SESDE 2014 Proceeding

A decision model to increase security in a utility network

Authors:   Jochen Janssens, Luca Talarico, Kenneth Sörensen


In this paper we propose a decision model aimed at in- creasing security in a utility network (e.g., smart grid, water network). This model assumes that all edges (e.g., pipes, cables) have a certain, not necessary equal, prob- ability of failure, which can de reduced by taking ap- propriate arc-specific security measures. These are com- bined in security strategies that should be applied to mini- mize the risk of disconnecting an origin node from a des- tination node. We develop a simple but effective meta- heuristic approach to solve this problem. Detailed exper- iments on realistic instances are conducted and the rela- tionships between solutions and problem parameters are tested by simulating different scenarios.

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