WAMS 2012 Proceeding

Simulation of multi coalition joint operations involving human modelling

Authors:   Agostino Bruzzone, Alberto Tremori, Marina Massei, Francesco Longo, Letizia Nicoletti, Simonluca Poggi


In this paper are presented on-going researches to investigate usage of modeling and simulation for the creation of scenarios multi-coalition joint operations scenario with civilian, refugees and non military organizations heavily involved (Governmental and Non). Over the last 20 years this is the most diffuse kind of theater where Western Armed Forces are involved. The researches will be focused on interoperable simulation to federate different models to represent different layers of the reality and the use of agent driven simulation based on human behavioral models; this allows to recreate very complex and extended scenarios with population and other non conventional agents with a reduced effort (in terms of personnel and budget). As first steps a group of military Subject Matter Experts is under creation and the early suggestions from user community is to focus, considering the original scope of the project, also on simulation of medical operations and units. In this paper it will be described the mail goals and the approach that will be adopted for the development of models and the creation of the federation that will represent a demonstrator for the main outcomes of the research. It will be also described the international partners that will involved to bring models for the federation among the main research centers and companies active in the M&S world.

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