Food engineering has expanded enormously in terms of issues addressed,
theories and tools deployed to improve food processing and food traceability. Indeed, there is a
growing effort toward the application of artificial intelligence techniques as well as
mathematical modeling and software development for food processing and traceability purposes.
This widening domain along with the dynamism in the Modeling and Simulation technologies and
approaches throw up many challenges for researchers and practitioners seeking to come to terms
with the scope and diversity of the field. As a matter of facts the food sector has its own
particular nature that makes it quite different from other industrial sectors. Among others the
need to ensure quality standards against time and environmental conditions, to guarantee the
traceability along the whole supply chain, to meet customers’ needs with costs and energy
savings are merely a few of all the hallmarks of food engineering. Therefore the International
Food Operations & Processing Simulation Workshop has the potential to make an important
contribution to the literature both in appraising the current state of research and in providing
advanced approaches for the future development of the field. The aim of the Workshop is to
collect papers that go beyond the current state of the field, and have also the potential to
stimulate and guide future research efforts delineating critical paths for future research. Such
papers would address key aspects such as modeling and simulation of food processes, comparison
and optimization of emerging food technologies, risk assessment, food safety and shelf-life
prediction; analysis and modeling of food packaging; food processing sustainability,
traceability, production planning and scheduling; supply chain and cold chain design and
management; inventory management and storage area design; automation of production processes and
logistics etc directing the attention to the relationships among concepts and theories within
and across the different subfields.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is presenting tremendous challenges for our entire world. During this period of hardship and uncertainty, we understand that the global research community is significantly but also variably affected by this pandemic. Despite the fact that the 2020 edition of I3M conference is still months away, we want to provide the following clarifications and reassurance.
We will continue to update you throughout the next few months to keep the community apprised of any adjustments that might need to be made. We wish everyone health, patience, and strength during this difficult time. Please keep in touch with us! We will try to keep research communication moving as closely as possible to a normal process with flexibility.
After so many editions, I3M carries on with the long tradition bringing new ideas, solutions, approaches and plenty more. The FOODOPS Organization Committee is composed by:
It is a long tradition for I3M to provide opportunities to its Authors to extend their work for being published in International Journals; in fact as one of the most important and successful Simulation appointment, I3M 2020 includes historical conferences such us EMSS and HMS that this years will respectively celebrate the 32th and 22th years edition. Thanks to the invaluable works of the Organizing Committees, International Program Committees, Reviewers and Local Organizers, this year the I3M Multiconference is one of the biggest events of M&S worldwide. So, due to these reasons, several International Journals will publish Special Issues based on a collection of extended versions of best selected papers among those submitted to EMSS, MAS, HMS, DHSS, IWISH, SESDE, IMAACA, FoodOPS, VARE