EMSS 2008 Proceeding

Distributed discrete simulation on the web

Authors:   Aman Atri, Felix Breitenecker, Nicole Nagele, Shabnam Tauböck


With the vast development of internet technologies webbased simulators have come to an extent where flexibleloosely coupled components communicate in adistributed way. We are introducing a softwarearchitecture where the simulation environment is notlimited to browser or applet specific restrictions butusing the web as a transport layer. Furthermore thisarchitecture permits us to separate the location of thedata collection, the computational part and thevisualisation modules. For a more transparentcommunication between distributed simulators ageneric higher level semantics is able to passinformation and data on top of a lower-level networkingprotocol. The idea is to design a system where modulescan be deployed and interchanged without redesigningthe whole simulator.

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