Funding Agency:
Agrifood 4.0
36 months
- Official Website

Project overview
- The overall objective of the SMALLDERS project is to carry out basic research as well as industrial research and development activities with the aim of identifying a framework that encompass innovative strategies, methodologies, technologies and business models to increase the resilience of small-scale farms in the Mediterranean area,
- The SMALLDERS framework encompasses Web-App and Mobile App technologies, AI based Knowledge Navigators, new Business Models, Blockchain technology, Multi-Capitals Sustainability and Simulation;

Project results
- Increasing saleability and perceived value of smallholder products
- Increasing resilience and address any supply chain disruption
- Increasing smallholder products traceability, quality, safety and perceived value
- Helping smallholders to increase productivity and to cope with the shortage of workforce
- Increasing the Multi-Capital Sustainability of Smallholders processes
SMALLDERS' Consortium and External Partners
University of Calabria, Italy
Project CoordinatorThe University of Calabria is leading the project through the MSC-LES lab, providing the following competences.
University of Parma, Italy
Project PartnerThe University of Parma is leading the data acquisition and experimentations in different testbeds.
IMT Mines Ales, France
Project PartnerThe IMT Mines Ales is responsible for developing the simulation capabilities of the SMALLDERS platform.
Extremadura University
Project PartnerThe Extremadura University is investigating how the Smallholders can improve their own business models.
University of Tunis, Tunisia
Project PartnerThe University of Tunis is leading an effort for the multicapital sustainability of Smallholders.
AFUREX Association, Spain
External End User"AsociaciĆ³n de Fruticultores de Extremadura", one of the end-users of the SMALLDERS project.
Ministry of Agriculture, Tunis
External End UserParticipating as external end-user throug the Nabeul Regional Agricultural Development Commission.
Le Mas des Agr., France
Project CoordinatorLe Mas des Agriculteurs is providing its capabilities to put together multiple french Smallhoders.
Ecor Natura Si, Italy
External End-UsersEcoNatura Si is providing the needs of Smallholders working with organic and biodynamic agriculture
Az. Stuard, Italy
External End UserAzienda Agraria Sperimentale Stuard (Stuard Experimental Agricultural Company)

We always want to connect with other Research Institutions and Companies
Research must always be a beneficial extended as much as possible and we look forward to partnering with other Universities and Companies to achieve new goals.
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: +39 0984 494891