SESDE 2014 Proceeding

A rigorous approach for smart grid systems engineering using co-simulation

Authors:   Brett Bicknell, Karim Kanso, Jose Reis, Neil Rampton, Daniel McLeod


This paper reports on the progress of a case study exploring the application of simulation and formal methods to the development of a cyber-physical smart grid voltage control system. The control system is required to monitor voltage across the low-voltage network and adjust it accordingly to ensure it is within required bounds. Formal methods are used to ensure that the control system fulfils its requirements, and simulation is used to validate the system and its requirements. It is demonstrated that using both formal verification and validation within a single toolset provides both an increased level of assurance that the system is correct and reduced development costs due to early identification of errors. In essence the methodology described in this paper, when correctly applied, improves system level design at the initial phase of systems engineering.

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