EMSS 2016 Proceeding

Simulation and optimization of the manufacturing process of e- bicycles: the case of innovaunam

Authors:   P. González-Hernández, A. Huerta-Barrientos


The electric bikes are a new concept of bikes designed to promote exercise and at the same time the reduction of road congestion and pollution, spending on fuel and autonomous mobility. In Mexican context, the entrepreneurial sector was the first producing electric bicycles, but its assembly system was not optimized. In fact, due to the high costs of production the lifetime of their enterprises is limited to less than three years. The aim of this paper is to develop a simulation model of electric bicycles manufacturing process maximizing the productivity as a tool for supporting the decision- making of Mexican entrepreneurs of this sector. We develop the conceptual model of manufacturing process based on requeriments of real demand of e-bicycles. Then, we implement the simulation model using AnyLogic software. The simulation model is validated via a sensitivity analysis. Finally, we maximize the productivity of the manufacturing process using the OptQuestTM solver.

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