EMSS 2008 Proceeding

Degoms, a systematic way for task modelling and simulation

Authors:   Ali Mroue, Jean Caussanel


If the representation of tasks can now rely on manymodeling formalisms, few of them offer simulationsolution for controlling the consistency of the modeledtask. Most often this control can be done by a humanagent working on the built model.As part of a project of modeling and simulation of thehuman operator, we propose a process and a platformoffering an opportunity for those who have to designapplications with the known constraints of currentdevelopments. This paper describes our approach whichuses GOMSL formalism, widely used in the world ofHCI, as a model source. GOMSL is very suited for thedescription of computer task but it doesn't have a realsimulator. The aim of this work was therefore toestablish a semi-automatic re-expression of GOMSLmodels to DEVS model that can be immediatelysimulated (a set named DeGOMS).

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