Chairs: (a) Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc ; (b) Andreas Körner
Affiliation: (a) Univ. Ljubljana, Fac. Electrical Engineering, (Slovenia) ; (b) Technological Vienna Uiv. of Technology, Div. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation, (Austria)
Contacts: (a) ; (b)
Academic courses on Modelling and Simulation are offered by many universities and simulation companies all over Europe. The concepts and contents of these courses are quite different because aims, application fields, origin of the audience, utilized tools or the course duration is various.
In this situation, it makes sense to discuss the developed concepts, compare different approaches, exchange tools and materials for education.
Simulation tools can also be a great benefit for teaching in other scientific areas.
The Minisymposium places emphasis on two subjects:
For further information please contact Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc and Andreas Körnerc.