I3M 2020 - Virtual I3M Conference

Due to the Covid-19 emergency and for the health and safety of our Attendees, this year our conference will be an online Virtual Conference. Therefore, we have decided to introduce some important news briefly reported below:

  • All the sessions will be held online. The software platform that will be used for the Virtual Conference and the Conference program will be released duly before the conference.
  • Registration fees for the second and the third paper of the same authors will be waived.
  • Starting from this year the papers will be published open access according to the Common Creative License and papers including in the proceedings will be linked with a DOI. The DOI will be then provided to SCOPUS to establish a link between the article on SCOPUS and our repository located at http://www.msc-les.org/proceedings/i3m/. A new copyright form and paper template will be soon provided on the conference website.
  • As we do not know how the Covid-19 pandemic will evolve in the next months, we will try (as long as possible) to have also the physical Conference in Athens. If we will be able to safely hold the conference in Athens, Attendees will have the possibility to decide whether to switch the registration from virtual to physical attendance or to keep the special registration fee for the Virtual conference. In case of switching (passing from virtual conference to physical attendance) the author will be required to pay the difference between the normal registration fee and the special fee for the virtual Conference.
  • Starting from this year, as already mentioned from previous communications, short papers (minimum 4 pages) are accepted. Please check the author's instruction section
  • The Deadline for the first submission will be further extended to June 15th (to provide our attendees with the opportunity to prepare their submissions).

Please note that considering the actual situation due to covid-19 we decided to transfer 20 Euro from each registration fee to provide support to the the: The Sovereign Order of Malta (SOW), Liguria and Genoa Delegation that is active in front line against the pandemic and in operations within Splendid Cruise Ship, reconverted in Hospital in Genoa Port.

The SOW is an Humanitarian Institution, subject of International Law and present in United Nation as Permanent Observer, and it has been established in 1113 AD while it is still operative in 120 Countries to provide Medical, Social and Humanitarian help to People of all of all Faiths, Cultures, Nationalities and Ethnic Groups. The Sovereign Order of Malta, Liguria and Genoa Delegation, as well as people the Italian Relief Corp of Order of Malta, are an active partner in STRATEGOS initiative for using Modeling, Simulation, AI and Data Analytics to support Strategic Decision Making in Humanitarian Scenarios. We are also glad to provide you also the reference in case you are interested to contribute further to support

IBAN: IT 95 B 05034 01426 000000000425 From Outside Italy, BIC: BAPPIT21Q56

Banco di Chiavari e della Riviera Ligure – Gruppo Banca BPM

Owner: AVASMOM Description: Nave Ospedale Splendid, CISOM, STRATEGIS & I3M

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

We look forward to virtually see you soon.

I3M 2020 Scientific Sponsors

I3M 2020 Industrial Sponsors

I3M 2020 Media Sponsors