IWISH 2012 Proceeding

Qualitative features of a novel baroreceptor model

Authors:   Adam Mahdi, Johnny Ottesen, Mette Olufsen


Blood pressure regulation by the cardiovascular system is a complex physiological process. Cardiovascular mo- deling can offer a valuable insight often beyond the reach of experiments. In this study we provide a new mathematical model of the afferent component of the baroreflex feedback system. The model takes advantage of the so-called quasi-linear viscoelastic theory, which has been widely used to describe the nonlinear viscoe- lastic response of living tissue. It also uses a simple in- tegrate-and-fire model to predict the baroreceptor re- sponse and therefore takes into account the conceptual structure of the baroreceptor. Our objective is to test our new baroreceptor model for its ability to reproduce ex- perimental data qualitatively and demonstrate known pressure-response relationships. We also highlight that the model can be coupled with an existing model of the efferent pathways, eventually predicting heart rate.

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