacturing process design: a real industrial application (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 217, pp. 1877-1886. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.388

    Elbasheer, M., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Padovano, A., Solina, V., Talarico, S.
    Integrated Prescriptive Maintenance and Production Planning: a Machine Learning Approach for the Development of an Autonomous Decision Support Agent (2022) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (10), pp. 2605-2610. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.102

    Smith, K., Diaz, R., Shen, Y., Longo, F.
    Definition and Detection of Hypervulnerabilities using a Framework for Assessing Port Resilience (2022) 24th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, HMS 2022, art. no. 002, . DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2022.hms.002

    Cimino, A., Gnoni, M.G., Longo, F., Diaz, R., Solis, A., Nervoso, A., Manfredi, K.A., Diaco, M.
    Challenges and solutions for designing a Covid-19 vaccination hub: a simulation approach (2022) 11th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care, IWISH 2022, art. no. 006. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2022.iwish.006

    Cimino, A., Gnoni, M.G., Longo, F., Padovano, A., Bromo, V., Ferro, D., Stranges, A.
    A Modeling & Simulation based approach to support collaboration between SMEs operating in the furniture sector (2022) European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, art. no. 047, .
    DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2022.emss.047

    Bruzzone, A., Massei, M., Giovannetti, A., Ferrari, R., Longo, F., Fancello, G., Tarone, F.
    Evaluation of Risk Awareness by Simulation & Extended Reality in Industrial Plants (2022) European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, art. no. 050, . DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2022.emss.050

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Caputi, L., Gatti, G., Fragiacomo, P., D'Augusta, V., Talarico, S.
    Distributed Simulation for Digital Twins: an Application to Support the Autonomous Robotics for the Extended Ship (2022) 2022 IEEE/ACM 26th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, DS-RT 2022, pp. 179-186. DOI: 10.1109/DS-RT55542.2022.9932057

    Smith, K., Diaz, R., Shen, Y., Longo, F.
    Definition and Detection of Hypervulnerabilities using a Framework for Assessing Port Resilience (2022) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, . DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2022.hms.002

    Bellucci, M., Chiurco, A., Cimino, A., Ferro, D., Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    Learning Factories: a review of state of the art and development of a morphological model for an Industrial Engineering Education 4.0 (2022) MELECON 2022 - IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Proceedings, pp. 260-265. DOI: 10.1109/MELECON53508.2022.9843084

    Elbasheer, M., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Solina, V., Vetrano, M.
    Applications of ML/AI for Decision-Intensive Tasks in Production Planning and Control (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 200, pp. 1903-1912. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.01.391

    Chiurco, A., Frangella, J., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Solina, V., Mirabelli, G., Citraro, C.
    Real-time Detection of Worker's Emotions for Advanced Human-Robot Interaction during Collaborative Tasks in Smart Factories (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 200, pp. 1875-1884. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.01.391

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Solina, V., D'Augusta, V., Venzl, S., Calbi, R., Bartuni, M., Anastasi, O., Diaz, R.
    Human Ergonomic Simulation to Support the Design of an Exoskeleton for Lashing/De-lashing operations of Containers Cargo (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 200, pp. 1894-1902. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.01.390

    Shi, Y., Shen, W., Wang, L., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    A Cognitive Digital Twins Framework for Human-Robot Collaboration (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 200, pp. 1867-1874.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.01.387

    Catalano, M., Chiurco, A., Fusto, C., Gazzaneo, L., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Nicoletti, L., Solina, V., Talarico, S.
    A Digital Twin-Driven and Conceptual Framework for Enabling Extended Reality Applications: A Case Study of a Brake Discs Manufacturer (2022) Procedia Computer Science, 200, pp. 1885-1893. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.01.389

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    New perspectives and results for Smart Operators in industry 4.0: A human-centered approach (2022) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 163, art. no. 107824. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107824

  • 2021 Publications

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Cimmino, B., Pinto, P.
    Towards a mass customization in the fashion industry: An evolutionary decision aid model for apparel product platform design and optimization (2021) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 162, art. no. 107742. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107742

    Bottani, E., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Tancredi, G.P.C., Tebaldi, L., Vetrano, M., Vignali, G.
    Wearable and interactive mixed reality solutions for fault diagnosis and assistance in manufacturing systems: Implementation and testing in an aseptic bottling line (2021) Computers in Industry, 128, art. no. 103429, . DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2021.103429

    Bruzzone, A.G., Sinelshikov, K., Massei, M., Giovannetti, A., Tarone, F., Longo, F., Fancello, G., Giliberti, C., Mariconte, R., Diano, M., Gotelli, M., Fabbrini, G.
    Reducing Dangers within Industrial Plants by Extended Reality (2021) European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, pp. 413-417. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2021.emss.056

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F., Franzinetti, G., De Paoli, A., Ferrari, E.
    Data Value as the basis for Human Behavior Modeling (2021) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 83-89. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2021.hms.011

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Nicoletti, L., Elbasheer, M., Diaz, R.
    Digital twins for manufacturing and logistics systems: is simulation practice ready? (2021) European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, pp. 435-442. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2021.emss.062

    Smith, K., Diaz, R., Shen, Y., Longo, F.
    Conceptual Development of a Probabilistic Graphical Framework for Assessing Port Resilience (2021) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 45-52. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2021.hms.006

    Frangella, J.L., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Padovano, A., Solina, V.
    A FIWARE-based IoT platform for enabling digital twins in a greenfield smart factory: an application study on a repurposed manufacturing line (2021) Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, 7 p.

    Padovano, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Gazzaneo, L., Chiurco, A., Talarico, S.
    A prescriptive maintenance system for intelligent production planning and control in a smart cyber-physical production line (2021) Procedia CIRP, 104, pp. 1819-1824. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.307

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Aiello, G., Fusto, C., Certa, A.
    How 5G-based industrial IoT is transforming human-centered smart factories: A Quality of Experience model for Operator 4.0 applications (2021) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (1), pp. 255-262. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.030

    Aiello, G., Certa, A., Abusohyon, I., Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    Machine learning approach towards real time assessment of hand-arm vibration risk (2021) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (1), pp. 1187-1192. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.140

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Gazzaneo, L., Mirabelli, G., Ferraro, A., Pirozzi, M., Donato, L.D.
    Integrating physical and virtual game-based simulation for operators' training to enhance learning effectiveness: An application in hazardous industrial spaces (2021) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 16 (2), pp. 130-146. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2021.115866

    Longo, P.F., Affenzeller, P.M., Padovano, D.A.
    Editorial/Preface (2021) Procedia Computer Science, 180, pp. 381-387. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.365

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Nicoletti, L., Fusto, C., Elbasheer, M., Diaz, R.
    Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Knowledge Representation of Hazardous Industrial Operations (2021) Procedia Computer Science, 180, pp. 1042-1048. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.351

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Gazzaneo, L., Frangella, J., Diaz, R.
    Human factors, ergonomics and Industry 4.0 in the Oil&Gas industry: A bibliometric analysis (2021) Procedia Computer Science, 180, pp. 1049-1058. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.350

    Diaz, R., Smith, K., Acero, B., Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    Developing an Artificial Intelligence Framework to Assess Shipbuilding and Repair Sub-Tier Supply Chains Risk (2021) Procedia Computer Science, 180, pp. 996-1002. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.363

  • 2020 Publications

    Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    Voice-enabled Assistants of the Operator 4.0 in the Social Smart Factory: Prospective role and challenges for an advanced human–machine interaction (2020) Manufacturing Letters, 26, pp. 12-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2020.09.001

    DIaz, R., Behr, J.G., Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    Supply Chain Modeling in the Aftermath of a Disaster: A System Dynamics Approach in Housing Recovery (2020) IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 67 (3), art. no. 8935181, pp. 531-544. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2019.2950047

    Bottani, E., Longo, F., Vignali, G.
    Special issue "selected papers from the International Food Operations & Processing Simulation Workshop" (2020) International Journal of Food Engineering, 16 (5-6), art. no. 20200119, . DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2020-0119

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Umbrello, S.
    Value-oriented and ethical technology engineering in industry 5.0: A human-centric perspective for the design of the factory of the future (2020) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10 (12), art. no. 4182, pp. 1-25. DOI: 10.3390/APP10124182

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Estimating the Impact of Blockchain Adoption in the Food Processing Industry and Supply Chain (2020) International Journal of Food Engineering, 16 (5-6), art. no. 20190109, . DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2019-0109

    Agnusdei, G.P., Aiello, G., Certa, A., Gnoni, M.G., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Health & safety 4.0: A digital twin reference model to support the smart operator at the workplace (2020) Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco.

    Di Pasquale, V., Digiesi, S., Fruggiero, F., Longo, F., Miranda, S., Mossa, G., Padovano, A., Panagou, S.
    Human operator 4.0 performance models in the smart factory: A research framework (2020) Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco.

    Vignali, G., Longo, F.
    Chairs' message welcome to foodops 2020! (2020) 6th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2020, p. IX.

    Affenzeller, M., Longo, F., Petrillo, A.
    Chairs' message welcome to emss 2020! (2020) 32nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2020, p. X.

    Tancredi, G.P., Tebaldi, L., Bottani, E., Longo, F., Vignali, G.
    Analysis and testing of an online solution to monitor and solve safety issues for industrial systems (2020) Procedia Manufacturing, 42, pp. 542-547. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.029

    Di Donato, L., Longo, F., Ferraro, A., Pirozzi, M.
    An advanced solutions for operators' training working in confined and /or pollution suspected space (2020) Procedia Manufacturing, 42, pp. 254-258. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.080

    Longo, F., Qiao, F., Padovano, A.
    “International conference on industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing (ISM 2019)” (2020) Procedia Manufacturing, 42, p. 1. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.015

  • 2019 Publications

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., d'Atri, G., Forte, M.
    Blockchain-enabled supply chain: An experimental study (2019) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 136, pp. 57-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2019.07.026

    Vignali, G., Bottani, E., Guareschi, N., Donato, L.D., Ferraro, A., Pirozzi, M., Tomassini, L., Longo, F.
    Development of a 4.0 industry application for increasing occupational safety: Guidelines for a correct approach (2019) Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE/ITMC 2019, art. no. 8792814, . DOI: 10.1109/ICE.2019.8792814

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Emergency preparedness in industrial plants: A forward-looking solution based on industry 4.0 enabling technologies (2019) Computers in Industry, 105, pp. 99-122. DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2018.12.003

    Affenzeller, M., Longo, F., Pereira, G.
    Chairs' message: Welcome to EMSS 2019! (2019) 31st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2019, pp. X-XI.

    Vignali, G., Longo, F.
    Welcome to Foodops 2019! (2019) 5th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2019, p. IX.

    Guido, R., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Solina, V.
    A framework for a make-to-order scheduling problem with sequence-dependent set up times and product perishability: A case study in the food industry (2019) Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, 1 PartF, pp. 344-351.

    Vignali, G., Guareschi, N., Tebaldi, L., Longo, F., Donato, L.D., Ferraro, A., Bottani, E.
    A testing procedure of a digital application for safety improvement in a beverage plant (2019) 5th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2019, pp. 9-15.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Sinelshchikov, K., Longo, F., Agresta, M., Di Donato, L., Di Francesco, C.
    Wearable mixed reality solutions for industrial plants and production lines (2019) 18th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2019, pp. 181-185.

    Mensah, P., Merkuryev, Y., Pecherka, J., Longo, F.
    Conceptual model of supply chain in risky environment: Case study (2019) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 28-34.

    Solis, A.O., Nosedal-Sánchez, J., Asgary, A., Longo, F., Rizzi, D., Plested, K., Briga, A., Castagna, A., Zaccaro, B.
    Agent-based simulation of a fire department's response to emergency incidents: An updated model (2019) 9th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2019, pp. 39-46.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Bruzzone, A., Mirabelli, G., Solis, A., Fusto, C., Frangella, J., Gazzaneo, L.
    Improving data consistency in industry 4.0: An application of digital lean to the maintenance record process (2019) 31st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2019, pp. 384-389.

    Frascio, M., Cortese, K., Longo, F., Sinelshchikov, K.
    Multidisciplinary development of a simulation of industrial plant disasters designed for improving safety through training and new procedures (2019) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 14 (3), pp. 279-293. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2019.101015

    Longo, F.
    Sustainability in logistic hubs: A decision support system for investigating green practices at container terminals (2019) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 14 (3), pp. 234-250. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2019.101008

    Mensah, P., Merkuryev, Y., Pecerska, J., Longo, F.
    Analysing uncertainties and their impacts on deliveries of a logging company: Simulation model to foster supply chain resilience (2019) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 14 (3), pp. 251-260. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2019.101011

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Ubiquitous knowledge empowers the Smart Factory: The impacts of a Service-oriented Digital Twin on enterprises' performance (2019) Annual Reviews in Control, 47, pp. 221-236. DOI: 10.1016/j.arcontrol.2019.01.001

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    A system for supply chains diversification and (re)design: Supporting managers' perspective in the face of uncertainty (2019) International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 32 (2), pp. 168-194. DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2019.097583

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Modeling workers’ behavior: A human factors taxonomy and a fuzzy analysis in the case of industrial accidents (2019) International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 69, pp. 29-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.ergon.2018.09.002

  • 2018 Publications

    Bottani, E., Longo, F., Vignali, G.
    Special issue "selected papers from the first international food operations & processing simulation workshop - FoodOPS2016 (September 26-28, 2016, Larnaca, Cyprus)" (2018) International Journal of Food Engineering, 14 (2), art. no. 20180034, . DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2018-0034

    Vignali, G., Bertolini, M., Bottani, E., Di Donato, L., Ferraro, A., Longo, F.
    Design and testing of an augmented reality solution to enhance operator safety in the food industry (2018) International Journal of Food Engineering, 14 (2), art. no. 20170122, . DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2017-0122

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Workplace safety and emergency procedures (re)design: A human workload assessment through virtual reality (2018) Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, 2018-September, .

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Nicoletti, L., Frangella, J.L., Massei, M.
    A collaboration and asset sharing platform in perishable product supply chain (2018) 30th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2018, pp. 394-400.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Fusto, C., Gazzaneo, L., Di Matteo, R.
    Multi-capitals sustainability for firms competitiveness (2018) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 83-90.

    Vignali, G., Longo, F.
    Welcome message 2018 (2018) International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2018, pp. IX-X.

    Jiménez, E., Longo, F., Affenzeller, M.
    Welcome message 2018 (2018) 30th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2018, pp. x-xi.

    Behr, J., Diaz, R., Longo, F., Padovano, A.
    A methodological framework to implement lean in dynamic and complex socio-technical systems (2018) 17th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2018, pp. 199-204.

    Aponte-Becerra, L., Padovano, A., Longo, F., Lioutas, V.-A., Novak, P., Ngo, L., McGlinchey, R., Fortier, C., Novak, V.
    The association of demographic and health factors with working capability in elderly (2018) 7th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care, IWISH 2018, pp. 63-70.

    Solis, A.O., Nosedal-Sánchez, J., Asgary, A., Longo, F., Zaccaro, B.
    Modelling and simulation of a fire department's response to emergency incidents (2018) 8th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2018, pp. 73-80.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    An interactive, interoperable and ubiquitous mixed reality application for a smart learning experience (2018) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 13 (6), pp. 589-603. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2018.095864

    Padovano, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Mirabelli, G.
    A Digital Twin based Service Oriented Application for a 4.0 Knowledge Navigation in the Smart Factory (2018) 51 (11), pp. 631-636. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.08.389

    Longo, F., Bruzzone, A., Padovano, A., Nicoletti, L.
    Preface (2018) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 13 (4), pp. 1-2.

  • 2017 Publications

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Smart operators in industry 4.0: A human-centered approach to enhance operators’ capabilities and competencies within the new smart factory context (2017) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 113, pp. 144-159. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2017.09.016

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Bruzzone, A., Solis, A.O., Zaccaro, B.
    Intermodal logistics: Supporting planning and scheduling services of freight forwarder (2017) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 157-163.

    Mensah, P., Merkuryev, Y., Klavins, E., Longo, F.
    The impact of risks on the deliveries of a logging company: Simulation model case study (2017) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 18-23.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Vetrano, M.
    An intelligent serious game for a Multi-Device cultural heritage experience (2017) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 12 (6), pp. 498-514. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2017.089633

    Solis, A.O., Longo, F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Nicoletti, L.
    An empirical investigation of comparative performance of approximate and exact corrections of the bias in Croston's method in forecasting lumpy demand (2017) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 12 (6), pp. 535-550. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2017.089637

    Nosedal-Sanchez, J., Asgary, A., Solis, A.O., Longo, F.
    Modeling and simulation of forced population displacement flows using colored Petri nets (2017) 7th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, pp. 77-83.

    Vignali, G., Longo, F., Piera, M.A.
    Chairs' message welcome to foodops 2017 (2017) International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, p. IX.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Agresta, M., Di Matteo, R., Sinelshchikov, K., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Di Donato, L., Tomassini, L., Console, C., Ferraro, A., Pirozzi, M., Puri, D., Vita, L., Cassandra, F., Mennuti, C., Augugliaro, G., Site, C.D., Di Palo, F., Bragatto, P.
    Autonomous systems & safety issues: The roadmap to enable new advances in industrial applications (2017) 29th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, pp. 565-571. Longo, F., Affenzeller, M.
    Chairs' message (2017) 29th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, p. X.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Bruzzone, A., Solis, A.O., Zaccaro, B.
    Intermodal logistics: Supporting planning and scheduling services of freight forwarder (2017) 19th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, pp. 157-163.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Cazorla, J., Vetrano, M., Chiurco, A., Fusto, C., Bruno, L., Bruzzone, A., Massei, M.
    How human factors affect the outcomes of disasters management on industrial sites (2017) 29th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, pp. 552-558.

    Zenisek, J., Nicoletti, L., Longo, F., Traugott, G., Padovano, A., Affenzeller, M.
    Smart maintenance lifecycle management: A design proposal (2017) 29th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, pp. 546-551.

    Mensah, P., Merkuryev, Y., Klavins, E., Longo, F.
    The impact of risks on the deliveries of a logging company: Simulation model case study (2017) 19th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2017, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2017, pp. 18-24.

    Petrillo, A., De Felice, F., Longo, F., Bruzzone, A.
    Factors affecting the human error: Representations of mental models for emergency management (2017) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 12 (3-4), pp. 287-299.

  • 2016 Publications

    Laganà, D., Longo, F., Vocaturo, F.
    Vendor-Managed Inventory Practice in the Supermarket Supply Chain (2016) International Journal of Food Engineering, 12 (9), pp. 827-834. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2016-0067

    Bottani, E., Longo, F., Mercadé-Prieto, R., Vignali, G.
    Special Issue "selected Papers from the First International Food Operations & Processing Simulation Workshop - FoodOPS 2015 (September 21-23, 2015, Bergeggi, Italy)" (2016) International Journal of Food Engineering, 12 (9), pp. 805-806. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2016-0373

    Diaz, R., Behr, J., Landaeta, R., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L.
    Modeling energy portfolio scoring: A simulation framework (2016) Public Health and Welfare: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 203-226. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1674-3.ch010

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A.
    Multi-disciplinary and multi-objective simulation framework to support intelligent and smart manufacturing (2016) Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, 13-15-September-2016, pp. 1-5.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Solis, A., Monzon, A.
    An intelligent, interactive and interoperable platform for the 21st century museums (2016) 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016, pp. 348-354.

    De Felice, F., Falcone, D., Petrillo, A., Bruzzone, A., Longo, F.
    A simulation model of human decision making in emergency conditions (2016) 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016, pp. 148-154.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Vetrano, M., Bruno, L., Chiurco, A., Fusto, C., Vignali, G.
    Augmented reality and mobile technologies for maintenance, security and operations in industrial facilities (2016) 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016, pp. 355-360.

    Longo, F., Jiménez, E.
    General co-chairs' message (2016) 28th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2016, p. IX.

    Vignali, G., Longo, F.
    Chairs' message (2016) International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2016, p. IX.

    Cayirci, E., Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Gunneriusson, H.
    A model to describe hybrid conflict environments (2016) 6th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2016, pp. 52-60.

    Asgary, A., Solis, A.O., Longo, F., Nosedal, J., Curinga, M.C., Alessio, L.E.
    An agent-based modeling and simulation tool for estimation of forced population displacement flows in Iraq (2016) 6th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2016, pp. 75-81.

    Spanu, S., Bertolini, M., Bottani, E., Vignali, G., Di Donato, L., Ferraro, A., Longo, F.
    Feasibility study of an augmented reality application to enhance the operators' safety in the usage of a fruit extractor (2016) International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2016, pp. 70-77.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Padovano, A., Cersullo, N., Zaccaro, B., Massei, M., De Felice, F., Petrillo, A.
    A combined approach for emergency management using AHP and system dynamics (2016) 6th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2016, pp. 61-66.

    Asgary, A., Nosedal, J., Solis, A.O., Longo, F., Alessio, L.E., Curinga, M.C.
    Simulating the impacts of airport closures on airline route networks (2016) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 86-92.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Massei, M., Nicoletti, L., Agresta, M., Di Matteo, R., Maglione, G.L., Murino, G., Padovano, A.
    Disasters and emergency management in chemical and industrial plants: Drones simulation for education and training (2016) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9991 LNCS, pp. 301-308. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47605-6_25

    Agostino, G.B., Massei, M., Cianci, R., Longo, F., Agresta, M., Di Matteo, R.
    Innovative simulation for scenario analysis and operational planning (2016) Simulation Series, 48 (9), pp. 464-469.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Longo, F., Scalzo, D., Martini, C., Villanueva, J., Bucchianica, L.
    Simulation based design of innovative quick response processes in cloud supply chain management for “slow food” distribution (2016) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 645, pp. 25-34. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2669-0_4

    Longo, F., Bruzzone, A., Padovano, A., Vetrano, M.
    Drones based relief on moon disaster simulation (2016) Simulation Series, 48 (5), pp. 92-98.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F., Agresta, M., Di Matteo, R., Maglione, G.L.
    Autonomous systems for operations in critical environments (2016) Simulation Series, 48 (5), pp. 17-24.

    Wolfsmayr, U.J., Rauch, P., Gronalt, M., Merenda, R., Longo, F.
    Evaluating primary forest fuel rail terminals with discrete event simulation: A case study from Austria (2016) Annals of Forest Research, 59 (1), pp. 145-164. DOI: 10.15287/afr.2015.428

    Longo, F., Iazzolino, S.
    Agile software development: A modeling and simulation showcase in military logistics (2016) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 422, pp. 133-144. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27896-4_12

  • 2015 Publications

    Diaz, R., Behr, J., Landaeta, R., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L.
    Modeling energy portfolio scoring: A simulation framework (2015) International Journal of Business Analytics, 2 (4), pp. 1-22. DOI: 10.4018/IJBAN.2015100101

    Garcia-Alfaro, J., Longo, F., Perez, G.M.
    Introduction to the special section on critical systems modelling and security (2015) Computers and Electrical Engineering, 47, pp. 255-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.11.016

    Longo, F., Chiurco, A., Musmanno, R., Nicoletti, L.
    Operative and procedural cooperative training in marine ports (2015) Journal of Computational Science, 10, pp. 97-107. DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2014.10.002

    Laganà, D., Longo, F., Santoro, F.
    Multi-product inventory-routing problem in the supermarket distribution industry (2015) International Journal of Food Engineering, 11 (6), pp. 747-766. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2015-0052

    Bruzzone, A.G., Garro, A., Longo, F., Massei, M.
    An Agent-Oriented Perspective on System of Systems for Multiple Domains (2015) Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications, pp. 185-217. DOI: 10.1002/9781118501757.ch8

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Chiurco, A., Bartolucci, C.
    Multiple forecasting algorithms for demand forecasting in the fashion industry (2015) Proceedings - 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM 2013, art. no. 7004980, pp. 421-426. DOI: 10.1109/EUROSIM.2013.122

    Longo, F., Padovano, A., Baveja, A., Melamed, B.
    Challenges and opportunities in implementing green initiatives for port terminals (2015) 3rd International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development and Environment, SESDE 2015, pp. P138-P145.

    Vignali, G., Mercadé-Prieto, R., Longo, F.
    Chairs' message (2015) International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2015, p. x.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Agresta, M., Tremori, A., Longo, F., Giuseppina, M., De Felice, F., Petrillo, A.
    Human behavior simulation for smart decision making in emergency prevention and mitigation within urban and industrial environments (2015) 3rd International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development and Environment, SESDE 2015, pp. P166-P174.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Chiurco, A., Crupi, F., Lanuzza, M., Emanuele, A.L., Curinga, M.C., Molinaro, J.
    A tool to support harbor terminals design (2015) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 103-108.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Cirillo, L., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L.
    Multi-disciplinary approach to disasters management in industrial plants (2015) Simulation Series, 47 (10), pp. 139-147.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L.
    An advanced training environment for vessels' last mile navigation (2015) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 10 (2), pp. 117-131. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2015.070477

    De Felice, F., Petrillo, A., Bruzzone, A., Longo, F.
    A fuzzy cognitive maps model to develop a risk analysis model through the identification of critical human factors (2015) 27th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2015, pp. 250-257.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Florio, G., Vetrano, M., Bruno, L., Caputi, L.
    Inside virtual: A new app for interactive and intelligent cultural heritage fruition (2015) 27th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2015, pp. 471-478.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Di Matteo, R., Maglione, G., Agresta, M.
    Intelligent agents & interoperable simulation for strategic decision making on multicoalition joint operations (2015) 5th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2015, pp. 72-79.

    Longo, F., Jiménez, E.
    General Co-chairs' message: Welcome to EMSS 2015! (2015) 27th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2015, p. IX.

    Calogero, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Massei, M., Solis, A.
    Lean management practicies to improve performances in operating rooms (2015) 4th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care, IWISH 2015, pp. 78-89.

    Longo, F.
    Preface (2015) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 10 (3), pp. 205-206. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2015.4739295

    Mensah, P., Merkuryev, Y., Longo, F.
    Using ICT in developing a resilient supply chain strategy (2015) Procedia Computer Science, 43 (C), pp. 101-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.12.014

  • 2014 Publications

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F., Massei, M., Nicoletti, L., Agresta, M.
    Safety and security in fresh good supply chain (2014) International Journal of Food Engineering, 10 (4), pp. 545-556. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2014-0020

    Falcone, A., Garro, A., Longo, F., Spadafora, F.
    Simulation exploration experience: A communication system and a 3D real time visualization for a moon base simulated scenario (2014) Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, DS-RT, art. no. 6957183, pp. 113-120. DOI: 10.1109/DS-RT.2014.22

    Longo, F., Calogero, A., Nicoletti, L., Massei, M., De Felice, F., Petrillo, A.
    Lean management tools applied to hospital facilities: The case of an operative unit of intensive care (2014) 3rd International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care, IWISH 2014, pp. 60-69.

    Aiello, G., Enea, M., La Scalia, G., Longo, F.
    A Decision support system for sustainable operations management in small power plants (2014) CIE 2014 - 44th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering and IMSS 2014 - 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems, Joint International Symposium on "The Social Impacts of Developments in Information, Manufacturing and Service Systems" - Proceedings, pp. 1893-1906.

    Longo, F., De Bonis, F., Spadafora, F., Nicoletti, L.
    Training in car terminals: A modular architecture based on distributed and interoperable simulation (2014) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 236-242.

    Longo, F., Jiménez, E.
    General co-chairs' message welcome to EMSS 2014! (2014) 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014, p. IX.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Frascio, M., Longo, F., Chiurco, A., Zanoni, S., Zavanella, L., Fadda, P., Fancello, G., Falcone, D., De Felice, F., Petrillo, A., Carotenuto, P.
    Disaster and emergency management simulation in industrial plants (2014) 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014, pp. 649-656.

    Solis, A.O., Longo, F., Mukhopadhyay, S., Nicoletti, L., Brasacchio, V.
    Approximate and exact corrections of the bias in Croston's method when forecasting lumpy demand: Empirical evaluation (2014) 13th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2014, pp. 205-214.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Corso, M., Longo, F., Massei, M., Tremori, A.
    Data fusion and simulation as decision support system in naval operations (2014) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, pp. 243-250.

    Gallo, S.A., Davoli, G., Govoni, A., Longo, F., Melloni, R., Murino, T.
    A Mono parameter analysis on a simulation model to support GALB heuristic optimization algorithms based on resource balancing (2014) 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014, pp. 136-143.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Vena, S., Padovano, A.
    Serious games at increased impact on culture and tourism (2014) 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014, pp. 641-648.

    Gallo, S.A., Melloni, R., Mosconi, S., Longo, F.
    Digital human models (DHM) to simulate meat processing to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WR-MSDs) (2014) 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014, pp. 199-204.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F., Massei, M., Nicoletti, L.
    Human modeling for multi coalition joint operations (2014) Simulation Series, 46 (10), pp. 522-527.

    Solis, A.O., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Caruso, P., Fazzari, E.
    A modelling and simulation approach to assessment of a negative binomial approximation in a multi-echelon inventory system (2014) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 9 (3), pp. 146-156. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2014.064386

    Longo, F.
    Testing the behaviour of different inventory control policies in case of extended reverse logistics by using simulation (2014) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 9 (3), pp. 167-180. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2014.064390

    Bruzzone, A., Massei, M., Longo, F., Poggi, S., Agresta, M., Bartolucci, C., Nicoletti, L.
    Human behavior simulation for complex scenarios based on intelligent agents (2014) Simulation Series, 46 (2), pp. 71-80.

    Longo, F.
    Editorial (2014) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 9 (1-2), pp. 1-2.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F.
    An application methodology for logistics and transportation scenarios analysis and comparison within the retail supply chain (2014) European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 8 (1), pp. 112-142. DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2014.059352

  • 2013 Publications

    Diaz, R., Behr, J.G., Longo, F., Liu, H.
    A systems framework for modeling health disparities in the prevalence in chronic conditions following a natural disaster event (2013) Crisis Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 1-3, pp. 497-513. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4707-7.ch022

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Chiurco, A., Solis, A., Spadafora, F.
    Drivers and parkers training in car terminals (2013) 25th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2013, pp. 704-712.

    Longo, F., Jiménez, E.
    General co-chairs' message (2013) 25th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2013, pp. IX-X.

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Chiurco, A.
    Cooperative training for ships and tugboats pilots based on interoperable simulation (2013) 25th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2013, pp. 695-703.

    Longo, F., Huerta, A., Nicoletti, L.
    Performance analysis of a Southern Mediterranean seaport via discrete-event simulation (2013) Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 59 (9), pp. 517-525. DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2013.963

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F.
    An advanced modeling & simulation tool for investigating the behavior of a manufacturing system in the hazelnuts industry sector (2013) International Journal of Food Engineering, 9 (3), pp. 241-257. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2013-0039

    Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Chiurco, A., Solis, A., Massei, M., Diaz, R.
    Investigating the behavior of a shop order manufacturing sistem by using simulation (2013) Simulation Series, 45 (5), pp. 47-54.

    Diaz, R., Longo, F.
    EAIA'13 chairs' message (2013) Simulation Series, 45 (5), 2 p.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F.
    3D simulation as training tool in container terminals: The TRAINPORTS simulator (2013) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32 (1), p. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2012.07.016

    Longo, F., Musmanno, R., Nicoletti, L., Chiurco, A.
    A simulation framework for ships pilots training (2013) 15th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013, pp. 140-147.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Fontane, J.-G., Berni, A., Brizzolara, S., Longo, F., Dato, L., Poggi, S., Dallorto, M.
    Simulating the marine domain as an extended framework for joint collaboration and competition among Autonomous Systems (2013) 3rd International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013, pp. 85-97.

    Giorgi, M., Longo, F., Bosco, P.C., Nicoletti, L.
    3D terrestrial laser scanner used to replicate a real military vehicle suitable to conduct static and dynamic tests in a virtual scenario (2013) 3rd International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013, pp. 98-105.

    Janosy, J.S., Longo, F., Bossomaier, T., Cunha, G.
    Chairs' message (2013) 1st International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development and Environment, SESDE 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013, .

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Spadafora, F., Diaz, R., Behr, J.
    Health care facility improvement through simulation (2013) 2nd International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Innovative Simulation for Health, IWISH 2013, Held at the Int. Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2012, pp. 115-123.

    Rego-Monteil, N., Suriano, M., Pereira, D.C., Del Rio Vilas, D., Prado, R.R., Longo, F.
    A data collection methodology to perform DHMS-based ergonomic analysis of manufacturing tasks (2013) 12th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013, pp. 114-121.

    Diaz, R., Behr, J., Toba, A.L., Longo, F.
    Analyzing the impact of public health interventions on ambulatory healthcare capacities - A preliminary model (2013) 2nd International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Innovative Simulation for Health, IWISH 2013, Held at the Int. Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2012, pp. 90-96.

    Diaz, R., Behr, J., Sameer, K., Toba, A.L., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L.
    A preliminary supply chain model to housing recovery after the occurrence of a natural disaster (2013) 12th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013, pp. 173-178.

    Solis, A.O., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Yemialyanava, A.
    Applying modeling and simulation to evaluate statistical accuracy and inventory control performance of lumpy demand forecasting methods (2013) 12th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013, pp. 212-220.

    Longo, F., Musmanno, R., Nicoletti, L., Chiurco, A.
    A simulation framework for ships pilots training (2013) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 140-147.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Tremori, A.
    An interoperable simulation framework for protecting port as critical infrastructures (2013) International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 4 (3-4), pp. 243-260. DOI: 10.1504/IJSSE.2013.057661

    Longo, F.
    Editorial (2013) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 8 (2-3), pp. 89-91.

    Longo, F.
    On the short period production planning in industrial plants: A real case study (2013) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 8 (1), pp. 17-28. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2013.055189

    Rafael, D., Joshua, B., Ange-Lionel, T., Bridget, G., Ng, M., Francesco, L., Letizia, N.
    Humanitarian/emergency logistics models: A state of the art overview (2013) Simulation Series, 45 (11), pp. 261-268.

    del Rio Vilas, D., Monteil, N.R., Longo, F.
    A general framework for the manufacturing workstation design optimization: A combined ergonomic and operational approach (2013) SIMULATION, 89 (3), pp. 306-329. DOI: 10.1177/0037549712462862

  • 2012 Publications

    Longo, F., Jimenez, E., Breitenecker, F., Sokolov, B.
    Welcome to EMSS 2012! (2012) 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2012, pp. VIII-IX.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F.
    Simulation based analysis of a manufacturing system devoted to produce hazelnut based products (2012) 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2012, pp. 602-609.

    Solis, A.O., Longo, F., Caruso, P., Fazzari, E.
    Modeling and simulation of a one-warehouse, N-retailer inventory system: Reassessing a negative binomial approximation (2012) 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2012, pp. 610-615.

    Diaz, R., Khattak, A., Behr, J., Jeng, A., Longo, F., Duanmu, J.
    The effects of transit corridor developments on the healthcare access of medically fragile vulnerable populations (2012) 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2012, pp. 565-572.

    Longo, F.
    An advanced framework for inventory management in reverse logistics (2012) 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2012, pp. 591-601.

    Longo, F., Kropf, P., Piera, M.A.
    Preface (2012) Proceedings of the 2012 - Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC 2012, Part of SummerSim 2012 Multiconference, 44 (10), 1 p.

    Barrientos, A.H., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Simulation modeling approach to maritime container terminals: A state-of-the-art review (2012) Proceedings of the 2012 - Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC 2012, Part of SummerSim 2012 Multiconference, 44 (10), pp. 89-96.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Diaz, R.
    Traffic controllers and ships pilots training in marine ports environments (2012) Emerging M and S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium 2012, EAIA 2012 - 2012 Spring Simulation Multiconference, pp. 61-68.

    Diaz, R., Behr, J., Jeng, A., Lu, H., Longo, F.
    Analyzing the effects of policy options to mitigate the effect of sea level rise on the public health and medically fragile population: A system dynamics approach (2012) Emerging M and S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium 2012, EAIA 2012 - 2012 Spring Simulation Multiconference, pp. 47-54.

    Longo, F.
    Sustainable supply chain design: An application example in local business retail (2012) Simulation, 88 (12), pp. 1484-1498. DOI: 10.1177/0037549712458983

    De Cindio, B., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Pizzuti, T.
    Vegetable and fruit chain: Tracing critical aspects [La filiera ortofrutticola: aspetti critici nell'adozione di un sistema ditracciabilità] (2012) Industrie Alimentari, 51 (522), pp. 9-20+28.

    Bruzzone, A., Tremori, A., Longo, F.
    Interoperable simulation for protecting port as critical infrastructures (2012) 14th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2012, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2012, pp. 175-180.

    Bruzzone, A., Tremori, A., Longo, F., Turi, M., Franzinetti, G.
    Models & interactive simulation for civil military interoperability in humanitarian aid and civil protection (2012) 11th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2012, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2012, pp. 381-386.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Frascio, M., Longo, F., Massei, M., Siri, A., Tremori, A.
    MARIA: An agent driven simulation for a web based serious game devoted to renew education processes in health care (2012) 1st International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care, IWISH 2012, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2012, pp. 188-194.

    Bruzzone, A., Tremori, A., Longo, F.
    Interoperable simulation for protecting port as critical infrastructures (2012) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 175-180.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Bottani, E., Montanari, R.
    Simulation, analysis and optimization of container terminals processes (2012) International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 3 (4), art. no. 1240006, . DOI: 10.1142/S1793962312400065

    Longo, F.
    Supply chain security: An integrated framework for container terminal facilities (2012) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 7 (3), pp. 159-167. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2012.049154

    Longo, F., Massei, M., Nicoletti, L.
    An application of modeling and simulation to support industrial plants design (2012) International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 3 (1), art. no. 1240001, . DOI: 10.1142/S1793962312400016

  • 2011 Publications

    Behr, J., Diaz, R., Tulpule, M., Longo, F., Cimino, A.
    Modeling and simulating the economic and demographic impact of transport infrastructure investment (2011) Emerging M and S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium 2011, EAIA 2011 - 2011 Spring Simulation Multiconference, pp. 46-53.

    Longo, F., Elfrey, P.
    General co-chairs' message (2011) 23rd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2011, pp. VIII.

    Bruzzone, A., Massei, M., Tremori, A., Madeo, F., Tarone, F., Longo, F.
    Maritime security: Emerging technologies for asymmetric threats (2011) 23rd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2011, pp. 775-781.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Diaz, R.
    On the short period production planning in industrial plants: A real case study (2011) 23rd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2011, pp. 782-791.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Diaz, R.
    Virtual simulation for training in ports environments (2011) Proceedings of the 2011 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, pp. 235-242.

    Bruzzone, A., Massei, M., Longo, F., Madeo, F.
    Modeling and simulation as support for decisions makers in petrochemical logistics (2011) Proceedings of the 2011 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, pp. 130-137.

    Decindio, B., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Pizzuti, T.
    Tracking and tracing in the food industry: Opportunity and competitiveness advantage analysis [Tracciabilità e rintracciabilità nel settore alimentare: Analisi delle opportunità e vantaggi competitivi] (2011) Industrie Alimentari, 50 (515), pp. 7-19.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Bottani, E., Montanari, R.
    Simulation, analysis and optimization of container terminals processes (2011) 13th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2011, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2011, pp. 241-249.

    Tulpule, M., Diaz, R., Behr, J.G., Longo, F.
    Modeling the empty container flow: Identifying primary influencing factors through scenario analysis (2011) 13th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2011, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2011, pp. 189-196.

    Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., Bruzzone, A., Longo, F.
    On the optimal safety stock levels in supply networks (2011) 13th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2011, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2011, pp. 250-258.

    Massei, M., Madeo, F., Longo, F.
    Modeling logistics & operations in a port terminal for environmental impact evaluation and analysis (2011) 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2011, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2011, pp. 480-487.

    Tulpule, M., Rafael, D., Behr, J.G., Longo, F.
    Modeling the empty container flow: Identifying primary influencing factors through scenario analysis (2011) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 189-196.

    Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., Bruzzone, A., Longo, F.
    On the optimal safety stock levels in supply networks (2011) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 250-258.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Nicoletti, L., Bottani, E., Montanari, R.
    Simulation, analysis and optimization of container terminals processes (2011) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 241-249.

    De Cindio, B., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Pizzuti, T.
    Modelling a traceability system for a food supply chain: Standards, technologies and software tools (2011) 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2011, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2011, pp. 488-494.

    Longo, F.
    Advances of modeling and simulation in supply chain and industry (2011) SIMULATION, 87 (8), pp. 651-656. DOI: 10.1177/0037549711418033

  • 2010 Publications

    Cimino, A., Diaz, R., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Empty containers repositioning: A state of the art overview (2010) Spring Simulation Multiconference 2010, SpringSim'10, art. no. 72, . DOI: 10.1145/1878537.1878612

    Bruzzone, A., Cimino, A., Diaz, R., Longo, F.
    Inventory control with products returns: A state of the art overview (2010) Spring Simulation Multiconference 2010, SpringSim'10, art. no. 66, . DOI: 10.1145/1878537.1878606

    Cimino, A., Diaz, R., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Empty containers repositioning: A state of the art overview (2010) Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference - Emerging M and S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium, EAIA, pp. 75-80.

    Bruzzone, A., Cimino, A., Diaz, R., Longo, F.
    Inventory control with products returns: A state of the art overview (2010) Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference - Emerging M and S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium, EAIA, pp. 81-87.

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Operators training in container terminals by using advanced 3D simulation (2010) Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2010, (1 BOOK), pp. 64-69.

    Longo, F., Ören, T.
    Enhancing quality of supply chain nodes simulation studies by failure avoidance (2010) 22th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2010, pp. 201-208.

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Diaz, R.
    A computerized methodology and an advanced approach for the effective design and productivity enhancement of an industrial workstation (2010) 22th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2010, pp. 175-184.

    Longo, F.
    Design and integration of the containers inspection activities in the container terminal operations (2010) International Journal of Production Economics, 125 (2), pp. 272-283. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2010.01.026

    Bruzzone, A., Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    TRAINPORTS - Training in marine PORT by using simulation (2010) 12th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2010, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2010, pp. 25-32.

    Tulpule, M., Diaz, R., Longo, F., Cimino, A.
    Modeling the empty container flow: An application of system dynamics (2010) 12th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2010, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2010, pp. 15-23.

    Diaz, R., Tulpule, M., Longo, F., Cimino, A.
    Monte Carlo simulation: Remanufacturing or not -A newsvendor perspective (2010) 9th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2010, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2010, pp. 11-16.

    Longo, F., Mekouar, K.
    Welcome to MAS 2010 (2010) 9th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2010, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2010, .

    Bruzzone, A.G., Cianci, R., Longo, F., Cantice, G., Poggi, S.
    Simulation integrated with Web 3.0 as smart support for command and control (2010) 9th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2010, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2010, pp. 65-72.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Giordano, P.
    Production systems design and management: A case study on a hazelnuts industrial plant (2010) 9th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2010, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2010, pp. 17-24.

    Tulpule, M., Diaz, R., Longo, F., Cimino, A.
    Modeling the empty container flow: An application of system dynamics (2010) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 15-24.

    Bruzzone, A., Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    TRAINPORTS-TRAINing in marine port by using simulation (2010) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 25-32.

    Bossomaier, T., Bruzzone, A., Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Scientific approaches for the industrial workstations ergonomic design: A review (2010) Proceedings - 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2010, pp. 189-199. DOI: 10.7148/2010-0189-0199

    Bruzzone, A.G., Longo, F.
    An Advanced System for Supporting the Decision Process within Large-scale Retail Stores (2010) SIMULATION, 86 (12), pp. 742-762. DOI: 10.1177/0037549709348801

  • 2009 Publications

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Tremori, A.
    Simulation, risks modeling and sensors technologies for container terminals security (2009) 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2009, 7 p.

    Massei, M., Longo, F., Tarone, F., Tremori, A.
    Simulation as support for layout redesign and production line moving (2009) 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2009, 7 p.

    Cimino, A., Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Improving workers conditions within industrial workstations (2009) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2009, SCSC 2009, Part of the 2009 International Summer Simulation Multiconference, ISMc, 41 (3), pp. 200-207.

    Cimino, A., Costantino, F., Di Gravio, G., Longo, F.
    Reverse logistics of refillable glass bottles: A simulative approach (2009) Spring Simulation Multiconference 2009 - Co-located with the 2009 SISO Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, art. no. 137, .

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    A multimeasure-based methodology for the ergonomic effective design of manufacturing system workstations (2009) International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39 (2), pp. 447-455. DOI: 10.1016/j.ergon.2008.12.004

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Tarone, F., Longo, F.
    Sustainable car industry based on green logistics simulation models (2009) International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2009, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2009, pp. 201-207.

    Balci, O., Castilla, I., Longo, F., Massei, M.
    Welcome to MAS 2009 (2009) International Workshop on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2009, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2009, pp. ix-x.

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Industrial workstations design: A real case study (2009) International Workshop on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2009, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2009, pp. 263-275.

    Longo, F., Massei, M., Papoff, E., Rondinelli, S.
    Retail stores modeling: Comparison between simulation and virtual reality approaches (2009) International Workshop on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2009, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2009, pp. 285-292.

    Tremori, A., Bocca, E., Tarone, F., Longo, F., Poggi, S.
    Early testing procedures for supporting validation of intelligent agents for simulating human behavior in urban riots (2009) International Workshop on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2009, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2009, pp. 107-114.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    A state of the art on discrete event simulation and an application to supply chain inventory management (2009) International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2009, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2009, pp. 156-162.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Tarone, F., Longo, F.
    Sustainable car industry based on green logistics simulation models (2009) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 201-207.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    A state of the art on discrete event simulation and an application to supply chain inventory management (2009) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 156-162.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Rondinelli, S.
    Ants systems, A state of the art overview: Applications to industrial plants problems (2009) Proceedings - 23rd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2009, pp. 421-429. DOI: 10.7148/2009-0421-0429

    Curcio, D., Longo, F.
    Inventory and internal logistics management as critical factors affecting the Supply Chain performances (2009) International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 5 (4), pp. 278-288. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2009.032591

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Effective design of an assembly line using modelling and simulation (2009) Journal of Simulation, 3 (1), pp. 50-60. DOI: 10.1057/jos.2008.18

  • 2008 Publications

    Cimino, A., Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Workplaces effective ergonomic design: A literature review (2008) 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2008, pp. 853-862.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F.
    Sensitivity analysis and optimization of different inventory control policies along the supply chain (2008) 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2008, pp. 824-830.

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Shop orders scheduling: Dispatching rules and genetic algorithms based approaches (2008) 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2008, pp. 817-823.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F.
    VIP - Virtual interactive port (2008) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2008, SCSC 2008, Part of the 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2008, pp. 552-560.

    Bocca, E., Longo, F.
    Simulation tools, ergonomics principles and work measurement anslysis for workstation design (2008) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2008, SCSC 2008, Part of the 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2008, pp. 481-486.

    Ören, T., Longo, F.
    Emergence, anticipation and multisimulation: Bases for conflict simulation (2008) 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2008, pp. 546-555.

    Longo, F., Ören, T.
    Supply chain vulnerability and resilience: A state of the art overview (2008) 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2008, pp. 527-533.

    De Sensi, G., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Inventory policies analysis under demand patterns and lead times constraints in a real supply chain (2008) International Journal of Production Research, 46 (24), pp. 6997-7016. DOI: 10.1080/00207540701528776

    Longo, F., Massei, M.
    Advanced supply chain protection & integrated decision support system (2008) Proceedings - 2nd Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, AMS 2008, art. no. 4530563, pp. 716-721. DOI: 10.1109/AMS.2008.172

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    An advanced supply chain management tool based on modeling and simulation (2008) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54 (3), pp. 570-588. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2007.09.008

    Cimino, A., Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Logistics and transportation within the retail sector: Sensitivity analysis on the distribution systems (2008) 10th Int. Workshop on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2008, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2008, pp. 123-128.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Supply chain design: A case study on the addition of new potential customers (2008) 10th Int. Workshop on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2008, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2008, pp. 42-48.

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Most and MTM for work methods optimization: A real case study based on modeling & simulation (2008) 10th Int. Workshop on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2008, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2008, pp. 35-41.

    Bruzzone, A.G., Poggi, S., Bocca, E., Longo, F., Madeo, F., Rondinelli, S.
    Workload forecast algorithm optimization for re-organizing retail network (2008) 7th International Workshop on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2008, Held at the International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2008, pp. 77-82.

    Cimino, A., Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Logistics and transportation within the retail sector: Sensitivity analysis on the distribution systems (2008) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 123-128.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Supply chain design: A case study on the addition of new potential customers (2008) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 42-48.

    Bocca, E., Curcio, D., Longo, F., Tremori, A.
    Warehouse and internal logistics management based on modeling & simulation (2008) 7th International Workshop on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2008, Held at the International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2008, pp. 41-48.

    Cimino, A., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    MOST and MTM for work methods optimization: A real case study based on modeling & simulation (2008) International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 1, pp. 35-41.

    Cimino, A., Curcio, D., Longo, F., Papoff, E.
    Workstation productivity enhacement within hydraulic hoses manufacturing process (2008) 7th International Workshop on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2008, Held at the International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2008, pp. 268-274.

  • 2007 Publications

    De Sensi, G., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Modeling and simulation for workplaces analysis in the leather industry (2007) International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2007, 6 p.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Inventory policies comparison in a manufacturing process using modeling & simulation (2007) International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2007, 6 p.

    Longo, F.
    Students training: Integrated models for simulating a container terminal (2007) International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2007, 8 p.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Airport terminal management using web-based simulation (2007) SISO European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007, EURO SIW 2007, pp. 397-402.

    Brandolini, M., Longo, F.
    Critical issues and potentials of SCORM & HLA integration for supporting training simulation interoperability (2007) SISO European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007, EURO SIW 2007, pp. 403-407.

    De Sensi, G., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Ergonomic and work methods optimization in a three dimensional virtual environment (2007) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007, SCSC'07, Part of the 2007 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim'07, 2, pp. 1187-1192.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Pharmaceutical routes optimization using artificial intelligence techniques (2007) 2007 4th IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS, art. no. 4488412, pp. 238-242. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS.2007.4488412

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Manufacturing process management using a flexible modeling and simulation approach (2007) Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, art. no. 4419778, pp. 1594-1600. DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2007.4419778

    De Sensi, G., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Modeling & simulation based approach for optimizing seal press workstation in a manufacturing system (2007) Business and Industry Symposium, BIS 2007 - Proceedings of the 2007 Spring Simulation Multiconference, SpringSim 2007, pp. 79-83.

    Curcio, D., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Pappoff, E.
    Passengers' flow analysis and security issues in airport terminals using modeling & simulation (2007) 21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation: Simulations in United Europe, ECMS 2007, pp. 374-379. DOI: 10.7148/2007-0374

    Bruzzone, A.G., Bocca, E., Longo, F., Massei, M.
    Training and recruitment in logistics node design by using web-based simulation (2007) International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services, 1 (1), pp. 32-50. DOI: 10.1504/IJIMS.2007.014482

  • 2006 Publications

    De Sensi, G., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Ants colony system for supply chain routes optimization (2006) International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference, I3M, pp. 763-768.

    Bruzzone, A., Massei, M., Longo, F., Saetta, S.
    The vulnerability of supply chains as key factor in supply chain management (2006) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2006, SCSC'06, Part of the 2006 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim'06, pp. 181-186.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Bocca, E., Briano, E., Brandolini, M.
    Container terminal scenarios analysis and awareness trough modeling & simulation (2006) 20th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation: Modelling Methodologies and Simulation Key Technologies in Academia and Industry, ECMS 2006, pp. 619-624.

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Brandolini, M.
    Enhancement process based on simulation supporting efficiency & organization (2006) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2006, SCSC'06, Part of the 2006 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim'06, pp. 393-398.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Modeling, analysis & simulation of tubes manufacturing process and industrial operations controls (2006) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2006, SCSC'06, Part of the 2006 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim'06, pp. 54-59.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E.
    Effective design of an assembly line using modeling & simulation (2006) Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, art. no. 4117829, pp. 1893-1898. DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2006.322971

  • 2005 Publications

    Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., Papoff, E.
    Metrics for global logistics and transportation facility information assurance, security, and overall protection (2005) International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2005, European Modeling Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2005, pp. 111-116.

    Longo, F., Bruzzone, A.G.
    Modelling and simulation applied to security systems (2005) Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2005, SCSC 2005, Part of the 2005 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2005, pp. 183-188.

    Bocca, E., Viazzo, S., Longo, F., Mirabelli, G.
    Developing data fusion systems devoted to security control in port facilities (2005) Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, 2005, art. no. 1574280, pp. 445-449. DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2005.1574280

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Bruzzone, A.
    Container handling policy design by simulation framework (2005) International Workshop on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2005, Held at the International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2005, pp. 69-74.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Bruzzone, A., Viazzo, S.
    Simulation and design of experiments for analyzing security issues in container terminals (2005) 4th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2005, Held at the International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, pp. 43-48.

    Longo, F., Mirabelli, G., Papoff, E. Material flow analysis and plant lay-out optimization of a manufacturing system (2005) Proceedings of the Third Workshop - 2005 IEEE Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2005, art. no. 4062232, pp. 727-731. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS.2005.283081


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