The SO4SIMS Project

Funding Agency:
MUR, Italian Ministry of University and Research
Industry 4.0 & 5.0
36 months
- Official Website

Project overview
- As Industry 4.0 and 5.0 takes shape, human operators experience an increased complexity of their daily tasks: they are required to be highly flexible and to demonstrate adaptive capabilities in a very dynamic working environment.
- The main goal of this project is to carry out R&D activities to move ahead the state of the art in the area of Smart Operators and their role in manufacturing systems according to the new Industry 4.0 paradigm. The SO4SIMS proposal conceives a holistic methodological and technological framework able to tackle the Smart Operator problem conceptualization and implementation from multiple interconnected perspectives.

Project results
- A dedicated Digital Twin for collecting and analyzing the data needed to investigate the Smart Operator problem;
- A set of new models that will consider in a synergic way: the operators’ safety and ergonomic problem, the operators’ ageing problem and the interaction of the operators with the shop floor technologies.
- Synthetic, virtual and simulated environments that works as test bed for the practical implementation of the Smart Operator.
SO4SIMS' Consortium
The University of Calabria, Italy
Project CoordinatorThe University of Calabria is leading the project through the MSC-LES lab, providing the following competences.
The University of Salento, Italy
Project PartnerThe University of Salento is leading the development of the Digital Twin and IoT layer.
The University of Salerno, Italy
Project PartnerThe University of Salerno is involved in the operators' ageing problems, providing the following competences.
The Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
Project PartnerThe Polytechnic of Bari, collaborates with University of Salerno on the aeging problems.
The University of Palermo, Italy
Project PartnerThe University of Palermo provides specific competences on workers safety and ergonomics.
The University of Basilicata, Italy
Project PartnerThe University of Basilicata leads specific research activities on Human Robot Collaboration.

We always want to connect with other Research Institutions and Companies
Research must always be a beneficial extended as much as possible and we look forward to partnering with other Universities and Companies to achieve new goals.
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: +39 0984 494891