Chairs: Ferdinando Chiacchio;
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Catania (Italy);
Dependability assessment is a crucial activity for the operations management and maintenance of a production system. With the boost of Industry 4.0, we are entering in the era of the big data and predictive analytics: industrial machines, equipped with IoT sensors and smart devices, are becoming cyber-physical systems able to communicate in real-time the main operations information. The prior knowledge of the equipment status can help the industrial stakeholders with the optimization of the production plans, the understanding of the systems’ health and the scheduling of the maintenance activities. Under this scenario, researchers and risk practitioners are called upon to propose new techniques and models for analyse the dependability attributes of these complex systems, integrating traditional model-based reliability methodology and innovative data-driven and AI techniques.
The aim of this track is to present recent contributions dealing with the modelling, simulation and/or comparison with analytical techniques, new methods or software tools for the dependability assessment of complex systems, hybrid approaches, AI techniques and state of the art applications, in order to provide experts with an opportunity to exchange information and discuss new developments in this field.
Topic of interest include:
For further information please contact Ferdinando Chiacchio;