The FELICE Project

  • Funding Agency:
    H2020 Program
  • Domain:
    Human Robot Collaboration
  • Duration:
    48 months
  • Official Website

Project overview

Flexible Assembly Manufacturing with Human-Robot Collaboration and Digital Twin Models
  • FELICE is a H2020 RIA project leaded by the Institute of Communication and Computer System (ICCS) of NTUA School (Greece) that involves several European partners including CAL-TEK (the spin off company from the MSC-LES lab at University of Calabria).
  • FELICE unites multidisciplinary research in collaborative robotics, AI, computer vision, IoT, machine learning, data analytics, cyber-physical systems, process optimization, ergonomics, simulation and digital twin to deliver a modular platform that integrates and harmonizes an array of autonomous and cognitive technologies in order to increase the agility and productivity of a manual assembly production system, ensure the safety and improve the physical and mental well-being of factory workers.
  • The FELICE framework comprises of two layers: (i) a local one introducing a single collaborative assembly robot that will roam the shop floor assisting workers. (ii) an adaptive workstations able to automatically adjust to the workers’ somatometries and providing multimodal informative guidance and notifications on assembly tasks, and a global layer which will sense and operate upon the real world via an actionable digital replica of the entire physical assembly line.

Project results

The FELICE project released two major prototypes enabling two operational modes: the Manual Mode and the Automatic Mode.
  • For the Manual Mode, the FELICE system prototype includes an advanced robot platform and a dedicated Adaptive Workstations. The robotic platform is able to fully support operators working in assembly lines. Available functionalities include navigation, picking, handover, taking back and placing of objects, tools and components as well as mirroring of the activities in a Digital Twin. The FELICE adaptive workstation can be regarded as an advanced solution for improving ergonomics and safety of assembly line workers.
  • For the Automatic Mode, the FELICE system prototype provides a synthetic simulation environment where the entire FELICE system can be tested with the aim of understanding its impact on the assembly line operational efficiency.

FELICE Consortium

13 Organizations, 6 Countries

We always want to connect with other Research Institutions and Companies

Research must always be a beneficial extended as much as possible and we look forward to partnering with other Universities and Companies to achieve new goals.